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Sorry for any mistakes.

Lau's POV:

I woke up snuggled against Larry to the sound of a crying baby.

"B-b-baabaaa! Daaadaaaa!" I crawled out of Larry's arms and over to Scott.

"What's wrong Scotty baby?" I picked him up noticing his diapers wet.

"Aww someone needs changing." I look over seeing Larry still asleep. I quieted Scott as I took him down stairs seeing a diaper bag with his name on it. I rummage through it finding what I need, changing him and even making him a bottle. I checked the time seeing it was four in the morning. I rocked him back to sleep and took him back upstairs. I lay him down seeing Larry looking at me.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He was wet and hungry. How did you sleep through that?"

"I'm not sure baby. Come here and go back to sleep." I made sure Scott wouldn't fall put of the chair before crawling into bed.


"Yes pumpkin?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asked looking at me funny.

"For how I acted before bed." I whispered.

"No honey, don't apologize. You were fighting sleep. I forgive you baby." I smiled and cuddled up next to him.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you more. Now sleep." I got comfy before feeling a sharp pain in my side. I sit up seeing my binky and happily putting it in my mouth. I awoken later alone. I sit up whimpering.

"D-daddy?" I teared up grabbing my binky, sucking on it before climbing out of bed and carefully downstairs. I see Tony and Scott playing while Sam and daddy watched tv.

"Dada!" Scott squealed. I collapsed on the floor crying. I didn't want to be an adult today. Daddy came and picked me up.

"Baby boy what's wrong?"

"I-I wanna be wittle daddy!"

"Ok...ok. Be little pumpkin daddy's here." I cuddled up closer to him.

"So you're a daddy now?" I heard Sam ask.

"Yea. I guess so. I'm not the greatest. I'm still learning." Sam nodded.

"We all have to learn some way."

"Yea." Tony sat beside us with Scott in his lap.

"You awake?" I ask.

"Yea. Apparently all I needed was sleep."

"W-wanna go pway?" I ask. I just need a friend right now.

"Not now Lau I'm playing with Scott." I teared up again. I laid against daddy sobbing quietly as he rubbed my back. Soon I feel him stand cradling me against him. I'm sat on the bathroom counter sink in the downstairs bathroom.

"What's wrong baby?" He says getting a washcloth, wetting it, and wiping my face with it.

"Nob-body wants to be wif me! I jus wanna pway." Daddy sighed kissing my cheek.

"What if you, Scott, and Tony play? Would that work?" I shook my head.

"Will daddy pway wif me?" I pray he doesn't say no. He smiled down at me.

"Sure pumpkin. Lets get breakfast first ok?"

"Oki." He picks me back up and carries me into the kitchen.

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