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Sorry for any mistakes.

Lau's POV:

I awaken to the sound of deafening thunder and Scott bawling in my chest.

"Sshhh dada's here. I'll protect you." I pulled him closer covering his ears.

"Its's ok." I somehow managed to ignore the noise making sure Scott was ok. I feel Larry sit up and pull me into his lap. Placing Scotty between us helped him calm significantly.

"Mmmm." He hummed against me. I stroke his hair, curling our tails together.

"Larry where's his binky?" I ask. He leans over pulling it out of the top drawer.

"Here." I give it to Scott who happily took it from me and laid against me. He was calmer until another bang of thunder making us both jump and him begin to cry again.

"No baby it's ok. Dada and baba are gonna keep you safe. Go back to sleep little one. I got you. I'm not letting you go." His tail wrapped tighter around mine as his ear laid right over my heart. Within seconds he was back to sleep. I look up to see Larry smiling at me.

"What?" I say blushing.

"You're gonna be a wonderful parent kitten." I blushed harder.

"You think so?"

"I know so." He leaned forward placing a kiss on my lips.

"I love you kitten." I went to speak back hearing another clap of thunder instinctively holding Scott tighter. Larry pulled me closer as well when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Sam and Tony walked in.

"Mind if we ride out the storm with you guys." Sam laughed.

"Sure." Sam sat with a puffy eyed Tony in his lap.

"Do they all cry during storms?" Larry asked.

"Most do. I think it depends on age and how they were raised."

"Ah." Me and Tony kinda eyed each other.

"We were at the mall walking outside when a huge lightning bolt shot down scaring him to death. I get him to the car and now we're here." Larry nodded.

"Larry?" I asked.

"What baby?"

"Can I twist my hair again?" I ask looking down at Scott who's sleeping peacefully again despite the noise.

"Sure pumpkin. When you wanna go?" I shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Someones still sleepy." He said running a hand through my frizzy afro.

"I noticed too every time there's a storm Tony will get so tired."

"This is only the second one we've been through and he's doing so well."Larry says. I blushed looking down.

"Aw don't be shy now baby." He said pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.

"Being sane in a storm is a blessing Lau. Be happy you're not freaking out." Sam said. I look down at Tony seeing he too is asleep and I got frustrated.

"I wanna sleep too." I whine looking directly at Larry.

"My poor sleepy baby." He said laying me against his shoulder careful to not smother Scott. I turn sideways so I can carefully hold Scott and sleep. Larry cradles me in his arms rocking back and forth talking with Sam. Dosing, all our phones go off making me jump. I look up at Larry and his face changes to horror.

"Come on guys let's move to the basement." He says as he picks me up and we run downstairs. He locks the door when suddenly I get this weird feeling of fear running through my body. I lay Scott down on the extra bed we have in the basement walking over to Larry.


"What baby?"

"I'm scared." I say tearing up.

"No baby don't cry. We're ok. Sshh." He says pulling me against him.

"D-dada." I hear the same fear in Scotts voice as he calls for me.

"Daddy what's going on?" I ask beginning to cry heavily. I hear both Sam and Larry sigh.

"There's a tornado coming." I went cold but then I remembered something.

"Daddy where's tasha?" He face went blank.

"Shit!" He ran out, coming back with tasha who was very excited to be in the basement. Scott was playing with his tail, suddenly ok with being stuck in the basement while Tony and Sam cuddled in an old chair along the wall. I on the other hand was scared. I've never been through a tornado and I didn't understand how everyone was so calm. I think Larry noticed because he brought one of his hands out from behind his back holding souris. He went to hand him to me but I shook my head.

"Why don't you want him?" He says extremely confused.

"I was bad." I say looking down.

"Its ok baby. You apologized to Scott, and you're my good little boy remember?"

"Am I?"

"Yes baby. Now take him, I know he'll help your nerves." Hesitantly I grabbed souris and holds him close leaning against Larry.

"You wanna take a nap?" I nodded. He picked me up bouncing me in his arms lightly rocking me to sleep.

Larry's POV:

My poor little baby kittens. Scott is nibbling on his fingers playing with his tail nodding off to sleep. I look down seeing kitten had finally gone to sleep again. Gently I laid him on the bed.

"You wanna cuddle with dada?" I ask Scott. He nods crawling over kitten and snuggling as close as he could. I was shocked when I saw kitten move souris away and pull Scott to him in his sleep. Smiling I press a kiss to both of their foreheads before going over to Sam.

"How's Tony?"

"He's good. This isn't our first tornado so he knows how to calm himself. The lights in the basement flickered before going completely dark. I'm so glad kittens asleep. He's terrified of the dark. Turning the light on, on my phone I got some candles and lit them in different areas around the basement to get a decent light flowing around the space. This awful noise erupted upstairs and I was honestly nervous.

"Grab the boys and we'll slide over to that corner." Sam suggested. I nodded gently getting the boys and souris. Getting situated in the corner I had to call tasha over and put her in a box so she wouldn't run off.

"Today's gonna be a long day." Sam whispers.

"It sure is."

Tada an update. I know it's a little short and I'm sorry. I hope its still good.
Love you❤

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