Chapter 24

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Once we got home, I had never seen my mother so angry in my life. she was usually easy going and let me do what I wanted.

Probably going to New York with a guy who's famous without telling her was something that had made her angry like never before?

"Mom, I don't even know where I was going! It was a surprise! "I tried to tell her. I hadn't had time to get through the front door before the screaming started.

"Haley, it's more than that. You didn't tell me you had either met, let alone hang out with them. What's going on? " my mom asked, running a hand through her hair. "You usually tell me everything."

She was absolutely right. If the situation was normal, I would have spoken to her about everything that was going on, I would have laughed with her. I couldn't tell her that I was going to lose my virginity soon, and she would for sure make a long speech about that.

But things were different.

"Mom, I'm not a baby anymore. You must understand that I'm growing up, whether you like it or not; I won't tell you what I ate for breakfast or the last time I was in the bathroom, I'm sorry." I grunted, as I didn't want to be harassed.

"I don't expect you to do it, but when you travel the country with that boy in that band of which you were obsessed with for two years, then I start to worry." she looked me in the eye to make me realise how serious it was. "Guys like them, Haley, just want sex. They do not care about the girls, I don't want you to get hurt. "

" Mom, shut up." I blurted out. I didn't mean to be so harsh, but I was tired of everyone telling me that Calum was going to hurt me. If he wanted me to suffer, he would have already done something. If there was anyone who would suffer, it was going to be him, once he finds out that ice been lying this whole time. "He even offered to come and talk to you; I told him no."

"Why? "she asked, suddenly concerned.

"He was right next to me while you were screaming--"

"No, I mean, why did you say no?" said my mom.

"Um," I paused, wondering whether to tell her. "He doesn't know I'm a fan of the band, we met by chance."

"Haley! You can't just--"

"I know." I interrupted her, grabbing my bag from the ground. "I'm going to get my things, I don't want to hear about for the millionth time that lying is a bad thing." I began to start walking towards the stairs, but unfortunately my mother followed.

"Do you realize that if you had a chance with this guy, it's now ruined? He will no longer be able to trust you after-"

"I know!" I screamed, close to tears. "I didn't think this would last so long; I thought I go out a couple of times with Calum, and then that would have been the end of it all. But no, I had to make this harder and always wanted more. If i hadnf to bed with him, it would have ended there and no one would get hurt."

My mother stopped noticing that I was about to cry, so she helped me put my things on the bed, then drag me into a hug. "I really like him, mom. It's more than the fact that he's Calum Hood now. He has this tender way of snoring as he sleeps and you can't not cuddle him. If you walk away from him, he is still my pillow." I began to say, listing the things I loved about him. "He just made a small mistake and has already apologized more times than necessary mom, he bought me a ticket to New York, for God's sake." I stopped, unable to speak even with all these emotions that they were attacking.

My mother smiled at me as if she knew something I didn't know.

"What?" I looked at her. "It isn't funny mom, me--"

"I remember the first time I realized that I was in love with your father." she said, and I was speechless. Because she said I was in love with Calum and had used that point by appointing my father. "I was coming back from a date with him and he had a curfew. We were kissing in his car, with Bon Jovi in the background. It was perfect, except that as soon as I entered the House, your grandfather forbid me to see him again." She sighed, reliving the memories, tears forming in her eyes.

"Of course I saw him again, until you showed up." she said. "But that's not what I want to tell you, I don't want to forbid you to see someone because when you're in love, you are and nothing that I can say as a parent can change things." She concluded. I just sat and looked at her, not knowing what to say.

So I started to cry. She immediately surrounded me with her arms and this made me sob even more. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I began to say. "I didn't think it would last long, I don't even know how it will end, Mum." I cried. " It all happened so fast and you're right to say that I am in love with him, and he doesn't even know who I really am." my mother put her hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

"Shhh" she tried to calm me down. "Haley, honey, if he's really that into you, he will forgive you. But you know what I think you should do?" She asked, moving away from the embrace to look me in the eye.

I looked at her questioningly and she said "enjoy everything to the maximum before he finds out. And then, "he added," I will help you remove all these mails if you want to invite him to dinner sometime." She pointed to the walls of my room. She was against this story a couple minutes ago. "He's in town, right?"

I nodded "He's here all week, then on Saturday he's going to Las Vegas."

"Ask him what is the least busiest day for him and let me know okay?" she said and I nodded again in reply, without the energy to say the least. "And don't forget your homework." She almost laughed, because the school and education was the last thing that was going through my head now.

"Homework and the dick of Calum Hood." She added. and I almost screamed, but she walked away before I could say anything.


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