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Sorry for any mistakes!

Lau's POV:

I woke up the next morning still kinda tired but wrapped up in Larry's arms. I knew I couldn't move away so I just snuggled in closer hearing a soft aww. I slowly look over as best as I could to see Ari smiling down at me.

"Morning sunshine." She says and I cuddle into Larry slightly embarrassed. I'd forgotten we were still at mami's house.

"I'll leave you alone. Just wake Larry up soon before mami has to wake him up." I nod and she kisses my temple before heading out of the room. I relax in Larry's arms enjoying his warmth when suddenly the door flies open it startled both me and Larry. The door is shut and locked and I turn around when Larry let's go, face to face with Nie. She had bruises and cuts on her face and I was terrified.

"Nie get the hell out you're not supposed to be here." Larry says in his morning voice, not making a move to get her out. She grips my hair tossing me on the ground before heading to Larry. She had something in her hand and by the time I realized what it was she had tied Larry to the bed and gagged, heading in my direction. I tried to get up but she caught my wrist throwing me on the bed beside Larry.

"You've turned everyone against me you little freak. If you were just dead or hell never born in the first place we'd be a happy family." Tears flowed down my face. She wants me dead?

"You stay here if you move a fucking inch I'll kill you ya understand?" I nod quickly snuggling into Larry's side scared of what she would do to me. Even tho Larry couldn't move I knew he felt bad as the tears just rolled down my face. She walks in with a cane and I freak.

"No Nie please I won't bother you I promise just please don't hurt me." I cry curling into a ball. Larry fights his restraints trying to yell but it was all muffled as she yanked my arm and threw me in the floor.

"Nie...Nie please." I say covering my face.

"Hush you annoying shit. I'm gonna teach you a lesson on how not to piss me off."

"Please." I felt the sting of the cane go across the back of one of my thighs. All I had on was a loose pair of shorts and I knew this wouldn't end well for me if I made a noise so I grip bit my own arm to keep quiet. After the few swats across rabdom parts on my body the door opens to Teddy. She was a friend and we hadn't seen her in ages. Nie pushes past her and run away. I curl up in the floor and sob as teddy goes and undoes Larry. As soon as he's undone I'm in his arms as he tries to calm me down but my cries get louder and soon Ari, Jasper, Lance and mami are all in the room.

"What's the matter baby?" Ari asks as she takes me out of Larry's lap. I wrap my arms around her neck and cry into her shoulder as Larry places kisses on my cheek rubbing my back.

"When I came in Nie was in here but bolted quick." Teddy says as everyone had just noticed she was in the room. Everyone said their hellos before all attention was back on me. Ari was about to get up but Larry told her no, she would get what's coming to her soon. Ari's arms tightened around me as my sobs died down. Larry knew I'd fall asleep again so he took me in his arms.

"Kitten can you try and stay awake until after breakfast. I promise we'll keep you safe especially since Teddy's here." He whispered.

"I-i can t-try." I say hiccuping.

"Trying is all I'm asking baby. If you can't then go to sleep ok." I nod snuggling into Larry. He stands up as we all head down to the dining room, Ari on one side Teddy on the other. Nie comes down last her face not showing any kind of guilt or nothing. In fact she seemed pleased. I whimper at the thought of my pain making her happy.

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