Chapter 27

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[A/N: I swore to myself I'd finish this story by the end of this summer and GODAMMIT I WILL. I'm going back to Korea this summer to study abroad for a year and no one can know what weeby trash I am, so if I don't complete it now I never will. Different side note, 1.3K?!?!? You guys are great I've gotten a ton of new followers and likes recently so I will try not to let you down. I promise, the story frickin picks up from here. We're in the final stretch, shit will go down, and then I will make good on those bonus chapters.]

When we'd arrived at the boys' place with bags, it hadn't taken them long to understand. 

Not an hour later, several of the boys had rearranged their things like before so that Eunji and I would have a room. Yoongi and I were sitting on a couch in the living room, and things were uncharacteristically quiet and awkward. I couldn't help but notice Namjoon was acting strangely as well. His face seemed torn; he'd welcomed us in but soon gone upstairs looking distraught and judging by the creaking of the floorboards above, he was pacing. 

"I'm sorry," I blurted, eyes blurring with water. 


"I know we're overstepping and I feel terrible asking this of anyone, I just- I didn't know where else to go. My mom's trying to take me back to America to live in freaking Wisconsin-"

"I don't know what a Wisconsin is," Yoongi replied sheepishly.

"Neither do most Americans." I retorted. "Anyway- I know I have no right to complain about parents, I'm just panicking-"

"Whimsy-ah," Yoongi soothed. "It's okay, I know why you're here. It's gonna be okay. We're basically Neverland already, we just aren't used to having Wendy's around," He smiled as he squeezed my hand. 

I smiled grimly. "Wouldn't that make Namjoon Peter Pan?" 

"Who said the analogy needed to go that deep, huh? Maybe you're all just honorary female Lost Boys." He chastised. 

I tried to smile but failed once again, opting instead to hide my face in his shoulder with my knees pulled into my chest. Nothing felt right.

"Namjoon doesn't look happy, Yoongi. I don't think I've ever seen him so conflicted, so tell me we're not putting anyone out here." I mumbled. 

Yoongi turned to face me and swept his healed hand across my cheek.

"Whimsy, you know I'm always straight with you, so I'll just put it on the table okay? None of us are sure about this. Don't get me wrong- I want you here and everyone wants to help you guys because we've all been there. But for Namjoon- the only time he ever gets this upset is when it comes to his Dad, so I can guess what he's thinking. He's worried. He'd love to help you guys, that what he does- but we're only here by the grace of his father. What happens when we test his patience too far? If he knows you're here he'll want you guys to declare your loyalty to him too. Or he might skip that altogether- there comes a point when we're not just a couple of his son's friends. What happens when this whole warehouse is full of people who are loyal to Namjoon? There's a point when as a mob boss he has to look at his obstinate son and all his people as a functioning threat." 

"You're telling me us being here...will make Namjoon's dad either try to induct us...or kill all of us because he thinks we'll become a rival gang?" I trembled. 

Yoongi sighed and avoided my eyes. "I'm telling you that's what he's worried will happen. His dad doesn't want to lose his grip on us. His son is meant to be his successor, but if he's grown too powerful or even hubristic, he wouldn't hesitate to annihilate that possibility and put someone else in that spot."

"So us being here is putting everyone in danger," I surmised dropping my head into my hands. This time, I couldn't stop the tears from spilling. "I'm sorry," I apologized again. "I didn't want any of this to happen." Yoongi's arms wrapped around me closely as he hushed me. 

"Whimsy, I told you, every one of us has been where you are. With nothing, nowhere to go, terrified of what's going to happen next. Namjoon stuck his neck out for each of us, and now it's what we all do for each other. We protect each other, and we'll protect you and Eunji too. And don't forget Soomin- permission or no, Tae's been throwing himself in harms way for her for years." 

"You and Taehyung's parents hurt you, Yoongi. Jin's an orphan. Hoseok has a crackwhore for a mother and I'm here because my parents are being petty!" I burst. 

"And Jimin's here because he loves performing more than anything. And no one holds that against him. Maybe we're a little biased because it's Jimin, and who could say no to that face, but Hell, I'm a little biased toward you too." Yoongi insisted. "Hurt is hurt, Whim. I don't want to lose you, so stay here as long as you need, and I'll take care of the rest, okay? I owe you that much. You punched my parents in the face for me. And paid my hospital bills." He joked. 

"My dad paid your hospital bills. Out of guilt. Hoping it would give him leverage when I found out he was a cheating heartless pig." I growled. 

He sighed. "Maybe, but now my wrist isn't shattered and at least he does feel guilty."

It was silent for a while as I sat close to him and just stared at the floor. 

"I know I don't have the right to be this sad, but..." Yoongi laid a soft kiss on my crown.

"No one gives anyone the right to be sad, Whim. It just happens, and for some people it's just built in." He let out a long breath and stood up. "You wanna take a bath? Maybe it'll clear your head a bit." 

Slowly meeting his gaze, I nodded. 

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