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Matty's POV.

Despite the argument I had with Candace, I don't want her to go home. I definitely don't want her to go home now after overhearing the pieces of her phone call with Phoebe. Fuck, I never want her to go home. I want her to be here with me, always. I do fucked up shit to her and I know she deserves better than me. I know she does, but I'm too fucking selfish to let her go. Haley was a mistake. The biggest fucking mistake of my entire life. I lost Candace because of it. Because my fucking horny male mind let Haley get the best of me. I fucking hate myself for it.

The fight was fucking pointless anyways. It wasn't worth watching her leave. It wasn't worth the tears that left her eyes. Im a fucking dick and I know it. I'm tired of fighting with her. I just want to have her and Phoebe here. I just want things to be the way that they used to be.

Five minutes since Candace left feels like an hour.

Ten minutes feels like a fucking eternity.

Twenty minutes have passed and I am about to just fucking drive over to their house and see that everything is okay for myself. My thoughts are cut off by the phone ringing.

Please be Candace. Please, fucking be Candace. I silently pray to whoever may be listening to me that this is Candace telling me that everything is okay.

To my surprise, it is Candace. Thank God it's Candace.

"Hello? Hey, is everything okay over there?" I ask quickly, almost out of breath.

"Matty..." I heard a little voice say on the other end of the phone.

"Phoebe? Hey, baby. What's wrong? How did you get Candace's phone?" I ask, both worried and relieved to hear her voice as well.

"Candace is in my daddy's room. She hasn't come out in a long time and I can hear her crying. We aren't supposed to go in there." She says in a shaky voice.

Of course Candace's prick of a fucking father is making her cry. Of fucking course. The dead beat has nothing better to do than make his daughter's life hell.

"Where are you, baby?" I ask softly.

"I'm in the kitchen." She replied.

"Okay, stay there. I'm on my way. I'll be there in a few minutes. Stay on the phone with me, okay?"

"Okay." She mumbled. I could tell that she was scared by the shake in her voice.

"It's going to be okay, baby. I promise." I assured her. This is a promise I am going to keep. For her, I have to keep this promise.

"I'm scared." She cries.

I speed down the road at the sound of her cries. I roll through the stop signs that keep me from getting to the house faster. I can still hear muffled sounds on the other end of the phone, but Phoebe stays quiet for the most part.

"Are they still in the room, Phoebe?" I ask, trying my hardest to keep my voice calm.

"Yeah. They're yelling." She mumbles.

"Okay. Stay in the kitchen, remember? Don't go over there."

I hear a large bang in the background. It sounded almost like something being thrown and shattering.

"Phoebe? Is everything okay?" I ask frantically.

I swear if Thomas lays one goddamn finger on either one of them, I will fucking kill him.

"Where are you?" She cries loudly, voice getting more anxious as the seconds pass.

"I'm about to pull into the driveway, baby. I'm almost there. Just a few more moments." I promise her as I turn the corner to get to their cul-de-sac.

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now