Bonus Chap #1: Jin and Eunji

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[A/N: I never intended make so many of these notes. Anyway, I couldn't get this bonus chapter out last night like I promised after taking forever to write chapter 9. Turns out writing 2 chapters (a reg daily chap and milemarker bonus) is actually really hard not just in terms of inspiration but in terms of fitting in the time necessary to write it with my work, school registration, and all that other real life crap. From now own, if we hit a mile marker, I may need to just write the bonus chapter instead of doing both that same day, I hope you guys understand! We also hit 75, so if I don't get the regular chapter I intended out after this one, it may have to wait until after chapter 10 tomorrow. Secondly: I totally did not expect this many reads so early in. I'm super happy, but also I expected that most of these bonus chapters would be at the end of the book or much farther in, so these can't all exist in the same timeline. This chapter, for instance, is not happening RIGHT NOW as in where the main narrative is right now, but later in the book and involves some huge plot spoilers so to avoid doing that I am going to be vague about the issue. So if you keep wondering "who is it? Wtf" I'm sorry. That comes later.]

I woke up and wandered downstairs. Jin was already in the kitchen cooking *pajeon and by the smell of it, some sort of heavenly creamy *hobakjuk. I had hardly slept a wink and felt like every ounce of brass, sass, and moxie that I usually oozed had been drained out of me. It felt like no one was trustworthy anymore, although I still had my best friend and Jin. They were behind me, but the rest of the world seemed cruel and revolting. I was in a fog of depression, shrouded in betrayal and wrapped in a wet blanket of vitriol and bitterness. 

"Oh, Eunji-ah, I was just about to go check on you. I was going to bring the food up there if you didn't feel well," He commented. I nodded slowly, making my way to the table without another word. 

"The food's almost you want some coffee or tea? How do you take it?" He tried again. I managed to look up at him. 

"Coffee's fine. Just some cream and couple sugar." I murmured. Jin frowned a little but quickly went to work making it. A few moments later he sat it on the table in front of me. His hand moved up and down my back a few times and he smiled at me encouragingly. He was trying everything to cheer me up. 

I reached for the mug and took in both my hands. "Thanks," I whispered, and he went back to finish off the food. Soon the pajeon and a steaming bowl of the porridge was in front of me. Although I was hardly hungry, I forced a spoonful into my mouth as he sat down across from me. 

"It's really good," I told him as a tear rolled down my cheek. Unable to hold them back, I bent my head over the table and cried.

"Ah, then why are you crying?" Jin asked worriedly, though he knew the answer. He came around the table and sat beside me, wrapping his arms around me like a protective cocoon. "Don't cry," He pleaded, pressing me against his chest. "It's all going to be okay. Don't cry, don't cry," he repeated. 

I hugged him tightly until I was able to get a hold of myself again. "Sorry," I mumbled. He brushed away the remaining tears before planting a kiss on my forehead. 

"Eunji-ah...I know this must be really hard and frustrating, but you shouldn't stay mad at your mom forever. What she did was very wrong, but she also must have been very lonely. It was a terrible way to go about solving that, but humans make mistakes. You should try to have a relationship with your mom, Eunji. She has been good to you all this time, hasn't she? If I could choose between bringing my parents back and having them do something like that or leaving them dead, I would bring them back in an instant. You should cherish time you have with parents. You never know what can happen." Jin advised carefully. 

I squeezed his hand. "I'm not ready yet, but I don't think I'll never forgive her." I admitted. 

"Good," He soothed, brushing a hair away from my face. "Finish your breakfast, then. Do you want to go out with me later? I have to pick up some stuff from the store, and we can see a movie or something afterward." He suggested. I perked up slightly. 

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