Chapter 26

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"Do you want me to come with you?"

"You don't wanna be around for this." 

Somehow I knew Yoongi of all people would understand wanting to keep family feuds private, so I fled down the streets alone until I reached the apartment. I burst through the door to the soundtrack of one hell of a screaming match- I knew my mother was opinionated, maybe a little crazy, but the sight of her and Eunji's mother in the kitchen looked like a WW2 Grudge Match about to take hold. 

"-You go on and on about how much you hate him, I had a little fun, so what?!" 

"You fucking wh- Whimsy," My mother whirled around to see me entering the house.

 Tentatively, a puffy-faced Eunji emerged down the stairs to the scene. She looked at me, shivering, pale, all trace of her usual loud-mouth confidence erased. 

"Whimsy, go upstairs and pack your bags now. We're moving out tonight." My mother exploded.

"Good." Eunji's mother added.

"Mom!" Eunji yelled. 

"It is none of your business Eunji. We let these people into our home out of pure charity and if they want to shit on that and leave, and incinerate 20 years of friendship in the meantime, so be it."

"Oh, me-  I'M the one destroying this relationship? Right, because sleeping with your best friend's husband is such a service?!" My mother screamed. She wasn't even bother to use Korean anymore- she was far too angry to translate. She couldn't have given any less shits what Eunji's mom did or didn't understand at that point- they were screaming for the hell of it.

"Mom!" I shouted. "Where the hell else are we supposed to stay? Just calm down and talk it   out-"

"I am NOT in the mood to be the 'chill mom' right not Whimsy! You're going upstairs right now to pack your things. We can stay in jjimjilbang or a hotel  until I can get us a plane ticket home."

"Home?" I questioned reasonably. To me, the word had no meaning.

She took a deep breath. "My parents. Wisconsin. It's about time we raised you in your home country anyway. You can finish out school in one damn place like you always should've." 

"Wisconsin?" I screeched. 

"Pack. Your. Bags. Or. We. Leave. Without. Them." 

"Fine," I seethed, "Oh, I'll fucking pack them alright." I grabbed Eunji by the arm and stormed upstairs loudly. 

"Whim, what are you doing? You aren't really going home are you?" Eunji looked at me, horrified, tears streaming down her face. 

"Hell no. I'm not going back to the US now, especially not because of some stupid, petty bitch feud. I've enough of everyone claiming to be the adults in our lives. I'm going to the boys."

This sobered Eunji up. "W-wait, you're moving in with BTS? You're just gonna live out the rest of your high school with the local gangsters?"

"Well it works for them! All of them have been living peacefully away from any and all douchebag parents!" I shouted, ripping shirts out of my dresser and stuffing them into my luggage haphazardly. "You got a problem with that? No problem. Stay here with your mom since mine will be out by tonight anyway."

"No way in Hell," Eunji hissed. "I'm getting miles away from that bitch tonight, just glad you had the same idea. While we're out it we should steal all the cash out of their wallets to take with us as tribute to help pay for the repairs since we're joining the colony." Eunji sniffled and calmly grabbed her bags and begun to pack.

"Um, I mean we don't have to go so far as stealing-"

"That bitch will be lucky I'm not going into her studio and destroying every goddamn painting she's got! She screwed her best friend's husband, tried to blame it on her, and split me and MY best friend apart. I'm not dealing with that kind of bullshit anymore."

"Glad to see my Eunji's back in action. And my parents are mid long-coming divorce so my mom doesn't really give a shit. They're both being overly dramatic fucking idiots."

"We should probably tell the boys we're moving in." Eunji decided. 

"I'll leave that text message to you." I added, having no idea how I would've broached the subject with Yoongi. 

Minutes later we were both thumping down the stairs with suitcases in tow, looking what we felt was like some badass no-nonsense bad girls ready to fight anybody, but in reality we probably just looked like homeless schoolgirls with really bad PMS. Nonetheless our resolve was deadly.

"Where the hell do you think you're going, Eunji?" Eunji's mother demanded.

"The same place as Whimsy." She purred.

My mother shot an impatient glance my way. "We are not taking her with-"

"We're not going anywhere with you." I snapped. 

"Then where the hell do you think you're-"

Eunji and I brushed past them and threw open the door roughly.

"To live in an abandoned warehouse with our boyfriends in the mafia!" I yelled and slammed the door behind us. 

If it were a movie, the scene would've cut there, and I wish it had been. But in reality, no parent is going to just let their kid walk out like that, and we couldn't exactly bolt off with our giant bags, so of course our mothers rushed out behind us yelling and cursing while we tried to speed walk as fast as possible. 

"Where are going? Are you kidding Whim-Whimsy, get back here! I'll let you stay out one night for some space, alright, but we're still leaving as soon as I get a ticket do you understand me? Where are you going to be?"

"Don't you wish you'd asked for the address before." I snapped. 

The taxi finally pulled up, and being from the local, rough neighborhood, he didn't seem to give two shits that he was clearly about to aid a couple of runaways. He had stopped across the street as we'd asked, and we'd already made it across the busy road with luggage in tow. To avoid getting hit by cars, our mothers couldn't dart through and grab us, just as had been my master plan. My parents had always underestimated my ability to be bad, just because I hadn't wanted to, but they were gonna burn for it now.

We threw our bags into the car and jumped in before we could be stopped and sped away. 

As we went on and reality sunk in, I began to feel a pang of fear. How long could it really last? What if the police got involved? What if we had to join the gang too? What if, what if, what if...

I glanced down at my phone through blurry eyes and read one short message from Yoongi.

"Everything will be okay."

I took a deep breath in. It was still better than be shipped away or stuck around for the immense fallout that would ensue. 

It had to be better. 

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