Chapter 3

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Eunji pointed out the only open seat in the classroom, saying that the others were filled by the boys and herself. I nodded as we approached the teacher, who looked less than happy about our intrusion. 

"Nice of you to join us Eunji, I take it you were with our new student? Is there a reason you're ten minutes past the bell?" Eunji gulped. 

"Kim seonsaengnim*, this is Whimsy. She actually lives with me and I sort of lost track of time showing her around the school. I wanted to make sure she understood the route here and everything too. Sorry. It won't happen again!" She bowed the full ninety degrees and cringed a little waiting for his response. 

"I see. Well I hope she's better at being on time than you are. Take your seats then."

As I retreated to the back of the room, a ruckus began outside the room. The Bulletproof Boyscouts were certainly coming through on their end of the deal. Mr. Kim looked viciously agitated, but held his breath as he quietly exited the room. 

"Ah, so annoying! Can't you see we're having a conversation?" J-Hope complained loudly. 

"Sorry to interrupt," Mr. Kim replied icily, "but class has begun, so if you plan to attend you should join us now, and those of you who are not in my class should-" he recollected himself, making sure not to offend them, "might be better off if they went to their own classrooms. Especially this middle schooler." 

Oh right, Jungook did seem younger. He must have been a middle school third year. As a matter of fact, judging by their faces, V and Jimin were a year below me, J-Hope and Rapmonster would have been my year, and Jin and Suga...did they even go here?

Rapmonster sighed. "You should really be careful how you talk to us Kim. You were almost rude just now! I suppose I'll let it slide today." Mr. Kim didn't say another word as Rapmonster, J-Hope, V, Suga, and Jin entered the room. They must have been repeats, yikes. 

To make matters worse, I realized the open seat next to me belonged to one of those repeaters. Suga pulled out the chair lazily and plopped down, immediately turning his attention to the window beside him. I don't know if he just planned on doing senior year again and again, but he didn't seem too interested in studying. 

I sat stick straight in my chair, trying to avoid looking at him or making the teacher think I was in any way connected to him. That was a reputation I didn't need on the first day. 

I stole a glance across the room and saw Eunji at a table with another girl she hardly seemed to know. In fact her gaze wasn't directed at the board either, but rather at a certain handsome super senior just across the alley from her, sitting beside J-Hope. Whenever she looked away, his eyes drifted back to her. They missed each other every single time, and it was infuriating. Watching their exchange was enough to distract me entirely from the lecture. 

A thunk shifted my attention to the boy next to me. His cheek was now pressed against the cool desk, bangs shielding his eyes from view. Still, I could tell he was looking right at me, maybe curious about his new deskmate, maybe just bored with nothing else to see. Possibly both. 

I scrunched down when Mr. Kim's back was turned and leaned slightly toward the boy. 

"Hey." I whispered. "Comfy over there?"

He gave me a slightly irritated expression in return, as if unsure if I was screwing with him or genuinely trying to start a conversation. Honestly, I wasn't sure either, but something about him prompted me to probe him. To most this probably seemed like a bad idea. It would give me a bad reputation straight off the bat. He appeared the least approachable member of the entire gang, and he looked pretty scrappy as well. Judging by the muscle definition in his shirt, he was probably the brawn of the group. A fighter. But hey, he was kinda hot. Yeah, it was a dumb idea.

"It's cold. And hard. Not good for napping." He retorted, propping his head up on his arm. 

"You can borrow my scarf if you want. Fold it up and use it as a pillow." I offered. What the hell was I doing and why?

He cocked his head at me curiously and I pulled the scarf out of my school bag, folding it carefully before slipping it over to him. He still didn't seem to trust me, but took it anyways. 

"Thanks." With that, he laid his down facing away from me and knocked out. He stayed that way all class period. 

When the next teacher came in, Rapmonster suddenly transformed. V and J-Hope also appeared to straighten up a bit. Rapmonster approached the teacher politely and bowed, making conversation like a casual teacher's pet. What on earth...? 

When homework was asked for, those three turned it in graciously, and V and Rapmonster were even asked to solve problems at the board with the class representatives. And they got it right.

For the rest of the day, Suga slept, Jin doodled, and the three other boys appeared to be model students. It was like their probation officer had just walked into the room and they were really trying to stay outta prison. I mean, if anything, shouldn't it have been the other way around? How could the repeat students be so lazy and carefree, but the year advanced student and regular seniors were so adamant to be productive...and only after homeroom had ended?

Needless to say, I had a LOT of questions to be answered, so I was ecstatic when the final bell rung and I could once again speak to Eunji about the insane crap going on in her supposedly average high school. She started for me, but I remembered my scarf. 

I tapped him on the shoulder lightly. He didn't respond. I shook him a little harder.

"Psst. Suga. Whatever your name is. is over..." He perked up suddenly. 

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah...can I uh...have my scarf back...?" He looked down at it for a second, then shook his head.

"I probably drooled on it. I'll take it home and wash it. Here you can take mine for now." He then pulled one out of his own bag, and before I could react, draped it around my neck and patted me on the head like a puppy. "Call me Yoongi." With that he abruptly left, and twenty sets of eyes fell on me. 

So much for my good reputation. 

[A/N: Seonsaengnim: Korean for teacher. Instead of saying Mr. or Mrs. in Korea they say the teacher's last name (family name) and teacher because teachers have a special status in society from a regular adult or say, coworker.]

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