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"So, I told him that we were going to pack up and head to New York City! It's amazing in New York, you would love it. The city and the food...the people! Oh! The people are amazing! You wouldn't imagine how perfect it is there." Deneisha gushes.

"Yeah, I've been to New York once. It's pretty nice. Kind of...loud." Matty says, taking a large drink of his glass of wine.

The café and wine bar in this airport is fancy. Very fancy. I never understood the point of putting fancy restaurants in the middle of an airport. Well, I think I just learned the reason why. Deneisha was high maintenance and very classy. She is beautiful. I can tell that Matty is getting annoyed with her, but everything she is saying or sort of fascinating to me. I want to listen to what she has to say. I even want her to...like me? Maybe it's because I only believe this because she won't even give me the time or day. The conversation that I'm included in is the bare minimum. She is nice to Phoebe, at least. So that's good.

"Oh, it is! You see, that's what I love about it. I love that no one knows me. Not like how it was in Vancouver. Hell, everyone knows us there." She laughs, taking a sip at her wine. Her red lipstick doesn't even begin to smudge. It's insane.

"How is Johnny? Gwen and Garret?" Matty asks, keeping his questions short and to the point.

"Oh! They are so good! You never come around anymore, Matthew. The kids miss you! Oh, and your uncle has been wanting to take you out to Texas! Something about land and hunting out there. You know how much your uncle loves deer hunting!" She beams.

"You know I don't really do any of that anymore, Aunt Dee. I'm a vegetarian." Matty informs her.  It sounds like he's had to do this more than once.

"Oh, love. You're still doing all of that? Is this because of those friends you have? The loud, hippie girl?" She asks, making it sound as though the thought of Megan grosses her out.

"I think you mean Kyler and his wife, Megan. And no, that's not why. I love the way I feel without eating meat. I don't need it." He tells her, seemingly annoyed.

"She is an odd little one, isn't she. Oh, and that hair. Lord, I want nothing more than to get ahold of something like that and transform it into something beautiful." She says passionately. Maybe she's a hairdresser or something?

"I love her hair." I say, causing Daneisha to look at me.

"I think it's hideous." She replies, almost challenging me.

"She cut it, anyways. But, only because she wanted to. It looks amazing now." I say, defending my friend.

Matty smiles at me and squeezes my thigh underneath the table.

"Her husband is a keeper, yeah? Kyler, right?" She asks, looking back to Matty.

"Yup, that's him."

"Now that boy is a good one. Such a sweet young man! Really, it's a waste that he didn't marry someone with more...class." She says, taking a sip of her wine, innocently.

"Someone like Gwen, right?" Matty asks with amusement.

"Yes! Exactly." She smiles widely.

"Well, it's a good thing he married Megan. He married her for her smart mouth and ability to stand up for what she believes in. He isn't much for a follower. He wanted a leader." Matty remarks. Daneisha seems to ponder his answer, trying to determine whether or not it is an insult.

Before she can come back with a reply, the food we ordered arrives. The meal looks absolutely amazing. I guess this airport restaurant really does exceed all expectations.

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now