Ch. 37

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Sorry for any mistakes!

Larry's POV:

I was thrown off by the question. Babies?

"Honey are you sure?" He moves into my lap and takes my hands.

"Yes. Please?" His eyes go huge.

"B-baby I don't know. That's a big step are you absolutely sure?" He starts to tear up.

"No baby don't cry." I say wiping his eyes. I felt bad for making him cry. He just got comfortable being a neko and his new little space. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea.

"I-I just want a baby Larry. A little us running around. It's not like we just met. Please I really really want one!" More tears stream down his face. I wipe them before pulling him into a hug as he cuddles into my chest.

"I'm just making sure. Here lately you've been acting out. I mean this morning was a tad much. I just don't need us having a baby and me being the only adult. You understand right?" I lifted his head so he was looking at me.

"I'm sorry about this morning daddy. I promise I'll act better." He seems desperate for a baby.  Don't get me wrong I want one too it's just his actions here lately make me double think. I just worried he's wanting a baby for the wrong reason. Either way I'll do anything for him.

"Alright kitten we'll have a baby." His eyes lit up and he hugged me tight.

"Oh thank you daddy!" I hugged him closer.

"Anything for my pumpkin."

~Two months later~

Still Larry's POV

My poor baby.  Two months we've been trying to have this baby and it hasn't happened. Right now he's up in our room crying his eyes out and trust me it's a heart breaking sound. He keeps saying how there's something wrong with him but I'm not so sure. I left the room to call a doctor definitely not getting him and set up an appointment for him to get checked out. I grabbed a sprite and some cookies hoping to make him feel better.

"Kitten?" I say walking in. He holds out his arms.

"Daddy!" I place the food on the night stand, picking him up. I rock him back and forth as he whimpers into my shoulder.

"Hush pumpkin daddy's here. I got you a doctor's appointment to check you out if that's ok?" He nods. I kiss his forehead sitting on the bed with my back against the headboard.

"Want some cookies baby?" He sits up a little.

"Daddy has cookies?"

"Yep. Here." I hand him three chewy chocolate chip cookies. He lays back against me slowly eating them as I rub his back.

"Is there something wrong with me?" He whispered with a mouthful of cookies.

"One don't talk with your mouth full. Two no baby there is absolutely nothing wrong with you."

"Drink daddy?" He asks once he swallowed the cookies. I hand him his drink.

"Ok the doctors appointment is in three hours what do you wanna do in the mean time."

"Can we watch shrek?" I laughed giving him a kiss.

"Sure baby." After watching shrek we got dressed and headed to the doctor and let me tell you that was not fun. They took seven viles of blood, testing that, before having to do an ultrasound and he was a squirmy baby. Finally the doctor came in and even though she had a smile I could see in her eyes we weren't getting good news.

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