24 days part 3

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In less than an hour I have wrecked Joe's life.

Joe's head fell into his hands and he cried silently until I got called to enter the room. He looked a wreck but still wheeled me into the small room. His eyes were puffy but he held my hand, gave me a watery smile and looked at the light.

I was put onto the plasticy hospital bed so the nurse could prod my leg while I hissed, screamed and fought back memories. He then proceed to say I needed an X ray and that I was now a priority pacient so could be wheeled on a bed if necessary after the scan.

My knee was different shades of black, blue, purple and red. The picture of the X ray showed a clear displacement of the knee cap and a crack in one of the bones along the joint area which was why it hurt so much and why I couldn't stand on it.

I was put in a cast and given a wheelchair. So much for helping. I ruined my own life and Joe's along with me.

They wanted to admit me overnight but I refused, saying Joe could take me back tomorrow.

"Oh, is he your boyfriend then? With permition from parents, he could stay too." A kind nurse was showing me to the room they wanted me in. I couldn't help but notice we were in the children's unit. In reply, Joe said to the nurse "we've been best friends since preschool and go everywhere together." She nodded in understanding and asked if we had a parental number. She called first my mum, then Joe's mum and got yes for both. Mum wished me good luck and Joe's mum hoped for a speady recovery. Neither mentioned the competition I now couldn't do.

While I tried to get settled Joe asked about electronics. The answer was provided it had headphones or was otherwise silent, phones, tablets and laptops were allowed. Visiting hours were between 5 and 7 and there was a maximum of 10 people in the room at once. All at once, I was checked into the room. Why??

Visiting hours arrive and an angry doctor ushers 8 people into the room. I was already in a stupid gown the hospital provided. To make me feel better, Joe put one on too which was nice and funny.
When they all arrived, how was trying to convince me how he didn't want to play football if it ment he couldn't look after me. I countered with how he made me play football and nearly made me a tomboy when I was younger.

"Lucy, apart from dancing, you are!" I raised an eyebrow, "your main friends and best friend are boys, you play outside, refuse most makeup, mainly wear my stuff." Reliseation dawned, "I may act like a tomboy, but no one calls me it," i replied, vemon laced in my voice, glaring at my all time best friend, "im sorry joe, it's what gramps use to call me, before he left." I smiled at him sadly, holding back tears. He apoligised - we hate fighting, its like part of you goes missing until you make up. After a while of quiet, he jumped at me and began tickiling me, making me snort (i dont laugh, i sound like a pig on a high). He laughed at my laugh, as he usually does and stopped.

We managed to contain our laughes into small fits of giggles which continued until the angry doctor shooed people in (I call him angry because he has perminantly angry eyebrows) and left, but not before he gave Joe a dirty look.

First came my mum who came hurried over to me, crushing me against her before dad, the second person following, pulled her off me. After a small hug from dad where his beard tickled my face, Linda and Joshua (Joe's parents) hugged me briefly before going over to question him on the gown. Then I got bombarded by our other 2 friends (Dan and Derek) who took turns high-fiveing me and Sapphire, Dan's girlfriend who overtime, got to be within our group and my first girly friend. Only just in the room, tucked into the doorway, was Sam Freeman, the one who was given Joe's position on the field when he didn't turn up. He was slightly sticky, showing he was sweaty from the match. Joe saw Sam at the same time I did. His eyes narrowed but Sam held up his hands in surrender.

"Hey mate, I only wanted to thank the girl who gave me a position on the footy team. We're working together better than you ever got them working. Oh didn't I mention? I'm captain too, so thanks... Linda wasn't it?" With that, he walked over to us, shook Joe's hand with his muscles bulging rather more fircely than necessary, slapped sapphire's ass and proceeded to saunter over to me. He lifted me off the bed where I had already swung my legs over to greet people and set me gently on my feet. He pulled me into a bear hug and whispered into my ear so almost no one could hear, "maybe I could take you out some time Linda," his voice stupidly husky.

"In your dreams, duck wad," I replied loudly, hopping onto his foot with the leg I could stand on.

"You so shouldn't have done that," Sam said in a deadly whisper. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine as his hand grazed down my neck. Joe shuffled closer but Sam couldn't see him. Instead Sam tightened his bear hug. From the outside, it probably looked like friends hugging slightly too tightly, like they don't know their own strength, but it was crushing me.

I tried to gasp for air but my windpipe was blocked slightly from his shoulder digging into it. As my face got more and more blue, the breaths became shallower until I couldn't force any air in or out of my lungs at all.

Joe's eyes bulged at the sight of me and he shouldered Sam away from me, catching me as Sam stepped away and I fell. I felt something hit the side of my head with tremendous force and i blanked slightly. Everyone was asking questions but the last words I heard before I lost consiousness were ones that would haunt me until they came true; Joe said "I'm going to kill him... or at least get him back." I guess we have enemies now. And there I was thinking I would be able to attend the All Englands still no chance of that now. With that unsettling thought, I fell into blackness.

Anyway, this capter isnt too bad hopefully to make up for it, ending is shabby though... can't call it a filler but I don't feel it's the best.
(Edit - so I kinda feel that was a slight over reaction but I was really annoyed that I could update but it was all ok *sighs and rethinks everything*)

Don't be a silent reader!!

L xxx

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