Who is awake

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I slid down the wall with my head in my hands, silently praying it wasn't true but hating the fact that this was my current reality.

I screamed and sobbed, feeling my voice going as I did but I couldn't bring myself to stop. I hadn't seen lucy for a while and I may never see her again.

My screams suddenly cut out as a pain in my throat came. I silently screamed but tears stole down my face.

My eyes stung and I could feel my puffy face. I shouldn't be crying so much but in the past couple of days I had been more than the rest of my life.

I hated my weakness, but I guess it made me human. I dried my eyes impaciently as I heard footsteps coming down the corridor. Looking up I saw a pink crop top, toned stomach and booty shorts.  She looked down at me in distaste but also in embarassment. I looked at her face and realised why.

One of my flings was staring me in the face and I realised this may be the first time anyone but my friends had ever seen me cry. It made it all the more real for me and I swallowed deeply to avoid crying again.

She looked at me angrily before smirking and wiping part of a tear track off my face.

"Who is crying now? Maybe this loss will be what brings you to realise just how fucked up life can be. Maybe, just maybe, this was a good thing."

I looked at her in disbelief, my eyes probably going comically large as I realised she already knew - the funeral was on a Saturday and we hadn't gone to school much apart from Dan and Sapph (Sapph wanted to be valedictorian and Dan wasn't gonna let her face hell alone). I envied her- probably not giving a shit about anyone else.

So why was she in the hospital?

She stormed off as I was about to say something and I pushed myself up and off the wall.

I saw Lucy's mum lost running down the hall but just before she entered, looked at us. She sat us all back on the floor and I could only think of how week it must hurt her, let alone me. I felt ashamed.

"What happened?"

So we explained.

Joe's PoV

It was after visiting hours that Lucy was officially pronounced stable once again, but her eyes, to our knowledge, had never opened. I'm getting sick of these limiting hours but to make everything worse, Lucy's not allowed visitors for a week apart from her mum dad and any siblings. Although Paula offered to include me as a sibling, I refused profusely for my friends.

But waiting was killing me and killing me ment pacing which annoyed the others.

Turns out quadratic formulae is harder then it looks without Lucy, even though we did it last year.

Everything is harder without Lucy.

3rd person PoV

"Long story short, the hospital can no longer hold lucy within the walls. You have a couple of options now; turn off life support, take her home with the required information and equipment or we can attempt to awake her." Paula stood shell shocked as she heard the news but it had been expected - it had been a month since her wonderful daughter had been taken from them.

Maybe taken wasn't the right word - she wasn't dead, but close enough. Tears streamed continuously down her face as she imagined ways off telling her friends and family. The whole ordeal was getting too much, it didn't help that her husband had been more closed off then ever.

Lucy had become the glue for everyone, and that glue had gone.

When all that's left to do is fight, how long can you continue for?

Joe's PoV

Not ever, in my entire life of randomness, have I ever seen or thought about anyone being discharged from the hospital before they were in a fit condition.

Fuming. One word, fuming. This is disgusting. An absolute monstrosity.

Everyone is meeting at Lucy's home to discuss what will happen.

But then her mum got another call.

A/N okay, I'm really sorry guys I can't attually update regularly because I'm dealing with quite a lot at the moment. I love to write but I can't afford my emotions to get into this book that is attually beginning to take shape.

I love everyone who takes the time to read this, or any other of my books, regardless of the comments and votes. I'm sorry the updates are no longer regular - this should change back to normal by if not just after Christmas.

In saying that, this is the shortest chapter I've ever writen. In saying that, I got it up!!

I'm sorry guys,



L xxx

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