Chapter 10

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[A/N: On the eve of the 'MCR Comeback-PSYCH' tragedy, this very fluffy chapter I intended to write could turn angsty real quick because I am emotionally fragile and grieving. I ask for your understanding in these trying times. *Blows a black lipsticked kiss to the sky* I'm not okay. I am still not okay, but I hope you're all doing well in that big band graveyard in the sky.*single tear*]

I yawned and slowly rose. My head swam and my stomach turned sickly. This. This must be that hangover thing they all talk about.

I turned my eyes as gently as possible to see how the others were doing. Soomin was nowhere to be found, but Eunji was wide awake beside me, staring at the ceiling with horrified eyes.

"You okay there, Eun?" I ventured to ask. 

"You have to tell me it was a dream. You have to tell me none of what I'm remembering right now was real, or else I'm never getting out of this bed again. I'm going to bolt the door and die here." 

I sighed and shook my head. "You mean the utterly mortifying sights you and Jin pulled last night?" I asked. 

She covered her face with her hands and let out a terrified gurgle. 

"You have to kill me, Whimsy. I can't be allowed to live. You have to end me so I never see him again." With this she log rolled all the way across the room, until she ran into the wall and uttered a pitiful bleat of disdain. 

"Come on, Eunji. It's time to face your mistakes. Besides, it's not like you've got anything to worry about. He drunkenly confessed to you. Actually, he did it first. He's the probably trying to drown himself in the bathroom sink right now. Since you two finally admitted it, you should just friggin date already." I conjectured. 

"But he was WASTED. Wasted people say stuff they don't mean. He was just really drunk so I'm sure he didn't really mean it all but he's gonna remember what I said and know that was for real!!" 

I was speechless. 

"You two might be the biggest idiots of all time. I feel like I'm watching one of those infuriating dramas where the main couple just won't get together despite literally everything in the world telling them to. If I punch you two in the back of the neck and you accidentally kiss, will the spell be broken, or do I just need to lock you in a room together and tell you I'm not feeding you until start dating?"

She threw a pillow at me and rose to her feet. 

"Maybe I can just make a run for the door..."

As we came down the stairs, I sent a quick text to my dad before he could worry about when I'd be home. I promised I'd be outside the base at 2pm, and it was already noon. Damn, I had slept in. 

The boys were already awake. Taehyung and Jimin were sitting lazily at the table while Jin did most of the cooking and Yoongi helped him prepare the food. The others must have gone home after everything last night. Soomin was also seated next to Taehyung, and the two appeared to be enveloped in some sort of app game, while Jimin stared boredly into the distance. 

"Is it okay if we join you guys for breakfast? I promise to help clean up," I offered. Yoongi smiled invitingly at me. 

"Of course. It's almost ready, you can just sit." He replied. I couldn't hold back a smile, but hid it from view. His smile was like sunshine. 

I couldn't quite read him, so I fought with everything to not fall too fast...he seemed like the type to break down every defense you ever had without even knowing your name. Somehow I wanted to be reckless, and that's what made him dangerous. I didn't want to be careful around him. 

Eunji and Jin conspicuously avoided each others gazes. After a long stretch of silence, Eunji looked like she was going to burst. 

"So, did you guys sleep well? You must've right? We were all SO drunk last night, haha!" She blurted. Finally, Jin turned around, bringing over a plate of *omurice and placing it in front of Eunji. 

He grinned nervously. "Aigoo! Of course! I have never been so drunk in my life, I don't even know what happened!" 

"Me either! No idea!" Eunji echoed.

"Okay, seriously? This is the approach you guys are going with? You're just gonna pretend it didn't happen?" I asked tiredly. They were ridiculous. Absolutely, utterly ridiculous. 

Eunji glared at me. "So what if it happened? Who even knows what we said, I was drunk for the first time ever and drunk people always say crazy things, don't they? It's just a funny alcohol story! Everyone has those!"

Jin carried over two more plates of omurice. "Of course! I was so drunk, you're lucky I didn't confess to all of you! I probably would've if you'd let me stay up!" He concurred, laughing falsely. 

The rest of us just shook our heads. What could we even do with them?

"Do you guys want coffee or anything?" Yoongi asked. I agreed enthusiastically. Lowkey, I may or may not have been a caffeine addict. Coffee was my happy place, and more importantly, they had it anywhere I lived in the world. 

"How do you take it?" 

"Depends on what you're using." I replied, rising and walking over to him.

"If you're going to get up and show me, it sort of defeats the purpose of asking, you know." Yoongi teased. 

"Don't sass me. Maybe you can use this information later. I will always want coffee. Any time of day or night. Every day. Multiple. It'll come up again." He smiled crookedly and snickered. I dropped in a spoonful of plain sugar and enough powdered creamer to cover the top. 

"And if you have sweetener, I take two packets. If you're using milk or cream instead of this kind, go easy on it because it'll make the coffee cold." I added.

"I'm sorry, I forgot my notepad. Should I write it all down?" I pushed him. 

"You're a douche, you know that?" 

"Ah, my parents always said similar things." 

"That's not funny!! Why would you joke about that?!" I exclaimed. He shook his head.

"Should I be angsty and cry about it all the time instead?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well if you ever need some black eyeliner, I'm here for you."

"Are you busy today?" He asked suddenly. 

"Oh, well- actually I have to go to my dad's after this. But tomorrow I can probably leave the house for a bit in the afternoon. Why?"

"That works. I promised to teach you how to hit remember? Wear something comfortable." He instructed. 

"O-okay," I stammered. 

"Let's do 3pm then. Here, trade numbers with me. Send directions to the base and I'll meet you outside." I did as I was bid. 

And just like that, I had plans alone with Min Yoongi for the first time.

A date?

[A/N: *omurice = rice filled omletey things of goodness. Also, sorry this chapter is late! I wrote half of it yesterday and couldn't finish it well, so I waited til today. Good news is, more coming today!]

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