19 or 384 days part 2 ii

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Sapphire's PoV

I knew from the start we were screwed. In my condition, i would hinder rather than help. During the build up mini stretched inside me. I wanted to sit down but I couldn't. I wimpered as Dan shaked.

I saw my friends fall. I saw my boyfriend launch people across the hall. I saw 18 girls advance towards me, as well as two weedy guys. Josh and James I think their names are.

I felt mini move in me.

At least Ruby wasn't fighting.

Maddie moved towards me with her mini-maddie's. Her claws lashed out and I felt them graze my face even though I tried to move out the way. A graze. It stung a little but I pushed it aside.
A girl from gym, Jenny I think, high kicked, trying to hit my belly. My immediate response was to protect mini. I ducked the kick earning a knee in the forehead. Small lights danced across my vision but I stood my ground. Maybe not the best idea.

Mini pushed against my belly as I got hit. In true cat fight style, no one hit me in the chest. Only my arms and legs were effected. Well, and my face.

As mini pushed against my for the hardest time yet, a leg simultaneously kicked me in the back. Without thinking, I dropped to the floor in pain, holding my tummy.
Lucy and Sam were nowhere to be seen. Joe was still holding his balls on the floor. Derek was struggling to hold the wall back.

Dan rushed over as mini kicked out.

Ruby's PoV

When Maddie promised a fight earlier today, she wasn't kidding. As much as I wished for Sapphire not to be in the potential fight, of corse she was. It was understandable though, as she stood with her friends.

Until they dropped anyway.

Sapphire had told me when I first transfered here from America 3 things:

1) I was told to never mention we were related unless absolutely necessary - only her and my closest friends were allowed to know

2) I was NOT allowed to go near Maddie and her 'mini maddie's' -I didn't want to anyway

3) I was told not to get caught in drama or fights.

I really wanted to help my sister as she dropped. I wasn't able to. Fortunately, Dan rushed to her aid. I silently cheered the remaining non populars.

Derek's PoV

Watching Ruby's emotions battle across her face she wrestled helping Sapphire and keeping the secret was hard. It was clear to see she really wanted to help us but also didn't want to go against her sister.

Eventually she must have decided to help us because two of her friends and her came to aid me with the human shield. She's so cute and tiny I thought they were going to knock her over. She is two years younger then them/us I guess. To my amazement though, when they joined me, suddenly the class doors opened and people flocked to for a large circle around the thugs. Suddenly it was an much more fair (or unfair) with one against a potential maximum of three. Jocks and nerds alike helped us create the wall around them.

And Ruby started it.


Joe's PoV

So that hurt.

A lot.


Lucy's disappeared. Sapphire's on the floor holding her stomach and gasping behind a purple faced Dan who seemed furious at the fact he couldn't hit anyone in front of him.

He was just protecting his girl.

Derek had been joined by Ruby and some friends.

I was still on the floor. Some people had sniggered when I fell but it fucking hurt so I didn't care.

Students were everywhere. Teachers came running down the halls.

"Why he none of my students turned up to class?"

"What are you doing?!"

"Why are there students on the floor? "

"Look at the lockers!!"

"Why have pupils been knocked out?"

Five teachers stood at one end of the corridor. Shit. we're in deep shit.

One strolled down the corridor, oddly relaxed, yelling the names of the people within the circle. Reluctantly the circle dispersed and the bullies were lead away.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lee was rounding up anyone om the floor. Dan was sat on the floor, Sapph in his lap, still panting but he stayed clear of them.

It was Mrs. Jordan who went over to Sapph and Dan and attempted to help her up. She screamed in pain. What's happened there?

Mr. Duglass the caretaker went to check out the lockers and Miss. Jones came over to me,  a troubled look on her face.

"Joe, I'm sorry, Mr. Freeman was collected by his friend and they carried out Lucy. We were not aware until a student came en night through the halls shouting there was an abduction. The security cameras were checked but Sam and his friend took different cars and Lucy was seen in neither. There is currently a school wide search for her but it does not look good I'm afraid. There is nothing much more we can do."

I was fuming: "Nothing you u can do? I'm sorry miss but she's my best friend. I refuse to just sit here while you 'do all you can!' SHE'S MY BLOODY BESTFRIEND YOU COULD CALL THE POLICE, OR THE PARENTS OR ANYONE FOR GOSH SAKE PLEASE Miss you can't do this.. you... you can't.... God damm it he took my best friend." I started crying. It was probably stupid but you know.

Miss. Jones patted my back and called someone over.  I was escorted to the nurses office where various cuts and scratches I wasn't aware I had were checked out and inspected. I realised there was a dull ache in my shoulder but it was nothing compared to the ache of losing my best friend, litrally.

That hurt more than anything else. I heard sirens in the distance but I didnt know who they were coming for. Probably Sapph.

Me, Ruby, Sapphire, Dan, Derek and two teachers all came to the hospital; Sapphire on a gurney with Dan and Mrs. Jordan In an ambulance, Derek and I were in an ambulance car while Miss. Jones followed us in hers. The police were informed about Lucy.

A/N I'm  sorry this has no Lucy, and it's a bad filler but I promise it gets better eventually, even if atm it's just introducing characters.

Don't be a silent reader

L xxx

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