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Sorry for any mistakes!

Larry's POV:

I laid with kitten lightly petting his hair and holding his hand. He sniffles in his sleep and I question why he broke down when asked if its happened again. I shook it off before getting out of the bed hushing him when he whined at the loss of my warmth. I get his laptop looking up places I could take him to help relieve some stress and calm his nerves. I find a hotel and spa and strangely its for nekos. I book us the next few days and climb back in bed and wait for my baby to wake up. About an hour later he begins to wiggle and sits up looking around like he didn't remember being home.


"I'm right here baby." I say rubbing his back. He turns around before climbing into my lap.

"Feel better kitten?" I ask as I pet his ears hearing him purr, a sound I definitely missed.

"Yea. I'm really sorry."


"I didn't behave." He says looking down like the way he acted angered me in any way.

"Baby..." I said pulling him close giving him small but powerful kisses.

"You were a very, very good boy. I'm so proud of you. I know you didn't do it on purpose and probably weren't awake enough to fully understand."

"Really?" He asks seeing his tail flicker and his ears raise a bit.

"Yes." He smiled and did a tiny dance.

"There's my baby." I say playing with his ears watching them twitch to my touch.

"I got a surprise for you."

"Ooo what?!" He got excited and I knew I'd done the right thing.

"I can't tell you. That's why its a surprise." He pouted and I kiss his pouched out lips.

"Can I have a hint?" He asks wiggling a little.

"We gotta pack." He looked shocked.

"B-but don't I have to go to the station?"

"Only when you're ready and I can tell you're not."

"Ok." Granted his good mood he was no help in packing. He'd get distracted and would play with something. I ended up doing all the work.

"Nnhh." I hear a whine from the room. I barely hear him because I was in the closet.

"What baby?" I raised my voice so he can hear me as I get some of his favorite shirts.

"Nnnh." I hear again. I walk out of the closet but not seeing kitten.

"Kitten?" I head to the bathroom seeing him slumped over the toilet.

"Oh baby." He looks up his lip quivering.

"Shhh shhh don't cry you're ok." He held up his arms but I shake my head and go get some new clothes for him so I can get him a bath started. I walk in and he's crying.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry." He started.

"Hush baby." I start the water and rid him of his clothes. I wipe his face and brush his teeth while waiting for the tub to fill.

"I'm sorry Larry."

"Baby stop. You're fine. You got sick its ok." He sniffles and I help him in the tub. I let him soak for a few minutes before lathering him up and making sure I cleaned him up good.

"Your tummy still hurt?"

"Not as much."

"That's good." I get him up, dried, and into his sweats and a tank. I place him in our bed only to have him whine again.

"What baby?"


"I gotta finish packing baby. I'm still in the room ok?" He nodded and watched me the rest of the time.

"I'm all done baby."

"Yay." We head downstairs and I started lunch since breakfast was kinda skipped. I made us some small sandwiches before we hopped in the car and headed out, a very hyper kitten in the passenger seat. What wasn't said was the trip was four hours long and I knew he wouldn't last the whole time. He's still sick and his medicine causes drowsiness.

"Larry where we going?" He asks his tiredness slipping through two hours into the trip.

"Its a surprise kitten." He whines but curled up and falls asleep.

"This is gonna be the best thing ever, I promise." I held his hand and continued driving. We're gonna have so much fun.

Kinda short. Sorry. Hope you like it.
Love you.

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