Chapter 9

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Calum took me back into his room almost immediately after we had arrived to the club. We had only danced for 5 minutes.

There were fans outside the hotel, and when Calum saw them he let go of my hand in front of them. Hurt, although I understood, because they had seen anyway and started yelling: 'whore' and 'Bitch' only because he was taking me his room.

When we reached the elevator, Calum looked at me and apologised. "I'm sorry. I didn't think they would say things like that. You know they only did that out of jealousy right?" he asked, just to be sure i was okay. He slide his hand behind my back, as I stared at the floor.

"You can have anyone of those girls, why am I the one in this elevator with you?" I asked, making eye contact.

"Haley, please be aware that there is a reason why we don't get out with fans. It's because they are literally the little girls who brag and tell the world. You are much more then that." Oh, if only he knew.

It really broke my heart to hear him talk like that about his fans. Especially since I was one of them.

I was hoping that all the fans could hear him say this, that they could all hear how he doesn't appreciate them staying outside with the hope they'd lay eyes on them. I just wish they stayed as naive as I use to be. Calum was still watching me, waiting for an answer, but I didn't want to answer him, honestly.

He surprised me when he kissed me, but I was even more surprised when I started returning it. It was as if, when our lips connected, I had no reason to be mad at him. As if I just forget about every bad thing he had said about the people out the front, who dedicated their lives to him. All I could concentrate on was his lips against mine and the fact I was pushed up against the wall of the lift and it was really hot.

One of my dreams had been to make out in an elevator. Especially with Calum Hood. His hands travelled up and down my body, and I groaned in the kiss because Calum made me feel so so comfortable.

When the doors opened; Calum lifted me up and carried me to his room. He had some difficulty inserting the key in the lock and hold me in his arms at the same time, but somehow he did.

We didn't even bother turning on the light, while I was carried to his bed. He almost stumbled over things that were scattered on the floor. You didn't even need lights to understand how messy this place was.

"Calum." I sighed as he lay on top of me, starting to kiss my neck.

"Haley." He moaned between kisses, starting to travel toward my chest.

"How was your recording today?" I asked trying to divert his attention from kissing.

"It was okay." he replied, then bought his lips to mine, probably trying to shut me up.

"What is the name of the song you're recording?" I asked between a kiss. God, his lips were so soft and plump and I could never get enough.

"Don't stop." Calum replied, reconnecting out lips.

"I'm not." I sighed, wondering why he thought I was stopping.

"No." Calum laughed. "That's the title of the song" I slapped myself mentally and begun to laugh with him.

"What?" I asked, smiling out of stupidity. I was so stunned by Calum's kisses that I couldn't think straight.

"This girl that everyone wants to take home from a club." he said, rolling away from me. "By the way, was Luke hitting on you?" He asked seriously, he was now lying beside me, leaning his head on his arm, and looking at me.

"I'm not sure." I chuckled, trying to change the subject.

"He said something... Bad about me?" He asked, his tone even more serious then before.

"No, not really, why?" YES YES HE DID! Not that I could tell Calum because Luke would spill my secret.

"Oh, nothing." he said, finally interested in changing the subject. "If it continues to bother you, tell me, okay?" he asked, stretching out his hand and removing locks of hair away from my eyes.

It was then that I thought of a fabulous idea. "I know a way to keep him away! If you're okay with lying to him..." I begun to say, watching him warily. He returned the glance, curious. "Tell him that we had sex even if we don't do it." I hunched my shoulders as if it was nothing. When it fact it meant everything.

This was probably the only way I could win against Luke lying. For some reason, I knew that if I had sex with Calum tonight, he wouldn't of wanted to stay another night, and that would've been the end of it all, he didn't even know me properly yet!

"Yes, I think it might work." Calum mumbled. "Why don't we do it anyway?" he asked.

I don't want this to be the only night, I thought, but I never said it aloud. Words like this would of made him walk away and never come back.

"I have my thing." I lied, my cheeks blushing. Even though it wasn't true, it was still embarrassing to say.

Calum made a strange face, and said: "well...That doesn't mean we can't do other things" and our lips met again. I grabbed the back of his neck and he crawled back on top of me. His hands took the edge of my dress and he brought it up to above my hips, and begun to make small circles on my naked thighs. And I couldn't help but let out a little groan.

I let my hands travel under his shirt and took it off completely, then we swapped around so I was on top of him. I tried to kiss him, but my hair slipped into his face. So I lifted my head and tied it into a ponytail. Calum laughed. I poked my tongue out at him, and he brought me back down and kissed me again.

While we were making out, he moved his body over my hips, as he had done the previous night, and I could feel his erection underneath me. He started to rub his hands on my hips, which made me remember how much I enjoyed it. I groaned again, and he moved my body further down, so I was on top of his area and he too groaned.

I interrupted the kiss and moved my lips onto his neck, kissing slowly, every muscle down toward his belt. I knew he wanted me to, but I've never done it before and I was scared to death. While I undid his belt, I hoped the fanfiction I had read, explained everything correctly, and that I'd do a good job sucking his dick.

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