Chapter 23

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[A/N: Almost 800 reads omg!! At this point its very possible that this story could reach 1000 by the end and that is FREAKIN AMAZING GUYS. I won't let you down, there's still a lot more to come, and I promise you is a shit-spiral into insanity. It's been almost a month but I'm finally back with another chapter! I should be doing other hw, but here I am. I have sworn to myself I WILL FINISH THIS FIC. Enjoy.]

After Yoongi was discharged, I asked my dad to drop us off at mom's house so he wouldn't see the boys' abandoned warehouse hovel. He thought it was odd, but conceded. 

From there, we walked backed to the Bangtan lair in heavy silence. Yoongi was fairly high on pain meds, which he proving to be less than fond of. I got the feeling he was going to be ditching them soon, opting instead to struggle through the pain and keep his independence, which would only end up being Hell for me, watching him battle the crippling waves of pain until he healed. 

Yoongi mumbled something incoherent.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I hate this," He elaborated. "I feel fuzzy and spinny and like I might vomit. I can't even walk straight." 

"You're on hydrocodeine, hon. That happens. It's better than being in agony." I insisted. 

"I doubt that." He grumbled. 

"Min Yoon Gi unless you are determined to make yourself suffer just take them the first few days and then go down to the less heavy medications. Your body has all kinds of obnoxious reactions to severe pain like that, so unless you want to be uncontrollably shedding tears, sweating profusely, or-"

"Whimsy-ah, I'm an athlete with abusive parents. This isn't the first time I've broken a bone, alright? Stop worrying so much." 

I whirled on him and snapped, "Well this time I don't want you suffering alone with it!" 

He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but decided against it for my sake. I shuddered to think what it might be, no doubt something about always having suffered alone and being used to it. 

After a very slow and wonky process, we managed to make it to the house, and all the boys were home. The moment we stepped through the door, they descended on us like dogs. Namjoon appeared and he and Jin took Yoongi from my side and helped him to the couch, Yoongi of course grumbling all the way. Eunji and Soomin had been waiting as well since I'd texted them in the hospital earlier, and everyone was in a flurry about us. 

Jin excused himself to fix everyone something to eat. 

In the minutes that followed, I learned a lot about everyone by the way they reacted to the situation. 

J-Hope stood in the corner of the living room leaned up against a wall. His face was contorted into a visage of severe malice toward the bringers of Yoongi's poor condition, but his angry waned immensely any time Yoongi shifted in discomfort or was in need. He was quick to make jokes whenever possible to cheer up his hyung, and did manage to extort a laugh from him several times.

Jungkook stood further away from the rest and was silent for the entire conversation, a marked difference from his usual mischievousness. On several occasions I witnessed him wiping his eyes and averting his gaze to something other than his injured hyung. It was the most serious I had ever seen him. 

Jin had somehow become ever more motherly, fussing over Yoongi (much to his disdain) and demanding to talk to more doctors about Yoongi's potential to heal. 

Taehyung and Soomin were the least emotionally fazed by the incident, having years of untold abuse under their belts. They were upset, yes, but never cried or lost their tempers. They asked questions about the severity of the injury. They asked how Yoongi was. What the best way to keep Yoongi's parents away would be. Their calculative calm in the face of such evil was considerably disturbing.

Jimin, out of everyone, was the most emotional. He didn't let Yoongi more than two inches from him the entire night. When Jin brought the food out, he insisted on feeding Yoongi (who was very unhappy about it). He cried openly for the Hyung he felt the most brotherly affection toward. Being the kind human he is, Jimin wept because he couldn't understand how anyone could do such a thing to their own child, and because of the implications on Yoongi's future. Jimin beat anyone to the punch when Yoongi had the slightest need, even me. Multiple times, this was a matter of him literally running for the object in question. 

Namjoon's face was heavily weighed down by the burden of the issue at hand. As the natural leader, everyone looked to him for the decisions. For retribution plans. For a guiding hand to corral their runaway emotions and reassure them of the future. But Namjoon himself was upset and frazzled by the attack on his close friend. 

"Do you want me to do something about them?" Namjoon asked slowly. 

"You mean like you did to Taehyung's dad?" Yoongi questioned. Namjoon nodded. "No." He said, looking down at his hands. "We don't need that kind of attention right now. Much less...we don't need extra murders in our lives. Just forget about it. They'll stay away now."

"But they should be in jail! Can't we at least tell the police what they did to you?" Jimin burst out.

Yoongi gave him a long, worn out look. "We're wanted criminals ourselves and they're professional lawyers Minnie. There's no good outcome."

At this, everyone hung their heads in mutual gloom. 

"We can at least make the best of it," Namjoon declared decidedly. "We can sell what's in the boxes you already brought over and make a substantial amount. We can do more repairs around the house. Get some new clothes. Maybe even get Jimin some dance and singing lessons or pay some of Junkgook's mom's bills." Everyone seemed very pleased by this answer, including myself. It was this kind of ingenuity under pressure that made Namjoon such a good leader. With this, the meeting was adjourned. Jimin and I helped Yoongi up to his room and settled him. 

As Jimin shot one last worried glance toward his hyung and headed out, Yoongi caught my arm. 

It was clear to see that he has been embarrassed and frustrated all night, but I was the only one who knew how bad it really was in his head that night. 

"Whimsy-ah," He said quietly, not looking me in the eyes, "Can you stay? I just feel like...if I'm alone tonight..." He paused. "I won't make it..."

Sensing his strife and knowing how deeply I wished someone had done the same for me when I had been in the same space years ago, I didn't have to think twice. I texted my mother that I was staying at Soomin's house and laid down beside Yoongi.

I pulled the covers up over us and snuggled close to him, pulled into the scent of his cinnamony soap. Once there, Yoongi pressed a small kiss on my forehead before nuzzling his face into my neck. Letting his guard down finally, he trembled there for a long while. I smoothed his hair and lulled him quietly as he drifted into the strong embrace of the sleep-inducing medications. 

At once he was still and silent, and I let out a sigh of relief. 

That night, it took me an abnormal amount of time to fall asleep, and in that time my mind wandered. 

I knew then, I realized, that I loved him. I wanted to protect him at all costs and be the person who helped him through everything that came his way. I wanted to be there when he succeeded too, like I knew he would. 

I made a decision that day, swearing my loyalty to the boys and their future.  No one would stop me from following through, no matter that consequences would arise from that.

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