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Author's Note!!!
I am SO EXCITED TO POST THIS CHAPTER. BUT, Let my get through the thanks first. WE HAVE HIT 5K and halfway to 6K already!! That literally happened over night! I love you all so so much. Okay. I have been waiting to post this chapter for awhile now. This is it. The moment we have all been waiting for !!!! Well, what should have happened on their Vail trip....
Remember, if it has * by the chapter, that means mature content. If you don't like that, please skip. But if that's what you're here for....then enjoy !
"What are we doing?" I mumble in between each kiss.

"Don't think about it. Just go with it." He mumbles back, pulling me up and moving me to straddle his lap. My lips move in sync with his and I can't help but think about how...right this feels. It shouldn't feel right. It feels wrong because it feels so right.

"Matty..." I moan as I feel his hands trail up and down my thighs.

"You are...everything. You are everything to me." He says, moving his kisses to my shoulder and to the top of my chest.

My hands move to unbutton his button up shirt in quick, almost frantic movements. "Off. I need this off." I say, trying to pull the fabric off of his body. His chest is revealed to me, and I am desperate to see the rest of him. He leans up and shrugs the shirt off and tosses it so the side.

"Better?" He chuckles, putting his hand over mine that is now gripping his bicep.

"Much better." I mumble, kissing him once again. His hands grab at the bottom of my blouse and he pulls it up my body, only breaking the kiss to lift the shirt off of my body. When he does pull away, he admires me closely.

"You're everything, Candace." He repeated, holding his forehead to mine.

"Am I stupid for this?" I ask, knowing the answer is yes.

"Just because something feels stupid doesn't mean it isn't right." He tells me, kissing my bare shoulder.

"I want you." I tell him.

"What?" He asks, looking at me with a surprised expression.

"I want you, Matty." I repeat. He kisses me passionately and starts to unbutton my jeans.

"Is this okay?" He asks me, slowing down his movements.

"Yes." I mumble, and go to unbutton his dress pants. He leans up a bit to help me get them off, and I do the same.

I am currently sitting on top of Matty wearing only my bra and underwear, and he is sitting under me with boxers on with his pants around his ankles. His flushed cheeks get even brighter with color as my eyes scan down his body.

"I feel insecure with you." He admits with a slight chuckle.

"Why would you feel insecure?"

"Because you're so perfect, Candace. You are so fucking perfect. And, I don't deserve this."

I kiss him again and grind my hips down on him, earning a groan from his throat. His hands reach around and grab my ass, pulling me even closer to him.

"Should we get off of the floor now?" He asks into the kiss.

"Yeah, we should." I laugh, getting off of him quickly. He stands up, kicks his pants off and then sits down on the couch that we were on only minutes before.

"Now, where were we?" He asks with a smile and pulls me back down onto his lap. I trail my kisses away from his mouth and go straight to his neck, biting and sucking at the skin.

"Fuck, Candace." He groans, running his hands up my back and grabbing a fist full of my hair. I moan when he tugs lightly.

I start grinding down on him, needing to relieve some of the tension.

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now