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Matty's POV

"There is no way that they will win this game. No way in hell." Candace laughed, cuddling into my side as we watched some college football game on the couch.

"I think they will. Just wait." I laughed, poking her in side.

She giggled in response, and I think this may be my favorite noise in the world.

"Stay the night?" She asked, looking up at me with innocent eyes.

"Hmm...I don't know. Maybe." I teased, knowing damn well that I would be staying the night with her.

"Please?" She asked, dragging out the word.

"What do I get out of it?" I asked, clearly joking.

"What do you think?" She asked, lifting her brow in suggestion. I laughed, but was definitely convinced to stay.

"I'll stay. But only if you give me he-" I said, before getting cut off by my phone ringing and vibrating in my pocket. "Perfect timing." I said sarcastically, causing her to laugh and push away from me.

Haley's name popped up across the screen. I sighed and Candace inhaled a deep breath.

Right as I was about to end the call, she stopped me.

"Answer it." She said, eyes not moving from the screen.

"No." I said, ending the call.

"It might be important. You need to call her back."

Speak of the Devil and she shall appear. Right as the sentence left Candace's mouth, Haley called back immediately. I groan before answering the call.


"Why did you forward my call?" She demanded before anything else.

"I'm kind of busy. Do you need something?" I ask, trying my best to have her get to the point of this call.

"It's almost eleven at night. What could you possibly be busy with?"

"I'm with Candace." I say honestly.

"Wow. Well, since you're too busy to answer the first time I tell you, I thought you might like to know that he's dying." She cried, voice breaking towards the end.

He's dying.

"What? Haley, wait."

"Come to the house if you have anything you'd like to say to him. I don't think he's going to make it through the night." She said before hanging up.

Right as she hung up the phone, I stood up and began to slip my shoes on. Despite our very complicated relationship, I have to be there for Haley right now. Not only for Haley, but for her entire family. Knowing that Robert is close to death makes me feel...empty. I've never really lost anyone close to me. I don't really know what to do.

"Matty?" Candace asked cautiously.

"I have to go." I said quickly, scrambling to look for my car keys.

"Okay... can I ask why?"

"Haley and her family need me right now. I'm sorry, but I have to be there for them. I'll be back in like an hour, okay? Just with all of this stuff going on with Robert and his illness, I just have to be-" She cut me off by grabbing my hand in hers.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand, Matty. Go and be with them. Please let them know that they are in my thoughts and in my prayers. Okay? Now, go. Go and be do what you can to help. I love you and I'll see you in a little bit, yeah?" She said, assuring me that everything was okay.

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