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The next few days are spent in a hectic rush to get everything packed and settled before we go on our trip. We have never been to Florida, so it was kind of difficult to understand what the weather would be like. Matty claims that it is only pretty warm for three hours during the day, and that it cools down during the night. But, he also says that the ocean will be warm enough to swim in. Overall, it's a pretty confusing way to describe the place. I'm stuck on if I should pack our warmer clothes, or something short for the summer weather. I pack both, just to stay safe.

"Are you all packed?" Matty asks as he walks into our bedroom. Our bedroom. Yikes. I really need to be careful on how comfortable I get.

"Basically. Do I need to bring a jacket?" I ask, looking at the jean jacket and the North Face I have in my hand.

"Yes. Like I said, it's going to get pretty cool outside. You'll understand once we get there. It's really nice, though. You'll love it. I promise." He assures me, pulling me away from my suitcase and kissing my temple gently.

"I'm sure I will. Everywhere you have taken me so far has been great." I smile.

"I'm really excited for you to see it. It's been a while since we've been here, but we go here more often than we do to Vail. It's a little house right on the beach. It's only a few yards away from the seashore. It's just...it's perfect." He smiles at the memory.

"Have you..."

"Hmm?" He hums, waiting for my question that I'm scared to ask.

"Have you taken Haley here before?" I ask quietly. He looks down at me with a sad smile on his face, knowing that I don't want to hear the answer.

"Let's not think about that, yeah? I've had a lot of people here. Mainly only friends. Kyler and Megan usually come with me. But, I have never really been here with a girlfriend. Haley has been here, but we weren't together. I don't want to think about her, though. Okay? I only want to make new memories here with you. It's going to be a ton of fun." He promises me, kissing the top of my head.

"Phoebe's kind of scared of the water, so be prepared for that." I laugh, remembering the time that I tried to take her swimming. She refused to let go of my neck and cried when I pretended to put her down.

"I think that even she will love it out here. It's perfect. You have no idea. Okay, it's going to be a long flight but I think we are going to stop and stay for a day to just kind of get away from the airport for awhile. It will all be worth it, though. I promise." He continues to assure me.

"I'm pretty sure you will find a way to make it perfect. I believe you." I laugh, throwing both jackets into my suitcase."


Matty wasn't lying when he said it was going to be a long flight. The airlines figured out to make this trip a fifteen hour long thing, and that's not even close to how long it takes to actually fly into Florida. Phoebe loves to planes, and Matty let's her sit by the window every time. She looks out of the window with awe as we watch the clouds below the plane. At one point, we passed through a cloud and she completely freaked out, thinking that the place was beginning to crash. Matty had to explain to her how clouds worked, and that the moisture just made for a very bumpy ride.

"Think of it as a carnival ride." He whispers to her as she holds onto his arm tightly, hiding her face in his sweatshirt.

"I don't like flying." She mumbles.

"It's okay, love." Matty laughs, handing her his little bag of pretzels.

"Do you want something to drink?" I ask him as I see the flight attendant approach us.

The Arrangement | Completed | Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now