Chapter 2

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I wasn't sure how to react to these guys walking less than two feet behind us. They were scary as shit (despite their ridiculous names, but who am I to judge), but we were all practically walking in together so it felt extremely awkward to ignore each other. There was only about a minute of silence, but it felt like forever before Jin finally spoke up. 

"Hey Eunji-ah, how was your weekend?" He asked brightly, hands in his pockets and a welcoming smile on his face. How was this guy in a gang? He seemed like an absolute cinnamon roll, if a little mischievous. 

"Oh- uh, it was great, I guess. Haha. Heh. Uh, my best friend moved in. This is Whimsy, she's from America." She nervously rolled a strand of hair around her finger before ultimately tucking it behind her ear and blinking too many times as she looked up to meet his gaze. 

"Oh really? That's cool!" He finally turned his eyes to me (for almost an entire half second!) and added, "I'm Jin, welcome to Seoul!" Just like that, his eyes snapped right back to Eunji, where they stayed comfortably. I chose not to remark on this immediately, Eunji and I could discuss it tonight.

"Isn't he a little cute and friendly to be in a gang?" I asked in English, so the boys wouldn't overhear.

Someone giggled. "I speak English." Rap Monster chirped before quickly translating for Jin. 

"Hey!! Don't go getting any ideas about me! Eunji and I are exclusive!" He joked.

"I'm sorry WHAT-" I started. but was cut off by Eunji's face turning a bright tomato red as her entire body became a stone frozen statue. 

"J-just kidding, hahaha!" Jin rushed to correct. The other six boys and I exchanged glances. Was this situation even real? 

"Anyways, he's not exactly a cold-blooded killer." Rap Monster explained. "But he's good to keep around. He's got his uses." I nodded as we reached the classroom. 

"You guys should go in." V advised us. "Say you got carried away showing the new student around or something, we'll make you guys look good by coming in even later. The new kid should at least have a chance to be a good student." He winked at us and popped a lollipop into his mouth. Jin nodded quickly. 

"Yeah, we should all be friends! But if you want the teacher to like you, you shouldn't talk to us at school. Maybe we could all hang out sometime!" He added. 

"Girls~!! Yes! Tell all of your cute friends to come too!" Jimin chirped. 

"Aigo, to avoid all of your stupid ideas we should just have a party this weekend." Rap Monster suggested. "Deal?" The other six approved instantly. Well, it was the first day of school and I had already been invited to a party thrown by the local mafia. Totally getting off on the right foot. 

Well, after all it was only for a couple of months. What was the worst that could happen in such a short period of time? I shrugged and walked into my very first Korean class. I was sure everything would be fine. I had no idea what I was in for. 

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