19 or 384 days part 4

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My hands hurt, but I have to keep going. My head pounded at the same time my knee did, both of then throbbing painfully simultaneously, almost doubling the pain. My scratchy voice did nothing to improve the harsh noise I was making but no one seemed to hear me. My futile attempts to be freed were more than dumb but it was all I knew how to do. Eventually my mind gave up, the rhythmic banging of my hands against the door ceased, and I fell to the floor in dispar. A sob escaped my mouth, and I rocked myself to try and calm down. It wasn't like I was going to be trapped in here for very long. Chances are the the idiot had locked me in here to prove a point. By idiot I mean whoever put me in here.

The door suddenly clicked and I backed away. I wiped my streaming nose and watery eyes. Could this be my chance to be freed?

Impaciently I wiped my eyes with the back of my arm, waiting for someone to walk through.

I turned off the light and pushed myself into a more comfortable sitting position. He probably heard me crying but hopefully he doesn't know I knew what I was in. I blinked in the darkness.
The door opened a crack and light spilled in. I shielded my eyes partially to protect them from the sudden light and also to not attract unwanted suspicion from the person at the door. I looked at the navy Adidas trainers with three white stripes on them. The light turned on and I cringed away slightly.

After my eyes ajusted, I looked up.

The male figure in front of me was in black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt through which you could see his tonnes abs , chains around his belt and waist, black leather jacket on his arm and blue tinted Ray Banns hung on the collar of his shirt. Round his neck was a dog tag like chain with a single tag on it. His blond hair was slicked back in a quiff and had brown highlights in it, as well as a small section of blue in it. His large forehead gave way to a slightly crooked nose that must have been broken one too many times. His lips were a blush shade of pink that perfectly accented his tanned face and body, a smirk eched onto them. His eyes were deep blue, a colour similar yet so different to Sam's,  familiar yet unbelievably not so. In his hand was a phone that bleeped. He looked down and his finger tapped across the screen, the smirk vanishing momentarily before he replaced the facade.

The resemblance to Sam was there, but so we're the striking differences.

He looked down at me, "you're the scum that started all this? I should have known 'lovely little lucy' would have been at the center of all this." And Cameron Freeman pulled me to my feet.

I forgot about Cam.

"You had no right to do what you did, Luce. Sam gets what he wants these days, and he has a particular goal you are making rather hard to complete. " he smiled maliciously, strolling into the small room and shutting the door behind him. A small clicked confirmed I was trapped in a small room with my ex. What do I do now? "You also had no right to cry. Blotchy eyes won't improve your position now. "

A couple of years ago, Sam and Cam used to be comrades who sat at our table, talked and gossiped with us, went out with select people who they attually liked,  and were semi - decent human beings.

When their parents divorced however, Sam started to use girls to keep them off his mind and tuned into a player, before long everything esulated and he started sleeping with girls. Meanwhile, Cam distanced himself from everyone. While he would keep to him self more, due to Sam more and more girls began to come over to our table and eventually he just moved off.

Cam dumped me after 3 years saying he needed time to sort himself out. I wasn't aware he had dyed his hair, he moved out of town a couple of days after breaking up with me to live with his mum. While many girls from collage used to go after him, when Sam changed he was all but forgotten as he distanced himself from anyone and everyone.

The day Cam left, Sam was seen snogging 5 girls during collage and went to a party that night. Nobody questioned Cam's leaving and most didn't think about when he'd come back. Joe was the only one who comforted me through it all.

"Cameron?" I asked in i disbelief, shocked he was back in school.

His smirk returned as he replied, "So I'm not your precious Cam anymore?" He said the name mockingly, his tone supprisingly  light for someone who was talking to an ex, "I didn't think I would be after I left." His smirk faded. "I'm sorry for leaving you Luce, I really am." His eyes seemed sad but I knew better then to listen to his sob story. I let him go on:

"I had to move away with mum because dad fucking hated me," I cringed slightly at the word and he smiled, a genuine smile that used to melt my insides. Instead there were icy daggers twisting with every word that came from his lips, "I forgot you don't like people swearing, that hasn't changed. With mum, I went across the world, traveling, learning and forgetting lots of things. I learnt to hide my feelings from my evasive mother, forgetting how to look out for and after family. It hurt to stay with happy families and I ended up reinventing my image to hide behind. To be able to mask the pain I had to be someone else. I'm asking your forgiveness. I missed you so much." And although I said I wouldn't, I believed him.

Even worse, I forgave him. His smile lot up his face and I was enveloped in a bear hug. His lips pressed against my forehead.
I leant against him, having to keep weight off my knee.

A/N - Hello guys, I know the resent chapters have dragged on one day, but alot went on.

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L xxx

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