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"Okay. This is everything you need to know. All of my terms and conditions are listed, and they need to be followed." Daniel said, sliding a pile of paperwork across the table.

"This is getting pretty serious." I laughed nervously, picking the contract up and flipping through the pages.

"This is serious. Matthew can't find out. His mother can't either. This stays between us. By signing this, you are agreeing to keep this confidential. If you go against this contract, I have a right to stop all payments and cut off communication between the two of you." Daniel said.

I felt the lump in my throat grow. I don't have a reason to feel nervous about this. Matty won't find out. He never will. I am going to make sure of it.

"He won't find out. I can't have that. I need this, Daniel." I replied.

"Good. I just don't want our business to fall apart because of his stupid decisions. Haley is ruining his life. He is just too blinded to see it. I told him that-"

"Wait, he still talks to her?" I asked cutting him off.

"Sadly, yes. She was calling my nonstop for an hour the other day asking where he was at. Then she said she was just going to show up to his house. When he called me later that day, he told me she had stopped by for a little while." I felt a pang of jealousy in my heart, but tried my best to fight it off.

"What does she look like?" I asked curiously.

Daniel pulled his phone out of his pocket and logged onto his Facebook. After he pulled up her profile and handed me his phone, I felt my heart drop.

Haley David.

She was beautiful. She had long blonde hair and tan skin. Her body was fit, and she had a smile just as bright as his. Her makeup was done perfectly, and she looked like she just walked out of a fashion show. She was honestly so beautiful. I can't compete with her whatsoever.

"She is beautiful..." I mumbled, scrolling through more of the pictures.

"It doesn't matter. She is a terrible person for what she did to him. She cheated on him with one of his partners, and then proceeded to tell Matthew that she only wanted him to benefit herself. The other guy ended up leaving the company to start his own, and that's when Haley left him. She went to go follow this guy and his new company. Little does she know, his biggest mistake was leaving Fain&Frailey. His company is falling apart now. Now that she knows this, she's trying to get back with Matthew."

"Does he still love her?" I ask hesitantly.

"I think it's more of a lust rather than a love for her."

Lust. My heart dropped at the word. Honestly, I couldn't blame him. Haley is beautiful. Probably one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen.

"Lust...so they still..."

"He doesn't do anything. Not that I know of, at least. She has done things, though. He made it a point to let me know. He also made it very clear that he can do whatever he wants in his life. Which is very true, I don't control him. But, I can try and control some things. Like you for instance, I can control this. I can lead him into thinking that this is a good idea. I am guiding him away from Haley. I am guiding him back to our business. I need this just as much as you do, Candace. Make him think you are better for him than Haley is. Just be smart about it." He said.

I want to say that this made me feel better, but it didn't. It didn't make me feel any better at all.

I couldn't help but hate the girl in the pictures. I don't know her, but I instantly dislike her. I don't know if it's because of what she did to him, or because she's trying to take him from me. Sure, she doesn't know anything about me, but I'm still going to stay pissed about it. Matty is mine. Not officially, but I will do anything to keep him around. I will do anything to make sure this agreement lasts.

I signed the paperwork agreeing to everything Bobby wants me to do. After we said our goodbyes, I quickly pulled my phone out and texted Matty.

Me: A movie night and popcorn is calling my name. Can you hear it too?

Matty: I do believe that I can hear it, as well. It must be a sign. Maybe at my place? I can come and get you.

Me: Sounds great! See you soon.

I'm going to do it. I'm going to make Matty Fain fall in love with me.

I'll do whatever it takes.

Authors Note:

It was such a short update! I'm sorry! It's also two weeks late. I had to force myself to finish something quickly and publish it so I didn't leave everyone waiting! I'm working on new chapters now, and yes they will be longer. Thank you for your kind words and feedback!

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