Chapter 11

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[A/N: I actually have no notes to give this time. Thanks for continuing to read guys! Because I have been a piece of crap updating at midnight or not until the next day the last couple days, I'm doing 2 chaps today while I'm in a good writing mode and ofc I will follow through on my 2nd bonus chap! This story looks like it'll reach 100 reads which is amazing so keep it up guys! But please wait a day or two lol because I have to think of more bonus chap material!]

I left the boys hideout and texted my dad to let him know I was on the way. By his messages he seemed to be in a great mood, but when I arrived outside the base and picked me up in his car, he appeared to have grown seriously agitated in the twenty minutes it took me to get there. 

"Hey kid, how was your night?" He asked curtly.

"It was was yours?" I replied cautiously.

"Sorry, I'm just having problems with your mother right now. Who was this friend you were with last night?"

"Oh...her name's Soomin. She's in our class." I said, looking away from him. It technically wasn't a lie. We did spend the night with Soomin. In a house full of boys I didn't know well who happened to be gangsters. Only sometimes though. It was mostly by association, and from what I could tell, only one of them possibly did drugs, and they had only ever killed one guy that I knew of, and he totally deserved it. The underage drinking was...well that was bad, but what Dad didn't know wouldn't kill him. 

"Did you give your mom the address before you went, did she meet them?" He questioned. 

"Uh..." He sighed harshly.

"Of course not. She prefers the 'I trust your judgement' method. Nevermind that you're just a kid who only knows their kid and has no clue what sort of situation you could be walking into. Then of course she has no idea where you are if anything happens. You never know what people's families are like, you know? You have to be cautious. They could be pedophiles for all you know," He raged. 

Or alcoholics, I thought to myself.

"I knew I should've asked." He added. I coughed awkwardly. Thank God he hadn't. What address would I have given him? Soomin's or the boys' could've ended in complications later. Bullet dodged. 

"It was fine, her parents were great. Everyone was really nice and we all had fun." I croaked. Was it getting hot in that car? A fall leaf blew into the window. I looked down at the scarf around my neck. No, it was the lies. Probably just the fires of hell burning me up in anticipation in warning for all my dishonesty.

"Well that's good. I'm glad nothing horrible happened to you and you're making friends."

"Yeah, actually, can I go hang out with a different friend for a little while tomorrow? I'm only gonna be gone a couple hours." I asked, skillfully avoiding all the important details that would make him say no, like that it was a guy, and he wasn't really a friend, and he was actually taking me to a sketchy gym to teach me how to punch people.

He raised his eyebrows. "When did you become a social butterfly?" He asked, but then pulled a 'not bad' expression. "Sure. Where are you going?"

"I think it's because I'm a foreigner and a lot of people are curious and stuff." I shrugged. "I think we'll just walk around for a bit." I bit my lip. I mean, we were going to walk to the gym...

He seemed satisfied with my answer and agreed. 

"Be careful though, we've been doing liason work with the Korean army, and if there's one thing I've noticed so far it's that these people get offended so easily. Forget to bow and it's like you insulted someone's mother." He grumbled.

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