21 days

8 3 1

The monitor woke me up I think. The constant beeping. Or maybe the snores coming from the edge of the bed. I tried to look down but my neck wouldn't budge. Trying to rotate my whole body worked though so I turned sideways. Ignoring the dull pain in my neck and moving my hips so my knee stayed in the same position, I stared at Joe sleeping in a blue, plastic, probably uncomfortable chair by the side of the bed, curled up with his head lolling to the side away from me. There was a small camp bed on the other side of the room full of bags and get well soons gifts and cards. The bedside table was full too.

My head pounded, my neck throbbed painfully and my knee was heavy. I let my heavy body fall back on the bedsheets so I faced the celing - white squares that were spotless. I audibly gritted my teeth. Immediately, Joe kept to his feet as he stared at the door calling "who's there? Where are you Sam? "

I cleared my thought quietly.

"Not now L" Joe said with his back to me, still facing the door with his arms extended and hands in fists. I let it sink in briefly and rolled my eyes as he jumped and turned sheepishly towards me rubbing his neck. He wore a smile from ear to ear, a smile so wide it must have made his face hurt, a smile so wide it was more of a massive grin but it was ok because I was grinning like an idiot too. He walked up to the bed and gently held my hand.

"I've missed you L" was all he said, a single tear dripping down his cheek. I brushed it away gently with one hand,

"Well I've missed everything so I win," I replied, and his mood improving slightly as I childishly stuck my tounge out at him.

"Well not a lot really Luce, Sam got banned from this room obviously, everyone had to leave early so the doctors could help you on a stretcher bed to get you medicine, I smacked Sam what, must have been two days ago, Maddie started going out with Sam after I rejected her offer to get back together with her because she said I would have to go over to hers and stay for the night and relationships seemed unimportant at the time coz you were in a coma but she wouldn't listen and its been a long 3 days and you had two flatlimes and oh my god.." but I couldn't listen anymore.

There was a faint buzzing in my ears getting louder by the second and the heart beat monitor speed up rapidly while I hyperventilated but breath couldn't come and doctors ran into the room as Joe just stood like a lemon, frozen in terror. I stared at his face as the paramedics fed some medicine to me through an IV tube. Breathing deeply, I exhaled loudly, signaling for Joe to follow me. His breathing pattern was slower than mine so soon I was following his heart rate and the beeping slowed.

The medicine was making my eyelids drop but I needed to see Joe was ok. I must have spoken aloud as he replied "I'm fine Luce, and there's no way I'll go anywhere." I fell into medically induced darkness that managed to be restless all the same.

The next time I woke up I was surrounded by visitors. The whole football team (minus Sam for obvious reasons) in mud splattered kits crowded the seat next to the bed talking in hushed tones to Joe. I wasn't aware he was back on the team again, but then again I had missed 3 days of goss and when it was partially shared had to be drugged to fully calm down. Yea, I don't take news very well do I. Joe had questions thrown at him and I heard Dan and Derek trying to slow the questions. Eventually the team quietened down and Dan asked the questions one at a time so Joe had a chance to answer them:

"When did she wake up?"

"Bout three hors ago but panicked when I explained to her about the two heartbeat flat lining episodes and nearly had a third."

"Why do you think she woke up?"

"Honestly, it was probably my snoring coz I dozed off waiting for her mum to get back with coffee."

"When did you last get to sleep or nap at all?"

"Last proper sleep was easily the night before it happened, and I had  a 30 minuet power nap which was my first proper nap since Sam came."  My stomach flipped.

"Do you want your position back?"

"Guys, you have no idea how fridgeing bad I want to be your captain but I'd only let you down like Saturday and half of you got scouts returning for you so you gotta be at your best. In my current position, I'm otherwise occupied for a long while. I really appreciate the offer and I know you guys will be great without me. Stay out of trouble with Sam please though, he's my issue and doesn't have to be yours too."

"When is Lucy's mum coming?"

"I have no clue guys but I wanna be there when she gets up whether her mum is there or not."

"Have you heard from Maddie lately?"

"Yea, she's really happy with her new boyfriend and she feels he's the one."

"Ohh... Only one more: are you coming back to school anytime soon? rumors are your on a honeymoon together."

"Dan, that's gross, please just try to disperse the rumors if possible, send some closer friemds/accuantences here if she's up - I'll text you - don't let anyone from Sam or Maddie's crew spread shizz, keep it real dude. We'll be back soon hopefully even if they make Lucy have a chair."

The boys clomped out the room and I pretended to wake up. Yawning slightly and trying to stretch but it just caused stabbing pains to shot across my body. I wimpered and Joe hit the medicine button. Immediately I felt heavier but didn't drift off, I just couldn't move my body. Waves of pain and fatigue washed over me but I didn't get dragged under, I just kept hitting rocks and laying on pins.

A/N - double update coz I feel so bloody terrible about not giving you a chapter
Don't be a silenter reader

L xxx

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