Dear Lord, no

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Minions crowded round me, their yellowy-orange make up caked skin destroying the natural beauty everyone had but they would never show. Big, bright eyes priced through me as I cowered under their intimidating gazes. Their lips, a mix of light and dark, of glossy and matte, of plump and sparing mocked me loudly as I layed on the floor.

And then the first kick came.

I keeled over, clutching at my stomach as I coughed in pain. Someone pushed me onto my back while another two girls held me down. Everyone loomed over me, skyscrapers against the sky as I started helplessly upwards. Someone kicked my side and my body keeled in response.

I've given up trying to stop the abuse thrown my way, in stead taking it generously. They kicked my body again and again, making my ribs, arms, wrists, neck, head and abdomen ache, a numb pain spreading over my body as they continued to beat me ruthlessly.

I hate how I let them.

My immaculate dress was splattered with mud, my braided crown was falling and being yanked out, my makeup streaking down my face, my shoes beating my body as they brutally hit me with whatever they found. I'd lost my voice, the will to scream out for someone, anyone to come rescue me, but I held no hope.

And then someone remembered my knee. She kicked it, hard. I'm talking fototball player hard, and all at once the sound barrier broke and I screamed out in pain. The girls around me smiled, happy to be finally getting a reaction. The girls took turns kicking my knee and slapping me across the face, one even going as far as to punch me in the eye.

Eyes watering, I couldn't see what they were doing to my average body, but I guessed it would be black and blue by the time they let of. It seemed like hours but really it was only minuets that they had been kicking me when I heard something; a crack.

My body protested heartily as I screamed once more, an odd jiggling in chest - they had broken a rib.

They kept going.

I hated them, I hated the fact they did this, and everything else from before. I hated them for taking Cam away from me at moments we could have been taking before he changed, I hated how I was on the floor, a mess as they pounded me relentlessly. I hated them and I hated myself for letting it all happen.

More cracks could be heard, but only one person was now inflicting damage on my ruined body. Numb with screaming pain, I cried out again as a strong girl kicked my knee again. I felt the cast rip as she tore it of my leg and kicked out again. Another crack, another break. I knew they were cleaner breaks then some because of the clear sound.

Crack... Crack... Crack...

Bone after bone adding to the mind numbing pain, I marvelled over how I hadn't yet lost consiousness. I felt someone pull my leg and I screamed once again, almost a reflex now, even though I couldn't feel it. A sickening crack filled the air, louder and heavier than the others as all the pain flooded through the shallow dams I had tired to make and I screamed the loudest yet, a cry of pure terror, pain and suffering.

Then they disappeared.

Maddie stamped harshly on my chest, knocking the little breath I hadn't yet used screaming out as I gasped like a fish out of water, tears flowing freely down my cheeks as I felt something snap in my abdomen, both physical and emotional pain engulfed me when I realised my crush had ordered this madness.

I continued gasping, air not going through my lungs properly, my lung refusing to work, trying to give up. The female dogs ran off as I faintly heard footsteps pounding this way, two sets.

I closed my eyes, struggling to focus on anything,  let alone breathing. It seemed I had forgotten to breathe and now couldn't remember how.

And now I'm on the floor. I heard a loud gasp, a scream, sobs, laughter floating a long way away. I can hear gasps, mummers, cries, and a low beeping noise.

"Lucy?  Oh my god lucy, shi... what happened to you, what happened to her, it's all my fault! " a recongisable voice, Sam's, tore through the once peaceful landscape as loud sobs puntuales his broken voice, it cracked twice.

My nose streamed blood, my eye was swelling, my abdomen and chest area aching as I attempted to breath, my legs at odd angles, my arms still in the uncomfortable position I got pinned down in. I was a mess.

The babble was dying down slightly, crowds that have gathered must have been dispersing when I heard a blaring horn of an ambulance. Then another; Another. 

I tried to open my eyes, to stir, to speak, something,  anything to grab their attention and to make the roar of broken hearted sobbing to stop. Minuet conversations were dying down as I could feel yet more gazes on me, I would have squirmed if my body wasn't paralysed with pain.

I felt someone open an eye and saw blond and black hair together, mixing as Sam and Joe looked down at me apprehensively.

I felt my eyes leaking once more as tears trickled down the side of my face, into my matted hair. My head was carefully place on someone's lap as I continued to breath. Or so I thought. My breath was getting shallower than breathing during an asthma attack,  my body craving an inhaler as I tried to move again.

I could feel someone stroking my hair, and feel the tears on my cheeks of my own mixing with ones dropped from someone else, sobs lingered soulfully in the air as the blaring horns got louder.

Funerales are suppose to be a time of celebration for ones life, be it a close relative or a family friend, not a cause for ambulances.

Some would say I'm accident prone, but nothing this bad had happened before. I opened my eyes slowly, eyes watering at the sudden sunlight that was mostly blocked by two heads learning over, looking down at me. I tired to smile, only on making a small grimace as my breathing slowed further, ten faces now leaning over me: Sam,  Joe, mum, dad, Sapphire, Dan, Ruby, Derek, Sam's mum and Joe's dad. Everyone looked at me in alarm as I coughed feebly.

Sam, Joe and his dad helped me sit up, a low rattling coming from somewhere. I was hardly supprised to realise it was me.

I was leaning on Joe, not able to support my weight alone at all as everyone stared at me openly. I coughed again, having help to lift my hand to my mouth, drawing away to see blood on my hand.

Everyone gasped as I stopped breathing, but not for that reason. People held their breath as the paramedics came rushing over the hill, a stretcher and a large kit in thir hands. An oxygen mask and tank was on the stretcher, and my lungs ached to breath as I inhaled once more alone, slowly.

My head was pounding, my body numb and my mind wiring away. The paramedics loaded me on to the stretcher gently as they could, I still screamed. I closed my eyes, pictures of Joe and my mum crying burnt into my mind.

I felt a mask being place over my mouth and noes, forcing air painfully in and out. My body was unresponsive to me and them as the towed me away.

I blacked out, finally I stopped screaming.

A/N- and cliff!!

Here is a new chapter as promised, I'll try not to forget to post, but being in school at a time like this with GCSES upcoming, I'm not entirely sure how oftern I will post. What I do know is I enjoy reading, I enjoy writing and I enjoy comments, good or bad. I appreciate ever single one of you, silent viewers and commenters alike, and love the lot of yall ❤.



L xxx

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