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"Honey, we're home!" I hear from the front of the house. Matty and I both turn around to see Lizzie running to the front of the house quickly.

"Christy! Ben! I'm so glad you guys could make it!" Lizzie exclaims loudly from down the hall. We all get up to greet them at the door. Lizzie is hugging Christy, and Ben and Daniel are shaking hands in a welcoming way. Everyone's smiles are wide, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of everyone when Daniel's family left. Matty wasn't kidding when he said it would be a complete disaster, because it was. But now, we can all breathe.

"We just had a long flight, and I am exhausted." Christy says.

"Let's get you settled into your room, then! We have a few that you can pick from. I know you guys probably want to get into bed." Lizzie says in understanding. I check the clock and see that it's nearly 9 P.M.

"Lizzie Fain, don't you know me at all? Let's all go to the bar! We haven't done that in forever!" She exclaims excitedly. Lizzie and Christy immediately shriek and start jumping up and down like teenagers. It's great to watch, actually. She's having fun and she deserves it.

"Honey, it's pretty late." Ben says, looking at Daniel with cautious eyes.

"Fine. You old men can stay here at the house while we go out and have a bunch of fun. What about you guys? I'm sure you want to go, right?" Christy turns to look at us with excitement in her eyes.

"We can't. We have Phoebe here." Matty tells her with a disappointed look.

"I can watch her. You guys go out and have fun. You have had a hectic last few days. Just go and relax." Daniel says, waving Matty off with his hand.

"I'm not old enough to get into the bar." I say awkwardly.

"Hey, you let us worry about that, okay?" Matty says, brushing my concern off. "We should go. It will be fun. Plus, my dad can stay here with Phoebe. Come on." He urges.

"I look over at Daniel, unsure if I should let him watch her. It's not that I don't trust him, because I do. I completely trust this family. But, I feel bad. This is their vacation, and I'm leaving them to babysit. That's not fair."

"Hey, I might stay here with Daniel. I kind of want to catch that basketball game." Ben says to Christy, who rolls her eyes with a laugh.

"You are both old men. But come on you guys, let's go! It will be like a girls day! Well, plus Matty." Christy says with a laugh.

"Okay, okay." I say, finally giving in.

"Oh! This will be so much fun! I'm going to go get dressed, come on!" Lizzie exclaims, pulling Christy down the hall and into her bedroom.

Lizzie is so excited to have Christy here, and I love it. She is so happy. I haven't seen her like this ever since we met up with them in Vail and had karaoke night. She is so happy and carefree. I absolutely love it.

"Come on, let's get changed." Matty says, walking towards our new bedroom. This room is better than the last one. It's much better. The king sized bed is softer than any bed I've ever slept on, and the bathroom is massive. This shower has not one, but four shower heads. What is up with this family and having so many shower heads?

I quickly go over to the closet and pull out one of the nicer things I brought along. The denim dress that Megan got for me while Matty was away is hanging nicely in the closet, just waiting to be worn. I turn around and see Matty quickly changing into jeans and a grey t-shirt that hugs his biceps.

Matty has the perfect body. He isn't too buff, but he isn't scrawny either. He is just...perfect. He is perfect for me. He catches me looking at him and smirks, walking over to me.

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now