ch. 30

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Sorry for any mistakes!

Lau's POV:

I was scared. An evil smile flashed across his face. I really wish I could learn the differences quicker. When he's like this, he's a monster. He can be merciless.

"Aww my little baby is scared." He says placing his lips to my neck. He kisses up and down my neck as my senses took over making me move my head to give him room. His lips attach to my adams apple and he sucked.

"Uh daddy. Stop. " I say trying to pull away and get up but his grip on my ass tightened not allowing me to move.

"You're mine now. I say when you can leave."

"Please no." I didn't want to do anything he wanted. I knew it wasn't my Larry and that worried me.

"Come on let's have some fun." He picks me up and begins to carry me to the bedroom. My eyes grow wide.

"Oh no. Oh please no." He smacked my ass.


"Larry please I don't want to!" He pushed me against the wall just outside our room.

"Larry isn't here baby boy. It's Blaze and he likes to be called daddy. So get your shit straight or daddy will be pissed." I teared up. This is not what I wanted. He heads into the room literally throwing me on the bed climbing over me. I tried to push him away but it wasn't working.

"Get off of me! I don't want this get off!" I yelled trying to get him off but in response he back handed me. I cupped my cheek before crying.

"You trying to fight back is a real turn on." Oh how much I wanted to curl into a ball. I shoved and kicked as hard as I could I even wrapped my tail around his wrist to stop him from touching me but he pulled his arm back pulling my tail shooting pain through my tail and up my back giving him enough time to turn me on my stomach and pressing his knee into my back. He began pulling off his clothes and my fear was at an all time high. He was down to his underwear before he laid so we were chest to back.

"Ya know your body is just beautiful."

"Let me up please. I don't want to daddy." I whimpered.

"Too late baby. You messed with the bull and now you get the horn." He whispers thrusting against me. He gets off me locking the door and getting an old shirt and ripping it in half. I turn on my back watching him knowing I have no escape.

"Who said you could move?" He says his eyes turning almost black. I turn back over in a hurry. When he walks over he smacks my ass.

"You'll learn to listen." He ties my hands to our headboard with half the shirt.

"Oh daddy no I'll be good."

"To late my little kitten. You've done proved how bad you are." My heart crumbled. He thinks I'm bad.

"Open up." I open my mouth as he puts the other half of the shirt in my mouth grabbing my tail and tying it to the shirt in my mouth. He jerks down my pants and boxers.

"Your ass is so fat." I whimpered around my gag when he rubbed my ass. I was hoping maybe he'd just torture me til Larry came back but all thought of that went out the window when I felt cold gel on my hole. My next thought was my tear and how he was gonna make it so much worse. What if this side didn't know? I know it sounds crazy but Larry's two sides don't communicate. I started screaming through my gag.

"Shut the hell up!" He fusses but I didn't stop I pulled and screamed until a louder noise shot through me when he pushed fully in and not stopping. He hips pumped in and out harshly and I could feel myself rip. My muscles gave way and soon he was moving with ease. I cried as unbearable pain shot through every inch of my body. I couldn't do anything about it either. His hips moved faster and harder and soon my lower half went numb but my body still knew of what was happening. I grew very weak. After a few minutes I was on the verge of passing out when I felt his hips still and I knew he came. He pulled out and got off the bed laughing until I saw him collapse on the floor. Blaze wore out both our bodies. I managed to turn on my side and curl my legs into me noticing fresh and dried blood on them. I began to cry even more but I couldn't completely blame Larry. I allowed myself to sleep not sure who I would awaken too. 

Larry's POV:

I woke up on our bedroom floor. 'That's strange I was just in the living room telling kitten he couldn't go to the fair and then...Oh my god.' I jumped up from the floor noticing I was naked and had blood on me. My blood ran cold. I slowly turn to see my worst nightmare. Kitten was curled up on the bed blood dripping from his ass and soaking the bed sheets. I broke down. Not my beautiful baby. I slowly walk over unsure on if he was awake. I undid his wrist and then the one around his mouth watching as he curled more into himself. I stroked my hand down his tear streaked face as I tried to keep myself from sobbing loudly. As I made my way to his arm he made a pitiful attempt at talking.

" more." Right then I let out my cry and crouched down to his level.

"It's Larry kitten. It's really me." His eyes fluttered open and he smiled. Why would he smile I just hurt him!


"Yes baby." He slowly reached down and took my hand.

"C-can you clean me up?" He asked.

"Sure. You want a bath or shower?"

"Bath so you can hold me." I bit my lip. He still wants to be close? I nod picking him up noticing how his body trembled. I began the bath making sure it wasn't too hot while getting a washcloth to get some of the blood off so it wasn't a red bath. I hold him against me so we're chest to chest and slowly sit down but he screams as soon as his butt goes in the water sitting up on his knees biting his lip and tears fall down his face. His legs begin to shake and his hands dig into the flesh of my shoulders. Was I gonna He's feeling things worse than I could imagine. 

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry. Try again." He nods. He did this at least four times before finally settling in my lap resting his head under my chin. Right then I had to ask.

"Why aren't you angry at me?" I bite my lip expecting some awful answer like he's tricking me or you'll get yours.

"Because it wasn't my Larry...My Daddy that did this. It was Blaze he finally got all he wanted." I let out a huge sigh of anger. How was I weak enough to let him take over and hurt my precious little kitten! I rub his back.

"Baby turn around and give me your butt. I need to clean you so you don't get worse." He moves slowly presenting his ass and I was scared. I got a rag and some soap spreading him open watching at how the small movement cause blood to start to drip. I wiped a tear, gently moving across his hole to not cause a lot of pain as he winces and jerks. 

"I'm sorry baby. I truly am." I say pressing kisses to his spread cheeks. When I feel he's good and clean I take some water and rinse him off before scrubbing both of our legs. I get out grabbing some towels helping out my baby. I dry him off carrying him to the bed.

"Do you wanna see a doctor now or just wait until the appointment tomorrow?''

"We can just wait til tomorrow I'm exhausted." I nod getting him at least some boxers, getting me some shorts. I climb in bed with him as he snuggles into me.

"I promise I will make up for this until you tell me to stop.  I feel so bad baby. I just wish I could take it back or make all your pain disappear. I'm a horrible boyfriend and an even worse twin." I say crying. He sits on top of me wrapping my arms around his hips.

"Larry please just let it go. We can go to the doctor tomorrow and say we forgot and had rough sex. You don't gotta do anything daddy. I love you so much."

"But how? I made you bleed kitten. I'm not good for you."

"You're right, you're not." He makes me look at him.

"You're pefect." He smiles again laying on me.

"Now shhh I'm sleepy." I gently carress his butt.

"Then sleep my precious." I give him a forehead kiss dosing off. My last thought...I hope it doesn't happen again.

I hope you like.
Love you😚😚

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