Chapter 31

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We burst through the hospital doors and Yoongi was the first to make it to the reception desk, swiftly demanding to know where Jung Hoseok was. The receptionist directed him to the ICU where we were all crammed into a small waiting room, told that Hoseok was in treatment to stabilize his body and purge the painkillers from his system for several hours. As we sat uncomfortably in the tiny room, Yoongi interrogated the nurses for details. 

"Does it look like he'll make it? How is it going?" He questioned. The nurse shifted on her feet, visibly nervous on account of Yoongi's intimidating demeanor.

"Yoongi," I called softly, laying a hand gently on his arm. "She's not the doctor, go easy on her." He softened a bit at my touch, relaxing his shoulders slightly as he looked back to the nurse expectantly. He might've seemed volatile to outsiders at the moment, but I knew this aggressive tone was simply Yoongi's go-to method of masking grief.

"It's going to be a long night for him," The woman answered finally. "His vitals were very dangerous when we got him. The doctors are doing everything they can to purge what hasn't already been processed in his system and water down what's already in his bloodstream, but his body is still going to have to fight for its life. It was-" She looked down, choosing her words carefully to tip-toe around the lethal and sketchy-looking group of boys around her. "-it was a very potent overdose on a very serious medication." With this she quickly bowed and fled the room to escape the aftermath. 

Yoongi ran a shaky hand through his hair roughly and breathed out heavily as another round of sobs escaped the young Jungkook.

"Why was he taking drugs? Is hyung going to die?" He moaned. Jimin pulled him closer and ruffled his hair affectionately, strongly holding back tears himself. 

"Hyung must've been very sad," Jimin tried to explain. "He was hurting so he did a bad thing to try and stop it." 

"But- but these are drugs! They could kill him! And he robbed somebody! Why would hyung do all these awful things?" Jungkook plead, looking angrier by the second. His world must've have been crashing down in that moment. These boys he looked up to so much- and tonight he was finally realizing the truth behind the matter.

"We're not good people, Kookie." Yoongi managed. "That's why Joonie and I are always telling you to go play with people your age and stay out of trouble. We're not people you should look up to. We're bad, terrible, monsters who can't even see when their closest friends are hurting." 

"I don't believe that," He countered. "You're all doing bad things right now but I know you're good and you can do better! Hyung's going to live and we're gonna help him!" 

The door creaked open suddenly as Namjoon and Taehyung entered the already tight area. Taehyung was in tears, clutching onto the wall for support as Namjoon approached Jin and Yoongi.

"How's he doing?"

Yoongi looked away and Jin spoke for the first time since arriving.

"He's not good. It'll take some time to get it out of his system, and he'll only make it if they manage to stabilize him soon." 

Namjoon sank into a chair and pressed his palms into his eyes as if willing it to all be a dream, but he couldn't wake up. 

At this moment I shifted  my gaze to Taehyung, who was looking rougher than expected. It wasn't just the concern for his friend; he was bleeding from the mouth and clothes disheveled, as if he'd been in a fight. 

"Taehyung, are you okay?" I asked suddenly only to be met with a vicious glare. 

"Am I what matters right now? I walked here, didn't I?" He snapped. 

"Yah," Yoongi barked, "We have enough to worry about tonight without you keeping secrets- that's what landed Hoseok here. So just tell what happened and that you're alright or I'll beat you up and lock you in the house before someone puts you a room beside Hobi!" 

Tae wiped the blood from his mouth and stood up to meet his gaze. "I met Soomin's dad. He's unconscious now. I told her to stay with us because he'll wake up but she insisted it was too full at our place and didn't want to bother anyone. I'm fine," he hissed. Yoongi nodded and the room went silent. 

"If it's too uncomfortable, Whimsy and I can go back to the house now and give you guys some space here." Eunji suggested quietly. 

"No," Namjoon replied softly. "I don't want you two alone there right now. It could be dangerous." Eunji looked down at her feet before bravely speaking up again. 

"I could go stay with my mom, for tonight at least." 

"Eunji-" Jin tried to break in.

"No," She interrupted. "I don't have to talk to her, but there's a safe bed there for me. I don't want Soomin sleeping somewhere she could get hurt when I'm taking up space just because I'm in an argument with my mom. I can swallow my pride enough to help a friend." 

I looked at Eunji desperately, unsure of what to say. 

"It's fine, Whim. If you go back to your mom you won't get out again and that means a one way ticket to Wisconsin. Stay, I'll make space for one person." 

My eyes watered and I rushed to hug her tightly. I watched Jin steel his gaze in an attempt to not look devastated, but it failed. 

"I'll take you back to pack your bags and drop you off at your mom's then," He managed sadly. 

"You should all head home," Namjoon said. "Jungkook, your father is probably worried sick about you, and the rest of you should go rest. Hoseok is my responsibility, I'll stay."

"Like Hell," Taehyung retorted.

"Taehyung," Namjoon interrupted again. "You heard the others. You should go and bring Soominnie home. No one else should get hurt tonight." Taehyung glared into the floor for a moment before nodding stiffly and exiting the room. We all followed solemnly. 

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