Chapter 36

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[A/N: Alright guys, this is the last official chapter of the franchise, can you believe it?! 36 chapters and 1.8K READS. Over a year and it's been a journey. After this is an epilogue chapter and anything after will be fun little one-shot bonus chapters I promised. The soundtrack to this chapter is Winter Bird by Aurora so go listen if you're feelin some type o' way.]

My head only cleared marginally as I saw Soomin pounce on one of the men holding him down there was so much screaming I almost didn't register my own feet moving toward the man assaulting him with his back to me. I doubt he understood what was happening either when I came from behind, possessed by unnatural newfound strength, wrenched the knife from his grasp, and buried it in his shoulder.

Didn't know how the tide had turned so suddenly when Yoongi somehow broke free of the Hulk of man holding him down and rushed the other man that had been on Namjoon's flank, tackled him and started laying into him mercilessly, broken wrist or not. 

No one really knew when Jungkook and Jimin had arrived, at some point I just noticed Jungkook kicking the shit out of some guys blackbelt style. He was smaller, but much, much faster. 

The man I'd just stabbed pushed me aside and scrambled away, trying desperately to remove the knife from his back shoulder blade. In the end Soomin did it for him, opting instead to reposition it in his ribs. The man screeched, but was hardly heard over the utter horrified scream of someone else. 


It was Jin, on his knees and clutching his chest like the air had been snatched from his lungs. 

"Eunji, call 119 right now and stay back!" He bolted for Namjoon's side and began helplessly trying to plug the many holes in his body leaking precious life from him. 

"Fuck this, boss only said to make sure he dies anyway!" One of the lackies yelled. There seemed to be a collective sudden fear of this group of chaotic teenagers pushed beyond the brink. Like smoke, in mere moments they had all vanished from sight, and we were left in the slightly chilly early spring evening in the heap of fallout. 

Just a couple minutes, and it was like these people had managed to end our whole world. 

Everyone dragged themselves to Namjoon's form, desperately trying to keep pressure on the many, many wounds. 

"I-I'm so-sorry," Namjoon choked out, blood pouring from his mouth as well. I wondered what internal injury was causing it. Was it his lungs? Organs? What slim, tiny chance was there that this impossibly generous human being would survive the night and die in the street like a terrified animal who'd wandered too far from the forest and met with a car's brute strength. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," These words, muttered like a prayer, over and over again. 

"Shut up you asshole! You have nothing to apologize for! What are all of you doing help me carry him to the hospital unless one of you secretly had ENT training I don't know about!" Jin's voice was pitched in an octave I'd never heard before. 

Everyone agreed, lifting Namjoon despite his yelps of pain which made us all wince. 

"The paramedics are on foot since it's closeby," Eunji stated, panting through wet eyes. She clutched onto Jin's blood stained sweater, rubbing his back protectively as he continued to tug his dying best friend and sob. "When we run into them they've got equipment to get him into the ER quickly and he'll be the top priority."

"We need to move faster," Yoongi demanded, hoisting Namjoon higher and picking up the pace. 

In no more than two minutes we were in the hospital, and Namjoon was wheeled into the operating room at break-neck pace. The air returned to our lungs, but so did gravity. Everyone collapsed in the waiting room as the trauma set in. 

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