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Matty never came back to my house like he said he would. I have left him multiple text messages and calls. He turned his read receipts off, and sent all of the calls to voice mail. I don't know what the hell is happening, but I'm really starting to freak out about the entire thing.

By the time the next morning hits, I am more than concerned. If he doesn't reply to me by noon, I'm going out and looking for him. I hate to be this paranoid and crazy, but this just isn't like him. Something is wrong. I can feel it.

Around ten in the morning, I heard a knock on the front door. I ran to see who is was, praying that it was Matty. To my surprise, it was Matty.

"What the hell happened? Where did you go? You said you would be back in an hour! Tops!" I yelled at the man in front of me. Despite being annoyed with him, I am so glad that he is here. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. He hesitantly put his arms around me, hugging me back. I don't know what the hell I thought happened to him, but all worries I had disappeared the second I saw him.

"I'm sorry, Candace. I was...at my house. I know I said I was going to come back last night. I just...I lost track of time." He said, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What happened?" I ask again, stepping out of his arms and motioning for him to come inside.

"I...she...well, her father passed away. He was...he was more of a father to me than my own has ever been." He said, stepping inside and looking at the wall.

My heart broke as I watched his eyes begin to water at the thought of her father. I know what it's like to lose a parent. It is singlehandedly the worst moment of your entire life. She watched her father die in front of her. I couldn't imagine it. As shitty as my father can be, I never want to imagine that. I watched as my mother slowly died. I don't think I could handle watching it again. The thought alone brings tears to my own eyes. No matter what Haley did to Matty in the past, I would never wish this on anyone. My heart breaks for her and her family.

"Matty....I'm so sorry. Come here." I said, pulling him in for a hug. He stiffened under my touch and jerked back slightly.

I stepped back from him and watched him closely. He wouldn't look at me. He didn't want me to touch him. He is broken.

"Matty, what's wrong? Please, let me be here for you." I ask softly.

"I can't. You don't understand." He said, shaking his head.

"Then help me understand. Please, just don't shut me out."

"I cheated on you last night. Fuck! I fucking cheated on you last night and I can't even stand to look at you because I can't stand to even look at myself. I fucking...fuck!" He yelled, grabbing a fist full of his hair.

I stepped away from him and felt tears pooling in my eyes.

"You...what?" I asked, not wanting to believe what he just said.

"I'm sorry, Candace. I'm so fucking sorry. She was just crying and...she was saying all of this shit about the way things used to be. She kissed me and...I fucking kissed her back. I fucking kissed her back, and I couldn't stop myself. I'm so sorry, baby." He cried, reaching for my hands. I slapped his hand away from me, not wanting him to touch me in any way.

I felt my body go cold. My heart ached and it physically hurt me to even breathe right now. I began to cry, not even caring that my sobs are growing louder with every shake that racks through my body.

"Why...did...you...do...this?" I sobbed through the sentence.

"Candace, listen to me. It was a mistake. A terrible fucking mistake. The worst one I have ever made in my entire life. I'm so sorry, baby. If I could take it back, I would! I promise I fucking would! I had a moment of weakness. I promise I will never do anything like this again. I promise, baby. Please. Just don't give up yet." He begged, crying with me.

I am going to throw up. I am going to throw the fuck up.

Matty and Haley. Haley and fucking Matty. I knew this would happen. Somehow, I knew. She kissed him. He has so much history with her. So much history that I simply can't compete with.

"Was it just a kiss?" I asked after what seemed like hours of crying. In reality, it has only been a few minutes.


"Fucking tell me now!" I screamed, not caring that my father and Phoebe were asleep in the house.

"I can't lie to you, baby. I'm sorry..." He cried.

"Oh god. You slept with her? Oh god. Fuck!" I yelled, now grabbing a fist full of my own hair in my hands. I curled up in a ball and kept me knees close to my chest. I buried my head in between them, wanting nothing more than to disappear.

"No! No, no, no! I didn't! I just...it got close. I'm so sorry, baby. I never meant to hurt you. I couldn't do it though! I couldn't sleep with her. She tried, but I couldn't go through with it. I got up and left! I couldn't do it to you! I love you, Candace. Only you! I can't be with anyone else. Only you. I love you, baby, I'm so sorry." He said, kneeling down at my side.

I moved my head up to look at him. The murderous stare I was giving him was enough to kill a small army, and he knows it.

"You. Love. Me? Really? You fucking love me? No you don't! You don't fucking love me, Matty! If you loved me, you wouldn't have even thought about doing this to me! You betrayed me! You fucking cheated on me! While I was at home waiting for you to come back to me, you were fucking around with your ex girlfriend! The same one that fucking cheated on YOU! You would think that someone who had been cheated on in the past wouldn't dare think about cheating on the person they loved! I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Must run in the fucking family!" I yelled. The look he gives me is as though I slapped him in the face. Really, I shouldn't have brought up his father. But maybe I have a point? He hurt me. I don't give a fuck if I hurt him right now.

"I am nothing like my father. Don't ever fucking say that to me." He spits out, stepping away from me.

"Get out." I said, not wanting to argue anymore.

"What? Candace, stop. We are both fucking mad and emotional. We just need to sit and talk. I will tell you anything you need to know."

"Spare me the fucking details, Matthew. I'm done. Get out."

"D-done? You're...you're breaking up with me?" He says, shocked by my words.

"No. I'm not breaking up with you." I said.

Relief was clear on his face.

"I don't have to break up with you because it is evident that we had nothing to begin with. Goodbye, Matthew." I said, waiting for him to leave.

To my surprise, he didn't fight it or try and talk me out of it. He just stood in silence before walking out of the door.

And out of my life.

Author's Note!:

Wow. I'm literally SHOOK after writing this. Matty is so perfect but he just KILLED IT FOR US.

or did he?

I had a ton of fun writing this! Hope you all enjoy reading this! I have BIG plans for this! Stay tuned and let me know what you think!


The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now