19 or 384 days part 3

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When I woke up all I saw was black. There were no lights in the room I was in. I fumbled around, sat up and then stood. My hand trailed across the walls and I knocked something over. Eventually I found the light switch. I blinked in the brightness and found myself in a janitorial cupboard. I had knocked over a mop and bucket. The water seeped under the locked door. I started banging my fists against it. I couldn't seem to find my voice or remember what happened.

Dan's PoV

I thought we were ready. I thought this wouldn't be a supprise to everyone. We are all seniors and we always joked Gem would be the first one to have a child. Maybe it was that no one thought the ones in AP subjects would be dumb enough to do it.

Anyway, turns out, I don't think we were quite prepared. No one warned us about stress induced contractions. Seriously, does anyone even know what the hell they are?

In the hospital, everyone was checked over in an A and E emergency ward, I guess to keep us all together. Gem was on a gurney, oxygen tank attached to her face and a heart monitor beeping at an unusually rapid pace. Her cuts were inspected nd bruised forehead inspected.

Joe was sat on a plastic bed while nurses checked him up. Ruby's head was bandaged lightly and her friend Jorden's shoulder was checked out.

All I know is I will be lost without Lucy. Especially Joe - no point denying any of it. There was a dull pain in my knuckles but I ignored it. Gems bed had curtains around it but everyone could hear the gasps and screams of pain.

Ruby's PoV

What the Fudge? Since when has Sapphire needed curtains in a hospital to be seen? She didn't get any more hurt than the rest of us but is screaming her head off. Dan is really beating himself up about it, you can see it in his face, his forehead crinkling with worry.

"It's not your fault Dan, I'm sure she's over reacting. " Dan's face fell even more. He knew something we didn't. I was going to find out. Luckily, Dan started talking.

"You know how Sapphire's birthday was a while back?" I nodded in acknowledgement nd replied "two months ago now,"
"6 weeks and 4 days ago" he responded in a monotone. He continued: "Being the stupid person I am, I accidentally forgot to get her a present. We spent the whole day together and..." he trailed off in embarrassment. I urged him to continue "She didn't go home." He mumbled.

I blushed furiously. "You slept with my sister?" I whispered, embarrassed for snooping. Then it hit me, "she's pregnant?"

Ok then. That explains alot.

Dayum...I'm gonna be an auntie. Are they ready for this?

Joe's PoV

Some people may say when you get taken to a hospital with a missing best friend and another close one screaming in pain in an enclosed space, you may be stuck. A bit lost. Disorientated. Emotionally scared. I dunno. All I know is I will be lost without Lucy. No point denying it.

Waiting to be allowed to see Sapph is infuriating. We are in the same room for fucks sake. All I know is she's in a considerable amount of pain or discomfort at least. Dan and Ruby know something the rest of us don't and they seem to be arguing about it.

I let my mind wonder. Of corse Luce was in my thoughts. I wondered who would be searching the school, and if the police will be involved. I wondered if it would be stupid, like when we were 5 and I locked her in a cupboard for 20 minuets because she had threatened to walk away from our game in the mud.

Suddenly she was in ma cupboard - there were enough around school. I wondered if she would have any major injuries apart from her leg. I wondered if they would have had the courage to give her back eventually, or the brains to give her the cruches. I wondered if they would treat her badly.

My brain hurts thinking about her.

Back in reality, Ruby and Dan were having a screaming match. Well, Ruby was screaming and Dan was trying to reason with her.

"Why would you do this to her, you guys aren't ready!"

"I'm sorry, it just happened, k"

"No it's not 'k' you did this to her!" The shock on Derek's face must have matched mine as we took in what they said.

"This would never have happened if you two had never met!" Dan looked like he had been slapped.

"Ruby, I'm sorry, I told her not to continue, that we could try again when we had jobs and a home and stuff but she didn't want to get rid of it." He seemed genuinely upset. Like he was about to cry.

Ruby just grunted, "curse her love of children."

Derek cut in, "Children? What do you mean by 'cursing it'?"

Ruby glared at him and replied "ask Dan" with obvious vemon laced into her voice.

Dan sighed. He opened his mouth to speak when lots of people entered the room. First was Sapphire's parents, who becomed to Dan and hurried into the curtains after giving Ruby a reassuring pat. Dan's mum was next, and his step - dad who, after checking he was ok, let him go into the curtains too. They sat down on some of the provided seats.

Lastly, mum and Pauline (Lucy's mum) came in arm in arm and hurried over to me. Pauline had wanted to make sure we were ok after hearing what happened from a teacher. The teachers had slipped outside to give us privacy earlier.

It was nauseating having to tell them what happened and even more so when Pauline started to cry. I continued though, all the way to the end, leaving out the screaming match at the hospital, before I began to cry. I enveloped Pauline in a bear hug, sort of like the hugs give to Lucy, to comfort her. I relised it was just as much for her as it was for me.

A/N - So I realise that no one is reading this which is kinda expected but disappoints me all the same seeing as I work really hard for you guys, Ily all anyway

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L xxx

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