Chapter 24

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[A/N: WE HIT 1K READS GUYS. OMFG. Y'all gonna get some bomb ass bonus chaps when I finish this which I SWEAR will be this summer!!! Thanks so much to everyone reading this story has gotten a crazy amount of love!!! Now back to your scheduled programming.]

I woke up the next morning to a single text from my mom saying:

Did you spend the night at Soomin's?

Good thing Dad thought I went back to Mom's house, because I just hadn't shown up to his house one night it would most likely have taken all of an hour for him to call down every police officer and military official in the country for a city wide search party that would end in me being not only grounded, but probably locked in a tower for the rest of my life. 

Yeah, sorry I forgot to text you, I wrote. Yoongi got hurt yesterday so I wanted to stay nearby in case he needed anything. We're going over to Dad's later but I'll be home for dinner.

With that, I rolled over and met the gaze of a very sleepy Yoongi. 

"Joenajim fajkasf" He mumbled in jarbled Korean.

I squinted my eyes. "Joeun...Good Morning?" I tried.

"That's what Issaid izn't id?"

I giggled. "You feeling okay, buddy? Does your arm hurt?" 

He shook his head, causing his long bangs to shift and part in all kinds of wonky ways. He looked at me with big, docile, faraway eyes. "I don't feels anythin."

This extorted another round of laughter from me, and when I was finally able to stop I couldn't help but kiss his sparsely exposed forehead. 

"I felt that. That was nice." He mumbled. 

"Okay, let's go get breakfast, big guy." 


"Stop babying me, I'm not high anymore." Yoongi grumbled. The pain meds had worn off and he had decided to move down to the lighter stuff. Even with his arm in a sling I could see him rubbing it when he thought I wasn't looking. 

"I am going to baby the SHIT out of you for as long as you're injured, and you are going to LIKE IT." I snapped back. Yoongi groaned loudly in response.

"Wah, wife material, 10/10." Namjoon cooed. 

"We don't know that yet," Jimin protested. "We don't even know if she can cook pancakes," He muttered. 

"I actually can cook pancakes, they're not that hard..." I replied in confusion. Jimin looked genuinely distressed by this answer. Gee, if I can cook pancakes I could just marry Yoongi right now and move out, apparently.

"Jin's pancakes are probably better," Yoongi chimed in, smirking in Jimin's direction. Somehow, this actually appeared to make Jimin more concerned. 

"CORRECT!" Jin chirped from the kitchen, coming out with another round of kimchi jiggae. "Everything is best cooked by me." 

"Anyway," Hoseok cut in, rolling his eyes, "More important matters at hand. We've got several boxes sitting in the living room right now courtesy of hyung's disney villain parents, and all I'm seeing is dollar signs. Who's with me?"

"Agreed. Sell that shit and make bank. Take it as the one gift you'll ever get from them. And then share the wealth with all of us of course I mean there are repairs to be done around here." Taehyung concluded, waltzing into the room followed by a drowsy Soomin in an oversized hoodie. She stretched and I became acutely aware that the length of said hoodie was almost not enough. 

I looked to Yoongi wide-eyed for an explanation. Not only was he dead-pan in the face, but a glance around the table showed me no one else was shocked. 

"Is this normal??" I whispered.

Yoongi looked from Soomin back to me and seemed to finally catch what I was on about. 

"Oh, it is these days. Used to be just Hoseok bringing random girls home from time to time but these days everyone's turning into whores." He replied nonchalantly. 

"Yoongi!" I snapped slapping his good arm. "That would make us whores too." 

"Hmm," He hummed, shrugging as he stared off into the distance.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm calculating how long before we have sex and become them too," He wondered aloud. I gasped in disgust. 

"What, you think you'll just put on those tight pants and seduce me one night? I'm not that easy," I hissed, turning my nose in the opposite direction. 

"Oh really?" He purred. I suddenly felt fingertips running up my thighs...

I smacked him away.

"NO." I said sharply. "I don't need that kind of drama in my life right now."

"You're right," He sighed. "I have a broken wrist anyway so we'll have to wait."

"So what do you think Yoongi?" Namjoon asked suddenly, ending our covert conversation. "We don't even need to use black market contacts since it's not stolen. We can just sell them on the internet." 

"Sure," Yoongi shrugged. 

"Can I keep the gameboy though?" Taehyung begged. 

Soomin gasped. "Games!! Yesyes please??" 

"Oooh games, hyung let's keep some games!" Jimin added. 

Yoongi shook his head laughing. "Fine, just keep a few and sell the rest. There's money in those too and we need it."


We stood outside the military base's gate that afternoon for a good ten minutes.

"Why isn't he answering his phone?" I complained. "When the frick does he ever not answer his phone??" 

Yoongi looked slightly concerned. "Yeah he doesn't exactly seem the type." 

"I don't think we can get in without him since you're here," I pondered. 

"Are you here for a medical appointment?" The gate guard asked, overhearing our conversation. 

Actually, we were there to give my dad a gift upon Yoongi's insistence for helping him. But they didn't need to know that.

"Yeah actually," I lied smoothly,- something I had gotten a bit too good at lately- "We're here to pick up his X-rays from yesterday. They referred him to a specialist off base and we need to bring them there." 

The guard thought about for a second. "Do you have your own ID with you?" I nodded. "I think I can let you through this time. I can vouch that I saw him come in yesterday, so you can go ahead. Tell your dad he's really not supposed to have more than one plus one on base at a time though, I'm doing him a favor." He smiled and tipped his hat, pressing a button to lift the blockade. 

I waved as we walked through but was rushed with confusion as we continued on. 

"He has someone else with him right now and he's not answering his phone? What the hell, is drunk at 2pm with some old buddy?"

When we reached the house, everything changed. 

The door was locked though my dad's car was in the drive, this was the first red flag. 

I went in anyway, too naiive and determined to take a hint. 

We heard sounds immediately upon entering that I couldn't- or rather refused to- comprehend.

Continuing around the corner, the dining room came into full view.

Yoongi dropped the present and the thump of it against the floor caught their attention. 

My father whirled around and they both were visible in disturbing clarity. 

There, on the table, shirt unbuttoned and skirt hitched up, lipstick smeared all over her face and my father's, 

was Eunji's mom.

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