Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

A little while after Calum left, I got drunk as hell. Luke joined us and seemed quite demoralized, but he was acting much nicer than what we had expected. He wasn't even drinking with us like he usually did. He was just sitting with us, listening to the conversation and checking his phone from time to time, probably hoping for a call from her about fixing their issues. But she didn't.

Maddy, Ashton and I finished our bottles. The two of them were annoyingly clingy and, at one point, they went to 'do something", leaving me alone with Luke. It was definitely my fault, on why he was sad, but I didn't want to believe it. I wanted it to be like i was doing what's best for him, trying to get him back with Ali.

"Haley, you should head back to the hotel, I'll walk you." Luke told me and I shook my head, telling him no.

"I won't go back, I haven't finished my drink!" I screamed loudly, proving that I was pretty drunk, but I didn't want to admit it to myself. "Where is my best friend and your best friend?" I asked, referring to Maddy and Ashton.

"I don't know, let's go look for them." suggested Luke, seizing me by the arm to go look for our friends.

Obviously I couldn't walk alone. Again. This was starting to be a problem associated with alcohol.

"These lights are so low," he said, looking at the lights reflected on the whole crowd dancer.

"Hides all the superstars, not just you." I chuckled.

"Oh my God." He murmured, at first I thought it was just annoyed by my talkative drunkness until I saw where he was looking. On one side of the room there was Maddy and Ashton were practically eating each other's faces. I tried to walk towards them to ask what was going on, but almost fell, so Luke walked me over there.

"Maddy what the hell is going on?" I screamed.

Ashton and her parted immediately, looking as if they knew they were doing something wrong.

"Ash, man, you know you'll get into trouble if somebody sees you?" bellowed Luke, I obviously didn't seem to be the only one that was angry.

"Maddy, how many times has this happen?" I asked, noticing the guilt in her eyes, even in my state, I knew.

"It been happening since the first night." Maddy looked down at the floor, and Ashton threw a dirty look at her for telling the truth.

"Thank goodness you were the one who told me the truth," She Froze and I shook my head. "Luke, take me back to the hotel, please." I tried walking alone, but he wouldn't let me go. "After I speak with, Ash," Luke said, before turning around.

Fortunately, our hotel was close enough, to be able to walk. It only took a couple of minutes in the crowd of Las Vegas and Somehow, Luke managed to avoid the most of the fans.

I already knew he wasnt in the mood for this so I took the hint when he began to walk faster to avoid them. But the fans didn't accept no for an answer; they began to follow him "Luke just a photo" they yelled, but the natural instinct of Luke led him to walking faster, almost running, but I continued to stumble all over the world.

"Luke, slow down," I complained, "we're almost there anyway." He Fortunately listened to me and when we reached the hotel, the security realized that we were having problems and helped us. It was strange being on the other side of this; It was definitley not pleasant.

We were accompanied by the guards, the whole way up to the elevator and at one point I began to feel dizzy. The doors of the elevator closed behind us and I put myself against a wall, closing my eyes for a second. Luke looked like he was doing the same thing, using his fingers to play with the ring in his lip.

"How do you even kiss people with that?" I asked. It had to be difficult and mess things up, surley?.

"With what?"

"Your piercing" I said, to clarify the confused expression on her face.

"Youve never kissed anyone with a piercing?" he asked, coming up to me and making me feel uncomfortable. I shook my head as if to say no and I looked at the floor of the elevator. Luke kept walking closer to me. "Want to try?"

"No" I replied immediately, but my voice came out as If I wanted. I was trembling and uncertain and was looking at his lips. Completely drunk.

"I think you're lying Haley." Luke said, laying his hands on my hips, pushing himself against me on one side of the elevator. His face was too close to mine and when he spoke again, his voice was a whisper. "Means a lot."

And Luke Hemmings kissed me in an elevator.

For a second, I noticed that my mind was not in a reasonable condition. I mean, it was Luke Hemmings, you shouldn't push it away and tell him it wasn't right that he kissed you.

He moved closer to me, moving his body closer to mine. The kiss was full of lust and heat except the small cold signal that emanated his piercing against my lips. That piercing was making me lose consciousness; Calum had no piercings.
I pushed him away from me and I looked at him with wide eyes, "Luke, what the hell!" I said with the toughest tone as possible. "I said no." I walked over and pushed him a second time, without feeling anything for him.

"You returned the kiss." Luke shrugged. "The fact that you lied to me means that I had to recover." I looked at him as if he had lost his memory.

"Luke, what the hell are you talking about?" I crossed my arms to over my chest and I looked at him, while the anger in me grew. The elevator had already stopped and opened, then closed again. But he wouldn't let me leave.

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about" Luke gave me a chuckle, but honestly I had no idea. I continued to stare at him with blank expression until he realized that I didn't really know what the hell he was talking about. "Oh my God, you don't remember." he looked at me in disbelief and shook his head. "Do you remember a few weeks ago when I lost the bet because you slept with Calum?" Oh shit.

"Yes, you lied to me. You thought you could make fun of making me believe I lost the bet so you guys could live happily ever after. " Luke had a smile disgustingly evil on the face. "Well I too have some tricks." There was no way that this debate get out something good.

"You must tell Calum you've been lying all this time or I'll tell him that you kissed me."


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