Chapter 35

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"Alright so I fucked up,"

These were the first words out of Namjoon's mouth as he burst back into the house. Next came some barely discernible screaming to gather everyone in the house. 

"Eunji too," He adds, panting. "Jin, you have to get her here now and tell her to pack a small bag with whatever her most important belongings are. If we leave her behind I think they'll hurt her. I'm sorry." 

Jin's face twisted into one of more anger and turmoil than I'd ever imagined possible. Furious though he seemed, he ran a hand through his hair, shook his head, and bolted in the direction of Eunji's house. 

"Jimin, go get Jungkook right now, as fast as you possibly can. Tell him there's no time to say goodbye to his parents." Namjoon ordered, Jimin appeared heartbroken but also left without asking questions. Namjoon's facade broke a little then, feeling most regretful towards the only actual child amongst them. Through no fault of his own or Jungkook's, he would be dragged down to the same fate despite infinite potential. 

"Alright, now's the part where you tell us what the fuck is going on." Yoongi hisses. "What did you do and where the hell are we all supposed to be going?"

"I'd rather not explain until everyone's here." He retorts coldly. 

"Well you don't have a choice, I'm not packing my bags with no fucking direction. Anyone else here feeling that?" Yoongi seethes, gesturing in question to Taehyung, Soomin, and an exhausted-looking Hoseok. 

"Why do you always have to cause problems, dammit Yoongi!" He threw his hands up in frustration. "Okay, my dad wasn't keen. He wants to kill me. Probably all of you. I got a guy to ferry us to Japan. We can stay there maybe a month then we'll need to rent or steal a boat and go to Thailand. That'll be home. That's it, okay? We're fucked. Pushing opium in Thailand is our best bet. I did it okay?! I should've left you all to die in the pits where I found you, you probably would've ended up better off than the future I've dragged you into now. What else do you want me to say?!" He roared, tear tracks visible on his face. 

"There was never a future for me, you were helping Namjoon. No one blames you." Yoongi placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "What about Whimsy? If anyone has a chance it's her, right?"

Namjoon nodded hastily. "If she can get out of the country fast enough. Or if we can get the cops to pick her up as a runaway and keep her in custody until her mom can get the ticket. If so, I'd one hundred percent recommend it. Someone deserves to get out if they can." Yoongi turned to me as if in slow motion, and suddenly all eyes were on me. 

"You heard him, Whim. Call your mom and pack." 

"No," I refuted. "No way in hell!"

Yoongi approached me gruffly with fire in his eyes. 

"Are you nuts? Is Westconstant that bad?! Worse than living in poverty in South East Asia surrounded by drug lords and sex slaves? What the hell are you thinking?"

"I can't leave you guys behind to die? How the hell do you expect me to live after everyone I care about is sent fleeing for their lives, no way to even know if they made it?" I screeched. 

"I expect you to live!" He screams into my face, and I force myself to mimic his commanding presence, pushing back my shoulders and up my chest into the largest most mock-intimidating five foot four twig I can be. 

"That's not a decision for you to make. It's dangerous either way and I made my choices to be here. I'm gonna see through the consequences and make sure all of you make it out. I'm not leaving everyone else behind to make a clean getaway while you all suffer." I snarl. Yoongi looked as if he was ready to go another round but Namjoon's words as he closed the curtains stopped him cold.

"It's not a choice anymore. They're here."


Taehyung and Soomin came bounding down the stairs, bags in tow. 

"We took the liberty of packing their stuff. What about Jin?"

"They're not back yet," Namjoon manages, clutching his chest. "There's too many guys. We'll have to make a run for it and have our best hold them off then bolt. I'll text them the address to meet us at the dock." He rapidly typed a message in his phone and suddenly mine buzzed. "Whimsy and Soomin, you guys get a taxi from the back door and go there. Take Hoseok too, he can't fight yet. We'll get there."

"No, no way," Hoseok breathed, barely standing on his own two feet. "We need a better plan!"

"There's no ti-"

"Hyung!"  Screamed a voice outside. My blood rang like ice. 

"Jimin!" Yoongi exclaimed, eyes wide. Suddenly the door was open, and Yoongi was outside it, and there was yelling and yelps of pain from everywhere and then Soomin was pushing me to the ground out of the path of monster of a human being, more muscle than man. Then we were scrambling to our feet and out the front door with Hoseok and there was so, so much screaming. 

Yoongi and Jimin were ten feet away, battling another enormous man with a bat, and there was blood, but I had no idea whose. His eyes met mine for a fleeting moment.

"Whimsy run!" He cried. 

I watched in horror as bits of his cast crumbled away, then Jimin was yanked away by a third man as the first punched Yoongi into a wall, secured his arms, and pinned him. As I tried to run for him, I was blindsided by a blunt object to the head and sent spinning back toward the ground, all sense of bearings lost.

"Whimsy!" Yoongi screamed again, unable to move. It was someone else's screams that caught everyone's attention then though.




It was Namjoon's wailing echoing in everyone's minds. The voice was that boy, yes, probably because he was being stabbed. 

Again, and again, and again, and again.

And again, and again, and again, and again, and again. 

And the whole, wide world was like a sea of red.

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