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I pull away as fast as humanly possible and gape at him. Why the fuck would he do that? What in the world would make him think that kissing me would be okay?

"Why did you do that?" I exclaim, wiping the back of my mouth with my hand to try and rid any trace of him.

"What are you talking about? Because I like you?" He says as though it's obvious.

"I am dating Matty! Your cousin! Why the fuck would you think that kissing your cousins girlfriend would be okay?" I yell at him. I am bound to wake someone up, but I don't even care. I am pissed off and beyond taken aback.

"Are you seriously going to stay caught up on him? He is nothing, Candace! I told you earlier that I liked you! I thought that you..."

"No! Garret, I don't like you! I love Matty! You know that I love Matty! Everyone knows that I love Matty!" I yell, standing up from the couch and grabbing my things.

"Where are you going?" He asks, watching me collect all of my belongings before I begin to stomp to my room.

"I'm going to bed and waiting for Matty to get here in the morning!" I reply, knowing it's pretty obvious.

"Listen, I'm sorry. But you are so caught up on Matty and he left you here alone! He left you here on vacation, just left he threatened to do to Haley the last time she was here! Do you really think you're any different than her? I mean hell, you even said that he cheated on you! Maybe you aren't that different." He spits out.

"Don't you dare compare me to her. I am nothing like her." I say, pointing a finger at him. He smirks a sinister smile, now knowing exactly how to hurt me.

"You're nothing like her? Really? I mean, I guess you might be right. I'm sorry, Candace. You're right. You're nothing like her." He says, sounding genuine.

I don't say anything, but right as I'm about to leave I hear him add, "I guess that's why he always goes back to her for a quick fuck."

I turn around and punch him in the face without giving it a second thought. My hand aches instantly and I go to grip it tightly in my other hand, trying to ease the pain.

"What the hell? You fucking bitch." Garret groans, holding his now bleeding nose in the hand. You would think that with all of the punches Garret has taken this last week that he would hold back on what he says and does. Well, clearly not.

"Fuck you, Garret. I won't feel bad for at all once Matty finds out what you did. Good luck." I spit, and walk down the hall and close the door to the joint room.

I let out a loud, frustrated groan and throw myself onto the bed. This is complete and utter bullshit. Who the hell does Garret think he is? Matty was right about him. He was right about everything. I mean, it's been proven that Garret will say and do anything in order to get his way. Everything he told me was a lie. I don't need anything else to show me how sinister and malicious he is. Matty was right. He truly is a fucking snake.

"Please come home, Matty." I mumble to myself as a silent tear falls down my face.

I see Matty's phone sitting on the bedside table next to me, and I reach over and hold it in my hands. It's cold and unused, which is very unlikely for his phone. Matty never leaves the house without his phone. He told me that he can't because of work, but clearly he doesn't seem to care right now.

I press the lock button and the screen lights up. To my surprise it's actually still halfway charged. This actually really surprises me. I thought it would have been dead by now, but clearly not. I haven't even touched it since he left.

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now