Short and Sweet

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Lucy's PoV

As our lips collided, one million thoughts raced through my head. Emotions swarmed my brain and every part of me aches.

His warmth as he held me became almost too unbearable as the heat raised between us, his somehow warm hands caressing me. My skin flamed at his touch, even through the layers I had on.

And then his hands went beneath the clothes. His fingers were suddenly freezing as the rough pads caressed my waist and I shuddered.

Sam hesitantly pulled back, and I could feel and smell his minty breath, sharper through the cold. Inhaling deeply, I could smell cologne, a woody sent that captivated my nose. It probably looked a bit wierd and I ducked my head in hidden embarrassment.

And then, another memory.

All I saw was Sam's face before I blacked out. Morphed into something that would haunt my nightmares, his almost unreconiseable face was a distraction to the issue at hand.

But my head hit something hard behind me, and I could feel someone already moving my body as it got heavier.

Sam's expression never softened.

My eyes widened as I realised I'm still on Sam's lap. The image of his terrifing face was burnt into my mind, but I tried hard to forget about it and focus on him.

My cheeks inflamed, I shivered - even with his jacket on. I saw his goes bumps too and decided it was time to go. I didn't know where though.

"C - c - can we g - go please Sam, it rather co - old." My eyes were cast down again as I once again attempted to hide my embarrassment; I'm too dependent on other people.

Sam didn't seem to mind however, as he sighed gently before setting me back into the wheelchair. I was shivering badly by this point, and was scolding myself for not wrapping up warmer.

Being pushed down a hill didn't seem so bad, the path was a bit bumpy, but not enough for me to have been as worried as I was. I guess I am too dependent on other people.

Getting into his stalled car was difficult though. As much as I wanted to hoist myself up with my arms, my upper body strength was lacking. Sam got me into the seat, and as I dragged my legs into a comfortable position, Sam put my wheelchair in the back. I closed my side door as he hopped up, into the much bigger, much more comfortable land rover.

Music filled the car, blocking out any small talk we could of me. It gave me a chance to sort through all my new memories, and the ones just made, and the ones to come. Too much was going through my head.

We got to Sam's house, and he went past it. I didn't want to break the silence as I welcomed the noiseless surroundings. Deep in thought, I didn't even realise we were going towards what I'm guessing what was my house.

"Mum, I can't, I have to move! It's the end -hic - the end of my life." Sobbing, I rounded the corner of our home, where the picture of grandad was. But it shouldn't be there; it should be in my bedroom with the rest of them.

"I can't go to the funeral anymore, please just give me some time!" I couldn't eat, or drink, I wasn't sleeping, and the presence Joe gave only came as so much comfort. The funeral was in less then two days but I didn't want to go anymore. I couldn't go anymore.

"Calm down Lucy," as Joe came round the corner, mum put down the oven mitts and pulled me into an embrace. Nothing is quite like a mothers hug, but I needed something else - someone else, who just so happened to have died a month ago.

"But I can't Momma, I can't. He's gone and there's no magic to bring him back!" I didn't know if I wanted to scream or cry, maybe both.

All I knew is I missed him. Badly

I managed to avoid crying, but I felt like brittle glass - any little touch and I would snap, or even shatter completely. An awful feeling.

"Mom, I'm home." I walked through the door kicking off my shoes as Joe followed. As I srugged off my coat, he closed the door behind us. The sound of the pouring rain dimmed.
"Same here mum." Joe had moved next door last week and we were already best friends.

My gut was cramping. I had a bad feeling about the sudden surge of memories.

"My why would we have to move? I like it here. I don't want to go to England." I was scared of leaving my friends, of missing even one day of pre-school, of never seeing my family again.

"We've already moved lots of times. I don't want to." Arguments like this popped up every time we moved, and I always lost.

"Darling, we are moving for you. Your father is working very hard at the moment, and you haven't seen him in a while, so we though that the best thing to do would be to relocate and move in with him. We have some nice places we can go live in, and you don't need to worry. Next week is the last week before the summer holidays so we can move during them, for you." She kissed me on the head before whispering, "would you like gramps to come with you?"

I nodded, thankful she understood. Although I loved her, and my father, dearly, there was only one person I would ever move across the world with.

Tears streaming silently down my cheeks, Sam's hand grasped mine. Although I don't think he had noticed the waterfall on my face just yet, it was only a matter of time.

At least I sort of knew who they were. I would be able to sleep in the same house as them, as they were no longer strangers to me.

I was atually getting there.

A/N cries in a little corner while everyone up and leaves.... sorry guys. Kinks are being worked out, and this story will end in about 5 chapters! You have no idea how much this means to me.

I love you guys.



L xxx

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