A shit tonne of nope

16 1 2

Joe's PoV

Once we got home I ran to my room and shut the curtains, blocking them so I wouldn't be tempted to look into her room.

I put on her play list,  a long list of songs, usually reserved for emergencies, that she really liked. I knew almost all of them, by heart. There were two versions: the upbeat one, and more sobre, sadder one I currently played.

The gentle melody of broken home by 5 sos filled my room as I was left alone with my thoughts.

I was a mess of emotions, curled up on my bed, hugging my knees to my chin, my arms wrapped around my legs, holding  me together as slow tears trickled out my eyes.

The song ended before I had realised. Lucy loves this soundtrack,  and has an identical CD and a play list of it at her house. The next was perfect by Emma blackery, a song she used to listen to all the time whenever we got home after a particularly evil day of school.

My mind wandered to the day I first met her as a personal favourite of mine, fix you by cold play, came on. I love this song because reminds me of her.

Tears streamed straight steadily down my cheeks as I heard another start; say something, the a capella version by pentatonix, her all time favourite band.

There was no escaping it, I've lost my best friend.

Sam's PoV (warning you now, there is semi sin in this)

I walked home alone, despite my parents best intrest to take me in step dad's van, but I needed to be alone. My waterproof headphones were on full blast, I played all the songs on one specific album, named L's last hope. She gave me a list of her favourite songs, nd another one of slow, sad songs she enjoyed.

You can guess which list I chose.

Thousand years came on as I thought about our different tastes in music - indie rock against pop and a capella. We were so different,  but it didn't stop me falling for her.

I guess it was to spite Cam to an extent, because he used to take so much of mine, I wanted to take something important to him, but I ended up falling for her.

Just like everyone else, though she was completely oblivious to us all.

I continued walking, teardrops ix in with the raindrops flying at my face, running down it in tracks that would surely be there tomorrow if I didn't wipe them off. I squinted fowards, seeing a shape running towards me, tottering slightly.

As she neared I realised it was the bitch who had hurt Lucy. She smirked at me, giggled in a stupidly unattractive way that she deemed appropriate for what she had just done.

"Hey babe," despite my best efforts to cross the road, we were on the pavement of a buzy road and being hurt by cars because of her, especially seeing what has happened, seemed pointless and dumb to even think off, so I tried to brush off her arm she seductively placed on my upper arm as she "inconspicuously" touched my muscles.

"Wanna come back to mine, I'll give you the time of your life." She whispered rather creepily, attempting and failing to seduce me. Against all odds I am feeling kind, not wanting to give my dad any reason to beat me today: he has her number and she abuses this fact regularly, blaming shit she's done on me to give me grief. I paused my - her - music.

I shivered inside, mentally vomiting as I replied with a short "no thanks", but continued in my head "bitch who deserves none of my time for what she did", finally managing to release myself of her clawed clutches. She looked hurt and I knew what I had said would be twisted and passed on but I didn't care - she does not appeal to me, even less so now then ever before despite me not believing that was ever going to be true.

You fuck girls for a couple of years to avoid being found out you have a crush on the schools main nerd and suddenly you're labeled as available for any desperate, needy bitch who can't hold a man. Nope, i don't do that shit.

She smiled at me, some what maliciously, placing her hand on my chest this time, openly feeling my abs as she replied to what was going to be a conversation ender: "but I got rid of that clingy bitch for you, I did you a huge favour, just breathing in her air any longer and even you're social status would have dropped considerably," She bit her lip, raking her hand up and down my chest, practically eye raping me as I felt her hands running across my hard earnt eight - pack, defined v-line and trying to trail lower.

For fucks sake woman, I said no and we're out in public; how desperate can you attually get? My hands wrapped quickly round her wrists, pulling them away from my crotch before my body demanded more.

She resisted slightly, lust filling her eyes and her lips met mine,  catching me off guard as she flattened against me, her boobs almost bouncing put of her low cut v-neck hot pink top as she pushed them up against my side. My mind was fuzzing slightly, it was getting too much.

She moulded her lips against mine, but to use an expression lucy uses, 'I was as still as Bella when Jacob kissed her', that is to say, I didn't kiss back. I also didn't pull away, which was dumb but the less shit I get in later, the less "dad" would hurt me.

I shivered slightly, thinking about how if she tells my father I'd be cut and thrown about. She took it the wrong way and dragged me to her house, a big building only 5 houses away, and tried to push me up the path using the fact I was distracted to use her cuffed hands to guide me.

I'd had enough, it's time to retaliate. I released my strong grip on her and went to walk off when a door flew open and a figure from my nightmares stepped into the covered porch.

"Oi! Where do you think you're going, son? Get you're ass in her room right now, you ungrateful faggot!" He shouted at me. I knew he would have thrown a few punches at me if Maddie was not there, the first good thing she's done.

My shoulders sagged as her eyes brightened, staring at my jeans. He becomed me over as she skipped up to her room.

"No funny business boy, ya hear me, you is gonna get laid! Now go up there and pleasure her well, or else." Venom laced his voice as he pushed me towards the stairs. I should have ran when I had the chance, and taken the inevitable beatings, instead of this madness.

I slowly climbed up the stairs that seemed to stretch on. Even so, they came to an end too soon. I knew by heart where her room was, dad has done this to me before.

I mentally prepared myself for the worst, and entered the room.

Maddie was laying across her pink double bed in a hot pink pair of lace matching VS bra and thong and I gulped, but not for the reason she would take it for.

I stepped into the room, closing the door.

It clicked, and pink walls surrounded us, thick perfume lingered in the air chocked me and the sight in front of me made me want to wash out my eyes with soapy water.

I walked towards her warily.

She tore my clothes off.

I waited for her demands.

A/N so that just took an odd turn. My gosh I'm sorry but it's going to clear up. On the whole, this is ment to represent how helpless some children can feel going against their parents, making them doing things that they would rather not. Just to be clear SAM DOES NOT WANT THIS.

Yeah, that's about it, apart from the fact this chapter isn't entirely edited so it may be taken down and rectified at some point.

Love you call,



L xxx

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