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Author's Note!
Okay, SHELLEY AS MEGAN 100%!!!! Just imagine her as a little hippie girl omg. I literally feel like with Megan's personality, Shelley is the picture example of how I picture her ! I hope this chapter gives you all a better look into Kyler and Megan, as well as their friendship with Matty! I think Kyler is my new favorite character, actually! Plus, Megan is a lowkey BADASS!

I hope you all like this chapter! I love you all very much. Vote ! Comment ! And share this story !!!

Matty's POV

"Well, well, well...look what the cat dragged in. A very drunk Matty-Patty" Megan laughed, looking at Candace and I through the rearview mirror.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. How can you even tell that i'm drunk?" I ask, wondering if we reek of alcohol.

"I can see it in your eyes. We went to high school and college together, remember? Your have those drunk eyes." She laughs again.

"Thanks for the warning, Frailey." I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, i'm pretty drunk as well. I am in no situation to be driving right now, and Megan doesn't drink. So, here we are to your rescue. Think of us like Batman and Robin. Robin is only here for moral support, though."

"I don't remember Batman being so annoying." I say, rolling my eyes.

"You're a cutie. Matty, aren't you going to introduce us to your girlfriend?"

"That's not his girlfriend. He fucks everything up, remember?" Frailey says, nudging her shoulder.

I get enough shit with Frailey, but with both of them together, I get roasted to no point of return.

"I'm Candace." Candace says shyly. I grip her thigh and smile a tight smile, trying my best not to be embarassed right now.

"Well, Candace. I'm Kyler and this is my wife, Megan. We have heard a lot about you." He says with a chuckle. I punch his shoulder from my spot in the back and he laughs loudly, "All good things, of course! I must say, you are just as beautiful as he always talks about."

"Well, i'm glad it was all good things." Candace laughs.

"So, tell me. What's a pretty girl like you doing with this fucking dweeb?" Megan laughs.

"Frailey, put a leash on your wife. Someone let her out, again."

"Ha ha." Megan said, rolling her eyes.

"I really like your car." Candace says politely.

"Excuse me, you like this piece of shit?" Frailey asks with a laugh, turning his body around so he can look directly at Candace.

"Thank you! See, Kyler! I told you this car was nice!"

"Yeah, it's nice if you want to break down on the highway every month." He replies truthfully.

"I keep telling him that I love this car, and he just doesn't see it!"

"I've been trying to get her to say yes to letting me buy her a new car for years now." He tells Candace, rolling his eyes.

"I keep telling him that I don't want him to spend money on me! I can buy my own car." She states proudly.

"Babe, we're married now. We share a bank account. You buying your own car would still be like me buying the car. We literally have a joint bank account." He laughs.

"Okay, true. But, I don't see the point in getting something new if there's nothing wrong with this!" She argues.

"I totally agree with you!" Candace says with a laugh.

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now