Chapter 18

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I woke up to the sound of my ringtone for Facetime. I grunted and sat up in bed while I grabbed my phone. Then I accepted the call without thinking that i probably resembled to a zombie.
And obviously it was Calum.

I immediately covered my face, hoping he hadn't seen, so that I could fix myself up. "One second." I grunted and ran into the bathroom to wash my face and teeth, leaving my phone (and Calum) on my bed.

When I got back, I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 13:00, which was pretty late. I grabbed my cell phone and fortunately Calum was still there. "Sorry, I slept all morning." I said to him and he smiled at me through the camera. It was so nice to see his face.

"I would have done it too if I was at a party all night like you." he said. "But I still have to stay awake for a while; We have a song and want to give it away when it's morning in Australia and there are still more than two hours. "

"Which song? "I asked, curious.

"You have to wait like everyone else, Haley. You're special, but not so special. " he laughed and I looked offended.

"I'm really offended right now. I can't talk to you. " I said, but I understood perfectly that their managers were strict as hell about this. I mean, they couldn't even go out with fans; It was obvious that he couldn't tell me anything.

"I really can't wait for you to hear it; It will be worth the wait." Calum tried to convince me.

"When will I see you again?" I asked him, because he never told me when they were returning to LA, and as far as i knew, it could take months.

"I'm not completely sure." Calum frowned and I was consumed by sadness. I missed him so much.

And then I remembered something that happened much earlier: "Calum, how do you feel about the rumors? According to people on twitter, we had a four-some when we were watching American Horror Story that time." I told him. I thought people on twitter would have calmed down a bit, but no. They were really bad.

"Don't make them think they're hurting you." Calum warned me and I nodded.

"I just posted some random things about the school and people keep calling me 'shit'." I Complained. When I was finally in this life, I hadn't thought about the negatives that would possibly be presented. I just wanted to be with Calum Hood, like most of the female population.

"They are just jealous that they're not able to kiss these lips." Calum said and then curled his lips, making me blush just at the thought of kissing him. I stared at him for a second, thinking about the night in the elevator. Who would have thought that speaking of Asians would end up here?

"Well, I'm jealous of not being able to kiss those lips right now-"

"What the hell is going on here? No phone sex!" I turned my head to see Maddy walk into my room and I had never been so relieved to see someone in my life. I embraced her into my arms, thankful that she was here even after I lied.

"You don't hate me?" was the first thing I asked.

"Of course not; just don't lie to me again and we're cool. " Maddy shrugged her shoulders and hugged me again. My fucking best friend. I ran back to my bed and I grabbed the phone, talking to Cal. "Hey, I'll call you after the announcement, okay?" I asked.

"Okay, bye." He said rather sulkily and I wanted to kiss him more than I needed oxygen to breathe. The oxygen was not needed as much as kissing Calum was.

After I hung up, I turned to Maddy, ready to explain. "Okay, so the reason I lied is-" I started to say, but Maddy put a hand over my mouth.
"I'm sure that if you lied, there was a good reason; you don't need to tell me. " Maddy shook her head, without letting me speak.

"The boys will make an announcement in a few minutes." I said, changing the subject and sitting on the bed.

"Honey I know! Did Calum tell you what it is?" Maddy asked, sitting next to me. "Ash didn't tell me." She frowned.

"Cal didn't say anything either." I sighed. "We have to go back to the old days and re-enable notifications for their Tweets." I decided and Maddy laughed, but we really did so we could be among the first to see the song.

"Wait, okay, I know I said you didn't have to explain anything to me but ... what the hell happened with Shawn Mendes?!" Maddy practically screamed as It came into my mind with whom I had been with last night. I had forgotten completely.

"We made out!" I yelled in reply. "And then I threw up." I said softly, comprehending her face in embarrassment. Maddy stopped laughing and put a hand to her face.

"Honey, at least it didn't happen the first night with Calum, can you imagine how different things would of been compared to now?" said Maddy and I couldn't help but think that she was so right. Little things like this made the difference.

"Shit" cried Maddy, looking toward his phone when it started to vibrate. "OH MY GOD!" she repeated.

"What?!" screamed against. She did not answer me, so I tore the phone from his hand and I read the tweet. "OH MY GOD" I screamed too.

"@5SOS: US & Canada! We are happy to announce that we're coming for you! With the Stars Stripes and Maple Syrup tours, which will begin next week!"

I grabbed Maddy's hands and came up with the same idea, so we got up from the bed and began jumping in a circle. It seemed that I could kiss Calum's lip much sooner than I thought.


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