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Sorry for any mistakes!

Lau's POV:

I woke up curled against Larry and my mind went to yesterday. I can't believe I got mad because Larry was cooking. Not only that but he spanked me. Why would he do that? While I was in thought I didn't realize Larry had woke up and was watching me. I started rubbing his stomach feeling his abs and chest when I felt and heard him laugh.

"Having fun kitten?" I blushed nodding my head drawing random shapes on his stomach with my fingers.

"How you feeling today kitten?" He asks petting my head making me purr.

"I'm ok." I say kinda quiet. His hand begins to rub my back.

"Whacha wanna do today kitten?" He asks rubbing down my side his hand resting on my hip. I go to answer when a huge crack of thunder shakes the house making me flinch and bury myself in Larry. Both his arms hold me close to him as he calmly shushes me.

"You're ok baby. Its just thunder." He coos. I begin to whimper. I hate storms but I never told Larry because I figured it'd be something for him to tease me about.

"Kitten what's wrong?" He asks sitting up, setting me in his lap.

"Tell me kitten." He says rubbing my cheek.

"I..." Another clap of thunder sounds and I yelp burying myself in Larry again beginning to cry.

"Oh my kitten. Please don't cry. Tell me what's wrong." He says rubbing my back.

"I'm afraid of storms." I cried.

"The sound hurts my ears." I say slightly mumbled by his neck. He hugged me tight.

"Aww kitten I didn't know. I'm sorry." He says kissing my forehead. I snuggled into him feeling comforted in his warmth. The storm only got worse from there.

"Laarrrryyy." I cried into his chest as he rocked me back and forth.

"Oh baby. Shhh shhhhh." He whispered wrapping an arm around my waist a hand in my hair holding me as close as possible while I gripped his shirt and lightly cried. After a few minutes he laid me down on the bed starting to get up. I gripped his wrist wiping my eyes.

"Don't go. Why you leaving?" He leaned down pressing a kiss to my quivering lips.

"I'll be right back kitten. I'm just going to the bathroom ok?" He says giving me small pecks. I nod grabbing his pillow and curling around it. While Larry was in the bathroom the biggest crack of thunder sounded and I ran to the closet hiding in the very back, curling up into ball, wrapping my arms around my head and my tail around my body. A few minutes later I was picked up and carried back into the bedroom. I was assisted in a change of clothes calming down a bit before carried once again to the kitchen. He stood me in the middle of the kitchen opening all the blinds allowing me to see outside. Then he ran back upstairs leaving me alone and slightly frightened and soon he was back with Souris, its French for mouse. He handed him to me and I hugged him close to me as Larry runs his hand through my hair.

"You're ok kitten I promise." He says kissing my forehead.

"Go lay on the couch. Maybe watch some tv or something to try to calm down."

"B-but its loud." I said tearing up again.

"I know. I know. Just try kitten. Ima make breakfast. Now go." He says pulling me into a deep kiss calming me a bit. I walked into the living room curling up with souris somehow getting comfy and accidentally falling asleep.

Larry's POV:

I started breakfast sending Lau into the living room praying he wouldn't break down again. Getting breakfast done I walked in to get Lau's attention when I see my poor kitten curled up, sleeping, holding his mouse. I can't believe my baby is that afraid of storms. I gently walk over grazing my hand across his cheek feeling sorry for my kitten. There's so much he has hid from me and I feel awful.

"Kitten. Kitten baby wake up breakfasts ready." Slowly he starts waking up showing signs of just how exhausted his body is. I pick him up going into the dining room sitting down with him in my lap feeding him, this time making sure he eats it all. I fed him before I ate and by the time I was done he'd fallen asleep again. My poor baby kitten. I carried him back into our room laying back down with him holding him tight so he feels safe, hoping this storm blows by quick. Soon enough I start to feel a tad drowsy and decide to take a small nap praying everything will be alright.

Sorry for any mistakes! This one's short. Sorry.
Love you guys so much.💞💞

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