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Matty's POV

"Okay, it will be in alphabetical order. Shawn Acree. Just fax me the information. I'll text you when I get it." My dad said handing me his house key.

"Okay, It shouldn't take me too long to get there." I say, taking the key and leaving his office. I wave at Debbie as I leave, and she replies with an equally friendly smile.

Traffic by the office is completely insane. I am so glad he's having me fax the information instead and driving back up to the office and hand delivering it. It would take me an entire hour to even get to and from the office.

As I approach the house after what seems like hours sitting in the car, I quickly grab his house key and jog up the driveway. When I open the door, the house appears to be just as spotless as it was when I last visited. No doubt, my mom cleaned every single visible surface before they left for Florida. She probably cleaned over everything once again when they got back, too. My mom isn't home, which isn't surprising. She's probably at another wine tasting of a sort.

I go upstairs and down the hall, beginning to fumble with the bundle of keys in my hand.

"I think it's this one..." I say to no one but myself, swiftly unlocking the office door and stepping inside. The fact that my dad keeps this office locked is insane. Why the hell keep something that holds the files you hoard locked? No real point, but okay.

His filing cabinet was a mess. For someone who has things 'alphabetically' ordered, but nothing is organized by work, personal, financial...is kind of stupid. Everything is just sort of fucked. I run through the second cabinet and look for his initials or his name. Anything that would make this easier. Finally, my eyes run across his name.

Shawn Acree  is written across the folder tab. I grab the file and pull it out, only to pull more than expected with it.

"Fuck." I mumbled, watching three other files pull out with the one I was looking for and scattered all over the floor. "Fuck it, whatever." I sigh, shaking my head and walking over to the fax machine. After punching his extension into the machine, I wait as it scans the papers. I wait patiently to hear my phone go off, indicating he received the work. A few moments later, he replies a quick thank you. I look down at the floor and see the files scattered all around. Good thing is that he keeps everything paper clipped together, so something like this won't completely ruin the order. Despite his alphabetical organization being the opposite of organized, he still likes all of his things a certain way. If I put these back the wrong way, he will notice. Going down to grab one of the folders, I quickly notice the title of the first one I grabbed.

Seeking Arrangements.

My curiosity got the best of me as I grabbed the folder and opened it to the first page. I looked over the page and saw a young girls profile. She was a pretty brunette, with bright eyes and tan skin.

Hey! My name is Kristina and I am 21 years old and new to the area. I am outgoing, caring, and adventurous. I am looking for something long term, and something that pays rather well. I can do anything from escorting to events to being exclusive. Hope to hear from you soon. 

My heart stopped, and I quickly set the file down onto the desk. What the fuck is my dad doing on this website, and why the fuck does he have this girl's profiles printed off.

My dad is cheating on my mom. My dad is cheating on my fucking mom.

I immediately begin to feel sick, and try pushing my hair back from my sweaty forehead. I feel my pulse in my ears, and my cheeks begin to heat up. I don't know if I want to throw up or punch my dad in the fucking face.

God, please don't let this be happening. My mom doesn't deserve this. Not right now. Not on top of everything she already has going on. Please, let this be anything else but that.

I silently pray, hoping for a miracle. God, if my mom found this...she would be heart broken. My father has hurt her enough already. They don't need this. They are doing so much better. I finally thought they were getting back on track and fixing their marriage. I mean, fuck! We have been on vacations. I have seen them together! My dad seems happy. He finally seems happy.

I take a deep breath and begin to flip through the pages in the folder. Each page holds a different girl's profile, and even some have personal messages. He has pictures of each girl. One was a full body shot, and one was a headshot. I must have looked through twenty girls before coming across the one that made me nearly pass out.


"What the fuck is this." I asked to myself out loud, pulling her page out of the folder completely.

Hey, I saw your post and was interested in speaking more with you. 405-555-5131. Get back to me when you can. -C

My heart stops. My blood is boiling. My ears are ringing. There is sweat covering my forehead, and my breathing begins to get short. My dad was trying to get with my fucking girlfriend. That's how they knew eachother before. Not from the fucking country club. Holy fucking shit.

I throw the folder on the desk and quickly rush to the other side and open my dad's laptop. I enter Seeking Arrangements into the search bar, and waited for the page to load. When the sit asks for the login, I type in what I'm assuming will be the correct information. My dad is shit when it comes to making different usernames and passwords for different sites. Although I have told him time after time to change passwords between sites, he doesn't. Which right now, I'm thankful for. The page loads the welcome screen, and I go to his profile and look for anything that would explain this better than it was right now. I just don't know what the fucking hell is going on right now.

ISO a young female for my son. Must be around the age of 20-23. Go on a few dates with him. Talk to him. Be everything he wants you to be. Be his girlfriend. He is heart broken, and his mother and I want him to be happy again. I don't care if it's fake. Make him think it's real. Fill out application and I will get in contact with you. Pay will vary.

Pay will vary.

This wasn't for my dad. This was for me. I opened his messages and immediately find the one that Candace has sent him.

Please send a picture attachment, both face and full body shot.

Be everything he wants you to be. Be his girlfriend.

I don't care if it's fake.

Make him think it's real.

No. No, no, no. This isn't happening. This isn't fucking happening to me. This isn't real, Matty. This isn't fucking real. There is an explanation for this. This isn't what it looks like. This is okay.

I grab the folder again, flipping through for anything else that has to do with this cluster fuck of a situation. I see a little group of receipts paper clipped together. It must have had over twenty receipts that said the same thing. Seven hundred or more had been made out every two weeks for our entire relationship. Bank statements with payments made to Candace's college for thousands of dollars were made. I forced myself to stop looking and gathered everything together quickly. Grabbing my keys and slipping on my shoes, I rush to my car and start the engine. If my dad doesn't have a fucking explanation to all of this, I am going to lose my fucking mind.


Author's Note!

This is the moment I have waited for when writing this story. Matty knows now.

I just don't even know what to do with this new chapter, honestly.

Keep reading!!! Don't stop here!

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now