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Author's Note:
This will be in Matty's POV and will contain sexual situations. If that is something you are not interested in, please skip this chapter. For those of you who are, enjoy! Haley is the girl in the photo btw, incase anyone was wondering.

Matty's POV

Candace has been running through my mind since our date the other night. How is it possible that such a beautiful girl like her exists in my world, and she is here talking to me? The world has a funny way of working, but I'm thankful that our paths have crossed.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing.

Daniel Fain

I groan to myself before answering the phone.


"Matthew? Haley has been calling me nonstop for about an hour now. I think she has really lost it this time. She said she was going over to your house. I'm just giving you the heads up." He spoke.

I felt my heart drop down to my stomach. Why the hell is Haley contacting my father? And why the hell is she on her way to my house?

"When did she say that?" I asked curiously.

"About ten minutes ago."

"And you're just now telling me?" I yell into the phone, frustrated and confused on why he didn't tell me earlier.

"I had work. I was just letting you know. Goodbye." He said before hanging up. I rolled my eyes at his lame excuse, knowing that he didn't tell me just because he was an asshole.

Ten minutes is all Haley needs. Before I knew it, I heard a loud banging on my front door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I grumbled, walking towards the front door. When I opened it, I saw Haley standing in front of me with a mad expression on her face.

"Hello?" I say, although it was more of a question.

"Why the hell haven't you answered any of my calls lately?" She yells, shoving her way past me and into our house. Well, I say 'our' house. Really, it's my house. She just moved herself in while we were dating. In her defense, I never really tried stopping her.

"Because we are broken up, Haley. It's over." I replied slowly.

"No. It's not." She yelled back, slamming the door behind her.

"What are you doing here, Haley?" I exhaled, pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingertips.

"I just...I wanted to...." She replied softly before bursting into tears.

What the fuck.

"Hey, don't cry..." I whispered before pulling her in for a hug. Although Haley doesn't deserve my comforting action, I don't like seeing her cry. I don't like seeing anyone cry.

"I miss you, Matty. I miss you so fucking much. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I know I messed up, okay? I know that. Just take me back, please. I can't live without you. I hate myself every day that I wake up knowing that I hurt you." She sobbed into my chest. I felt my heart ache hearing her words. The girl I loved for two years is crying in my arms over losing me. I miss her, I really do.

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now