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Sorry for any mistakes!!

Larry's POV:

My poor baby. I really don't understand why he still loves me. Anyway right now I'm making him some chicken alfredo. He loves this dish. I'm halfway done when I feel arms around my waist.

"Hello baby."

"Hi." I turn around hugging him back.

"How was your nap?" He shrugged.

"Up." He said jumping a little holding his arms up. I picked him up getting a small kiss.

"Look what I'm making." He had a huge grin on his face.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too baby. Go wash your hands, dinner should be done ok?"

"Why I gotta wash my hands?" He whined.

"Because you were playing with the dog." He sighed as I put him down but he went into the bathroom to wash his hands. Then I heard the little patter of feet and I looked down to see tasha running into the kitchen.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" I dished our food putting it on the table having a cute little shadow follow me.

"You need to go outside?" I opened the back door. Luckily our yard had a small chain linked fence so I didn't worry much. I left the door open as she went outside.


"What baby?"

"Wheres tasha!" He said coming into the living room looking scared.

"She's outside baby." Right after I said that she came rushing in with a tiny stick. I closed the door as she ran to her bed eating the stick as best she could with her baby teeth.

"Come eat pumpkin." I sat down beginning to eat when I felt him poke me.

"What baby?"

"C-can you feed me?" He asked.

"Sure get your plate." He grabbed his plate sitting in my lap. Thirty minutes later we were both done eating.

"Go get ready for bed ok?" He nodded running upstairs.

"No running!" I hollered. I went into the living room picking up tasha, her bed, souris, and kittens binky heading upstairs. I put tasha down beside the closet door so she's in eyesight and look up to see a teary eyed kitten holding his arm close to his body.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"I fell and hit my arm on the bed." He whimpered.

"Pumpkin." I sighed.

"Let me see." He crawls on his knees to the edge of the bed giving me his arm. I saw a big bruise about mid-way on his arm but nothing to severe.

"You'll be ok baby. I know it hurts but you'll be fine." I kissed his arm. I carefully got him into a loose tank top and basketball shorts. I had on a baggy shirt and shorts laying in bed as he curled up into my side. The next morning I woke up to kitten laying beside me apparently watching me sleep.

"Hi daddy."

"Good morning beautiful." He blushed. I pulled him against me kissing his forehead.


"Yes baby?"

"Can we stay in bed all day? I just wanna cuddle with you." He said snuggling in closer.

"Sure baby cakes." I held him as he laid there before I heard a soft whine.


"It wasn't me." Then I remembered tasha. I rolled over seeing her sitting at the edge of the bed. I picked her up setting her between us.

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