Chapter 34

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[A/N: Guess who's back with a brand new track~ ignore me. Anyway I swear there's only a couple chapters left so as promised I'm gonna finish this before I go to Korea.]

We awoke the next morning to a commotion downstairs. 

I opened my eyes and freed my arm from Yoongi's grasp behind me to stretch, lifting my head from its pleasant position half-buried in pillow to look back him quizzically for explanation. Jimin was nowhere in sight. 

He blinked groggily and took in the world with a bemused and slightly grumpy expression. He stretched his arms out but then let them come back to rest as they had been and neglected to pull away at all, instead opting to bury his face in my neck with a grumble and refuse to move. 

"Why are the children yelling." He mumbled into my shoulder. 

"Maybe something horrible's happening. Are we gonna get up and check on that?" 

"If it were immediate danger there'd be a lot more screaming and we'd probably we dead already. They can break whatever unpleasant future problem news to me at 2pm when I get up. Life can wait. I'm sleepy."

"What if it's good news?" I questioned again, turning to face him. I was aware I was irking him at this point, and of course that was ninety percent of the fun.

He groans loudly. "One: It's never good news, and two: good news can make my day even better after 2pm when I'm fully rested for once." 

I naturally commenced tickling his grumpy ass in retaliation. He tried to push me away but was at a disadvantage with his only working arm pinned to the bed, and thus provided a weak defense with one elbow and intense squirming. 

"Yah!" He snapped suddenly, swinging a leg over mine and rolling on top of me to finally have access to the other arm. And other reasons probably. "If you don't stop I'm gonna kiss you back to sleep to shut you up." He threatened. 

"Can you actually kiss someone to sleep though? Is that a punishment? Are you kisses functioning lullabies?" I teased.

"Huh," He muses. "That sounds like a song. Lullaby Kisses. It would make good lyrics."

"Wow, that is pretty. Do you normally come up with great lyrics in bed?"

He grinned deviously and leaned close with husky chuckle. "You almost sound flirty right now, Whimsy." 

That's when the door burst open.

"Hyung! Hoseok hyung is being discharged from the hospital! Namjoon hyung said he'll be home in an hour!!" Jungkook exclaimed, looking relieved and overjoyed for all of .2 seconds before registering the sight before him. Yoongi straddling me on his bed first thing in the morning. Here this innocent child just wanted to wake his friend up with good news. 

I felt the distinctive, panicky urge to yell "It's not what you think". 

A very, very awkward silence followed and Jungkook blinked, going red. 

"O-oh, I'm sorry hyung, I didn't know!!" He turned fled he room promptly, eliciting a curse from both me and Yoongi in unison. As me zoomed down the hall he evidently ran into someone as his ever-loud voice could be heard echoing from away. "H-hyung, I think I just saw porn!!" 

"You WHAT?" Shrieked a voice. Jin. Definitely Jin.

Yoongi rolled off me at lightning speed and breathed, "Jin's gonna beat my ass oh my god."

"What is going on in this room that you just traumatized my baby-" Jin's voice got louder as he approached the door, covering his eyes and stopped in the doorway. "I'm gonna knock and whatever is happening in here better be done and clothed or I swear-!"

"Calm your tits it's not like that," Yoongi drawled back in response. "Did he say Hoseok's coming home?" 

Jin let out a sigh of pure relief and patted Yoongi on the back. "Yeah. He's doing okay."

Yoongi ran a hand through his hair and hefted out a breath. "Thank god. Now I can kill him."


Downstairs, everyone was munching breakfast as they chatted nervously, checking the time every few seconds. Finally, a knock came at the door and Namjoon could be seen with a tiny, relieved smile on his lips as he lead Hoseok in. 

Hoseok looked rougher than I'd ever seen him. His skin was pale and taught, clinging to his bones fabric stretched a bit too far. He could barely walk with Namjoon's support and kept his eyes closed most of the time, still shivering a little every now and again. Everyone gathered in the living room abruptly as  Namjoon set him down on the couch, and the boy deeply uncomfortable with all of the attention. In fact, his tight eyes trained on the floor and nervous hands made it clear he was utterly guilt-ridden.

"The good news is, I'm alive," He said after a while.

"It is good news, because now we have a chance to chew you out." Yoongi snips, crossing his arms but looking more hurt than angry. 

"You're all looking at me like you want an explanation..." 

"The explanation doesn't matter. I've seen enough prostitutes and their children to know why," Soomin replied coolly, but with none of the biting tone she usually assumed when talking to him. "You're depressed. Join the club, and from what I've heard you're not the first one here to turn to substance for solace. What happened doesn't matter. All that matters is what now."

Hoseok looked up at her with softened, forlorn eyes lacking all of the bitterness I'd come to associate with him. "What now is I put everyone in danger, to say nothing of make you all worry. I was weak, and I'm not gonna be that person anymore. I'm not gonna be like my parents. I'm gonna finish high school, go to college, and make something of myself." His eyes watered a bit as he met Soomin's gaze, and a moment passed between them. There was a breath of forgiveness between them, as if after years of arguing they had finally come to understand one another.

"Good then, that's all there is." Jin added finally, stepping in to squeeze his shoulder. "We're all here for you, Hoseok. No one is judging you. When you need help or just to talk...just come to us." Hoseok nodded solemnly in return and the room fell quiet again. 

"Okay then, let's let him rest." Namjoon concluded, helping Hoseok to his feet again. "Doctor's orders."  With this the meeting was officially adjourned, and the house fell back to abnormal quiet. 

A few minutes passed and Namjoon came trotting back down the stairs, looking determined as he made his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked, concerned. 

"To see my father." He replied curtly. 

"Are you nuts? What are you talking about?" 

Namjoon sighed heavily and finished donning his shoes, refusing to look Yoongi in the eyes. 

"I spent all last night thinking and talking to Hobi. We're not going through with this plan. I've got to make one last plea with my dad. This is my family dispute, and you guys aren't all going to prison for me." 

"Didn't you already try that? He hardly has a soul, if you beg to be let go again-"

"I'm done begging." Namjoon snaps suddenly, looking up finally glare his hyung brazenly in the face. "I'm going to use the last card I have left. One he can't ignore." He opened the door with one hand and stepped halfway through. "I have to level with him in the only way he understands."

Yoongi and I shared an uneasy glance and he said those final, damning words. 

"I'm gonna threaten him."

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