19 or 384 days part 1

10 2 1

Back to school, the frase all students fear most. Fudge cakes.
School? Sam? Maddie? Other judgemental individuals? Which would i fear the most? Which should I fear the most? Should I fear them at all? Should I go to school at all? Why are there so many questions?

I got into the car akwardly, but no more than usual in the passenger seat after handing Joe my cruches to put across the back seats. It was only 7.30, but collage started at 8.30 and we needed to get there early to sort out stuff with the classes we had missed and such.

School took half an hour to walk there but probably n hour and the current pace I go. Joe is constant and pacient but you can tell I slow him down. His eyes are on the road as I look at him, looking effortlessly hansome with his black skinny jeans and a maroon fall out boy top and his navy vans, his best friend bracelet on his wrist, my matching necklace on too. No wonder girls are always after him - then again, they end up going after the group. I should have remembered everyone looks at us before deciding on my outfit. I am wearing my black and white 'coffee is my saviour' t-shirt with my black skater skirt and leather belt. I had bangles adorning my wrists and my leather plaited necklace with my half of the charm. I had a little lip gloss on and some mascara.

Joe parked in one of the 5 disabled spots out the front of the school, as directed from my mum when we set off which she had prearranged with the head. There are currently 3 members of school our school, four now if you include me until further notice, who require these spaces.

I cambered out and hopped to the back door to grab my cruches. I had decided to use them instead of the chair and leave it in the nurses office. Although crushes are mildly uncomfortable, they also mean you can (sort of) walk, which is one step closer to dance.

We walked slowly into the building and headed towards reception. Sarah the reception lady is a kind hearted, genuinely lovely person who wishes to aid any student who needs it, no matter how rude, and barely ever shouts. She also always wears neon bright colours.

She smiled sympathetically at me, " how are you doing darlin'?", she asked, polite but genuine intrest in her tone,

"I'm ok thanks miss, we need just need to catch up on work." I replied, like the teachers pet I was.

She smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners, "ok love, I got folders with work in for both of you. I'm sorry, they are very large and heavy but there is similar work for both of you. Most of your classes are together and I've swapped some of Joe's classes to study halls for when you currently have PE so you can go together. I felt it was necessary seeing as this kind young gentlemen took time off with you" She continued in answer to our raised eyebrows.

People started to walk down the hall so Sarah left us. "Have a lovely day back, the teachers you have are informed if you guys don't attend it's most likely your leg, providing you check in with the nurse or the, within the hour, they will not count it a truency,  however, this does not count for any one else unfortunately. They will be counted as truency unless they have a solid reason. If you have any troubles, please contact a qualified member of staff to deal with the issue. And please Joe, Mr. Freeman is already in alot of trouble, need I say please try to avoid him, his group or his
shenanigans. You too Lucy." And with that, she trotted of down the corridor, her bright skirt swishing slightly with the movement of her hips.

We were at our lockers, 104 and 105, which were close to first lesson. In a matter of seconds, the hallway filled up. We stuck close to the lockets, Joe using his body to shield me from the worst of the sea of people. After a bit, Dan and Sapphire came over. Sapphire eyed me warily "you seen Sam or Maddie yet Luce?" She asked after Dan had complimented me on the fact I was moving.
"No," I replied, looking apprehensively down the corridor, looking for a signiture flash of skin or a black baseball cap, "I really just want to avoid them. This is gonna be a long day."

Just then Derek came bolting towards us, screaming "move", as people scrambled out the way. Fortunately, people guessed he was heading our way as we weren't thrown into lockers like other unlucky individuals. Derek raced to a comical stop in front of us but the crazed, protecting look he had in his eyes wiped the grins off our faces. They fell further when he turned to Joe and said the worst fraze I'd heard so far:"maddie's around the corner, requesting Lucy, and she's latched onto Sam's arm who's using his threatening manor to clear corridors!" He was practically screaming but I could barely hear it. My face had drained of colour as the end of the corridor began to clear. The sea of people dispersed rapidly except from Sam's or Maddie's cronies who followed behind. I followed Joe into the middle of the hallway. We moved in front of a classroom door where students started to crowd. 

It was big. Phones everywhere, Sam towering over us, I knew this wouldn't go well. Even in my condition, my first and for most thought was to protect my friends in any way I could. Joe took a protective stance in front of our small group and I stood next to him. His eyebrow raised slightly but I don't care. I srugged and he smiled a little. Dan was next to me, and I suddenly noticed we were in a v-shape, me at the center and formost point. On one side I have Dan and Sapphire and Joe and Derek on the other. Behind me I could feel the open stares of my classmates behind us and hear scattered whispers from them.

Sam advanced...

A/N - hi guys

So I hate this chapter don't know bout you its bad even as fillers go but still it's an update. Would you guys prefer Monday Thursday and Sunday update from now or Tuesday Friday possibly Sunday.

Comment what you think; don't be a silent reader

L xxx

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