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Sorry for any mistakes!

Arielle's POV:

I took Laurent's hand and brought him to my room for the time being. I'm helping mami move in and I got a room near hers for when I visit.

"Lau go sit on my bed." I could sense his hesitance but he sat on the edge of my bed playing with his fingers. I walk over to my closet pulling out a box. I look over seeing Lau with tears running down his face.

"Baby why are you crying?" He looks up at me.

"Why does she hate me?" I frown. I've never understood Laylonies hate for Lau but what she did was unacceptable and I'll probably kill her but right now I need my sweet baby to smile.

"Baby I don't know but look what I got." He looks in the box and he smiles. I reach in and pull out some old toys he had when he was younger. He use to keep them in my room so no one else would find them. He had tons of stuffed animals. He had mice, cats, few bunny's, and a bird. He dumped out the box and laid in the floor playing. He laughed and talked with them. I start to leave for a minute to get Larry but he yells for me.

"ARI!" I turn around and he's holding his arms up kicking his legs. The last time he did that he was eight and didn't want me to go to school.

"What baby?"

"Play with me?" I sigh. He's still so fragile.

"Ok baby." I lay beside him and play for a few minutes until he yawns.

"Are you sleepy honey?" I ask as he nods rubbing his eyes.

"Can you wait til after dinner?" He shrugs and I sigh.

"Want me to get Larry?"


"Ok." I lean over and kiss his forehead. I walk out getting Larry's attention.

"What's up Ari. Is he ok?" He panics.

"Larry he's fine. He's just a little tired you should probably get him." He nods and walks off. Gah I hope dinner goes well.

Larry's POV:

I walk into Arielle's room seeing kitten curled up in the floor holding this old bunny toy slowly going to sleep.

"Hey baby." I say quietly having him sit up and reach for me. I pick him up and he keeps the bunny in his hand as he snuggles into my arms. I walk into the dining room seeing two empty chairs for me and kitten but he won't get out of my arms especially when he's tired. I sit down, Arielle scooting over so she can help with kitten if needed. Nie is on the other side of the table giving looks but we all just ignore her and begin our meal.

"You wanna eat pumpkin?" I ask kissing his forehead.

"There's a bunch of food here baby you gotta eat something."

"Ok." He whispers and I start getting things I know he'll eat. I get a good forkful bringing it up to him feeding him.

"Do you put him in diapers too?" Nie speaks and I roll my eyes as I see his grip on the bunny tightens.

"Eat baby." I say bringing up another forkful. I talk him into eating everything before I decide its time for him to go to bed.

"You can go put him in my room if you don't wanna leave yet." Ari whispers. I nod picking him up taking him into Ari's room.

"Sleep baby. I'll be in the living room. Nie isn't allowed in Ari's room so you should be safe ok?"

"S-stay?" He asks grabbing my hand.

"Until I fall asleep?" I nod, laying with him for a few minuted until he's out cold. I crawl out of bed and head into the living room after that. I sit near mami totally insecure about leaving my baby in the room by himself. I keep Nie in my eyesight but I just get angry knowing she made him cry. Out of fury I jump out of my seat and straight toward her but I'm stopped when Jasper gets in front of me pushing me back.

"What the fuck is your problem? Why would you treat him like that?" I yell fighting against Jasper. My eyes start to water. He's been through so much these past few days I just want him happy and now this. Jasper hugs me as I cry into his shoulder.

"I just want him happy." I whisper.

"I know." He says. Next voice I hear was Nie's and what she said didn't make sense.

"I don't like him Larry. He's useless. Its should have been you not him. He's a pathetic piece of shit who will be dangerous. He honestly shouldn't be here." My heart shattered when she says he shouldn't have been born. He's my entire life. I wouldn't know what to do without him.

"Why would you say that?" I whisper as Jasper holds me closer.

"Larry go sit back down." I shake my head.

"I'm gonna go lay with Lau." I walk off
heading to Ari's bedroom seeing kitten laying on his stomach. I come in laying beside him having him stir and look at me.

"Larry you ok?" I nod pulling him into me.

"I love you so much baby. So much."

"I love you too Larry." He says snuggling up to me. I kiss his forehead.

Arielle's POV:

I sit on the couch next to Jasper and him knowing my anger problems.

"So what you just said is you hate your baby brother and to prove it you pick on him and hurt him?"

"Yea." She says as if it isn't a problem. She goes to get up but I stop her, gripping her hair tight, punching her face with as much force as I could essentially knocking her to the ground. Everyone but mami stood up. I straddled her lap hitting her over and over until someone pulls me off. Little did I realize I had tears running down my face.

"You fucking say one more goddamm insult to him or touch him I'll have your ass you understand?!" She nods quickly as I head to my room walking in to see my twin babies tangled together sleeping peacefully. I feel a hand on my back.

"Precious aren't they?" Mami says.


"Ya know I tried to break them up. It was only until I saw how sad Lau looked without Larry it made me stop."

"Well at least you did. She's gonna be on the brink of death if she doesn't. Do you have an air mattress I think they outta stay here." Mami nodded. I walk over tucking them in making sure they were comfortable. I give them both a kiss.

"Goodnight my sweets." Mami came in with the mattress. I blew it up surprisingly not waking either up before getting into bed and going to sleep. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

I hope this ones good.
Love you😘😘😘

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