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"Are you almost here?" I ask him as he drives. The camera is faced up at the ceiling of his car, so I can't see what he's driving by. We have been on FaceTime for nearly an hour now, just talking about nonsense. I miss him. It hasn't even been that long and I already miss him like crazy.

"Yeah. I'm getting ready to turn onto your road." He assures me.

"Okay." I tell him and get out of bed to go outside and wait.

"Are you waiting outside right now? " Matty laughs with a chuckle.

"Maybe." I tell him.

"I think I can see you." He says.

"Probably." I laugh, seeing his headlights shine from down the street. I hang up our call and watch him pull into the driveway. He doesn't even have a chance to get out of his car when I open his door and wrap my arms around him in his seat.

"Hi, baby." He says, turning his body to mine and hugging my tightly.

"I'm sorry." I mumble into the shoulder.

"I know. I'm sorry, too. I'm so sorry."

"You weren't being a dick, i'm sorry. I should have explained to you what was happening. I should have given you the chance to be there for me. I'm sorry." I say again, inhaling his clean scent.

"No, I was being a jealous asshole. I'm sorry, baby." He mumbles.

"Let's just go inside and forget about it. I want to enjoy this last night with you." I tell him.

"It won't be our last night. It will just be our last night for the next few days." He assues me. He grabs a small backpack and gets out of his car. He is wearing the clothes that I rarely see him in, but enjoy every second of when I do. His sneakers can be seen from the sweatpants he's wearing, and his hoodie is the one that I love to wear when he isn't wearing it. Relaxed and laid back Matty is my favorite.

We go inside and I guide him into my bedroom. He looks around the room for a second and picks up the picture frame that is on the dresser by the door. It's my high school prom picture, and he smiles down at the image before setting it back down onto the counter top.

"I've never been in your room before." He points out.

"You haven't?" I ask, completely oblivious to the fact.

"No." He says, taking another looking around the space. "I like it. It's cute." He smiles and sets his bag onto the floor by the bed.

"Well...I guess we should probably get ready for bed." I mumble, instantly feeling nervous. Why do I feel so nervous?

"Yeah, probably." He chuckles. He pulls off his hoodie and reveals a plan white tshirt. He sets the hoodie onto the bed and then sees my eyeballing it. "Do you want to wear it?" He asks with an amused smile.

"Kind of." I mumble.

"Please, do." He tells me as he hands me the warm material. I take off the shirt that i'm currently wearing and slip his hoodie over my head. It hits just below my thighs and I quickly slip off my black leggings, leaving me only in his hoodie and my underwear.

"You look perfect." He says with a smile.

"Do I?"

"Yes. So lovely." He assures me.

I turn the light off and climb into the bed. He pulls the covers over me and pulls me closer to his chest, sighing at the contact.

"I love you, Candace." He tells me.

"I love you too, Matty." I tell him.

He pulls my face up to his and kisses me briefly. When he pulls away, he almost immediately pulls me back in to kiss me once again, not wanting to end it so quickly. One hand moves from my face and travels down to my hip, tracing little shapes with his thumb. I move slightly and he grips onto me tighter, not wanting me to move away.

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now