18 or 383 days

11 2 0

I sat in my bed and thought. Joe was curled up alseep next to me like a puppy who had been lost and found. His work lines were still eched onto his face as I thought about what he'd been through. It was stupid for me not to have phoned him on Cam's phone at the accident, or even borrowed it before. They had taken me, even if it was just to show me something.

Speaking off, I never did find out where Cameron was taking me, I don't intend to speak to Sam. I'm visiting the hospital later if I can drag myself out of bed. Joe turned in his sleep and snorted slightly. I smiled at his peacefulness - he's had a long day. We've had a long day. My mind wandered and I found myself thinking about yesterday.


It took no time at all to phone the emergency services; I've learnt from past mistakes. My hands shook as I dialed and I had to hang up twice. I looked at the scene in front of me, trying to work out a way to explain it as I hit call.

"Hello, emergency services, please state which service you require,"
I coughed slightly and whispered, "ambulance please mam," my voice breaking as I studied the space in front of me.

"Let me put you through." I waited for a moment when a new voice went through the phone:

"Mam, you have called the ambulance service, how may we be of assistance?" A gravelly voice that seemed calming rang through the phone.

"I've narrowly missed a road accident and we need medics on..." I broke off, forgetting I didn't know where I was, "im sorry I'm not sure where I am."

"It's ok mam, I'll trace your phone. The ambulance is on your way. How many people look to be injured?" He asked careful and I briefly looked into the cars.

"5 in cars and one from a motorbike, sir. " he sucked in a sharp breath before sending two more out.

"I've keeping you on the phone until they get there. What's your name 'nd how old are you?" I felt like a five year old but nevertheless told him. I also gave him what I felt were important details to aid his knowledge of what had happened, even though my view was somewhat impared by the bandana, leaving it out and saying the wind bit at my eyes and uncovered skin. I thought he would be funny about the bike but he was oddly calm. I guess it was his job.

"My name's lucy and I'm 16 years old. I was on the back of a friends motorbike when we skidded and swerved sharply. During this my grip must have loosened on my friend because I was launched off the bike. I hit a tree but the helmet protected me from any lasting damage apart from a twinged knee. There was a massive crash and I looked up to see the bike in a cars windshield while he was about 30 yards away. Two cars collided with the car that stopped but the damage doesn't look too bad on one whereas the other has flipped."My voice broke and I stopped talking. He seemed to notice my pause as he said "thank you for sharing lucy. It must be hard for you but I'm sure your friend will be fine." I could hear sirens in the distance, rapidly becoming louder. They vans seemed around the corner and stopped. The driver of one stared for a moment before catapulting into action like the rest of them.

A police car raced around the corner and skidded to a stop near the ambulances and three policemen cambered out the car. Behind him was a fire truck.

Using the fire men's help, the medics were able to get the people out the flipped car. A pale woman with an ugly gash on the side of her hair was rescued first, followed by an unconscious young kid who was brused all over. Last out of that car, the driver was a woman in her twenties who crawled out with small help and stood in shock before directed into one ambulance with the other two. The doors closed, the lights continued flashing and off they went.

People from the second car slowly made their way out of the dented mess. Of all of them, they got the best off. The lady unclipped a crying baby from the back seat as man got out the drivers side and opened the back door. He pulled out a teenager who looked shaken beyond wits and a small child, older than the baby, probably about the same age as the other unconscious one. He was crying silently. The family were placed in an ambulance where the doctors checked them over. A policeman came over to me as I stood shell shocked.


e waived an impacient hand in front of my face and snapped his fingers. The remaining medics was rushed over to cam with a stretcher and lifted hum carefully onto it. They walked past and I bit back a horrified gasp.

Cameron outfit had been ripped to shreds and gashes covered his body. A purple bruse was already forming up one side of his body. One fist was clenched tight while on the the other hand the knuckles were red and swollen. A boot had flown off his foot. He gritted his teeth as they moved him towards the van. One eye was partially shut, green and swollen, a large, deep cut on his forehead above it. One of his leg stuck out at an angle, like a knee would but not at the joint. His noes was gushing blood and his lip was busted. He was a wreck. What had happened?


I hid my face in my pillow and tried to go back to sleep, only to wake up about ten minuets later without a warm presence beside me. Instead there was a note, written on a page from my butterfly stationary set I got from his mum last Christmas.

I didn't want to wake you up but I needed to go home for a bit. Please don't go anywhere, I was lost without you. My best friend went missing yesterday and I need to know if she's back. I will return later with your favourite movies and snacks to catch up. Cam's back, hu?

Yours truly
Joe ☺

it just made me feel bad. What have I done to deserve his friendship?

A/N more fricking cliff hangers but I'm not sorry

Ok maybe a little but there is more to come

Just quickly, I know it was ages ago, but the amazing @lilac_antelope23 made me two beautiful covers, and although I chose one of them, I felt bad for not showing you guys both of them, so here is the other one. If you haven't already got it, please go check out her most resent book; the kissing contract. Any other banners are greatly appreciated but there should be no obligations for anyone.  I love you all



L xxx

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